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Where do I start? Curriculum

Guest MotoMom110

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Guest MotoMom110

I am new to this.  My son is in 9th grade.  Does everyone buy a full curriculum?  I have been looking at different options for each subject.  I found some textbooks on EBAY, but no workbooks or lesson plans. Should I attempt to create my own tests?  I pretty much know which subjects we need, just trying to keep the costs under control.  The only subject I am having a hard time finding is English. I found a composition lesson, but it is only 6 lessons which will not constitute a full credit. Any help is wonderful!

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When you say you are new to this, are you new to home schooling or just the high school part?


Have your read Lori D's pinned post at the beginning of the forum? It is a great place to start.



I did not buy a full curriculum.  I loosely followed SWB's Well Trained Mind and suggestions here on this board.



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No, I don't think most of us on this board use "full curriculum" boxed sets but there is some really great full subject curriculum available.  Many here start with The Well Trained Mind book, do a lot of keyword searches (try title only and High School board only to narrow search returns) and ask lots of questions.  What subjects/courses are you wanting to do?  Also of help would be if you mentioned your particular world view (secular, christian, young earth).  What style of schooling are you thinking, school at home, classical, eclectic, student led/unschooling?  

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Guest MotoMom110

Thank you all for the replies.  My son and I are new with the homeschool experience.  My world view is Christian and we are schooling from home.  So far I have found a good bit of free curriculum from CurrClick, such as The Beginner's American History.  I also found Spanish 1 curriculum I liked from Easy Peasy All-In-One High School.  I also found a Composition Practice for 9th grade that has 6 lessons.  I will still need to find something to finish out the school year.  I am unsure of making my own quizzes and tests, but I cannot afford to buy these curriculum sets that come with the textbook and workbooks, unless I can find it for a decent price on Ebay.  

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 I cannot afford to buy these curriculum sets that come with the textbook and workbooks, unless I can find it for a decent price on Ebay.  


Be careful of eBay. In my curricula junkie days, I found that prices on eBay were almost always higher than I could find at Rainbow Resource or amazon.com used. I rarely even look on eBay anymore because I want unmarked books at a good price. I've had much better luck at amazon.


Regarding curriculum suggestions, have you looked at Great Courses?  Our libraries have a lot of the courses, so they're free, and they come with a guide that often includes a handful of questions for each lecture that you could use as quiz questions or essay prompts.  But, it doesn't give you answers.

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When you say that you need to keep costs under control, can you clarify a bit (regarding what your budget for books actually looks like)?


I'm not sure that it's a popular opinion, but I would really advise that any money you have to spend goes toward English and mathematics this year - it's your first year and I would strongly advise you get curricula for these two subjects, at least, that come with handholding for you (teacher/Mom) and teacher resources.


So far it sounds like you have history and foreign language. You will need English (composition/grammar/literature/vocabulary), math, history, science, and an elective, I believe. If you're doing american history this year, it may be a good year to also do government. I'm not sure what your state requirements are regarding electives, though. 


Do make sure that the history course you found on Currclick is a high school level course (I've never heard of it). 



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