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Sleepy teen problem solved (somewhat scary answer)


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I posted a while back about my teen daughter needing lots of sleep. Some days she seemed to do well and other days she was exhausted all of the time. A little over a week ago, I finally figured it out. I waited a week to see if things improved and they have. The solution was one that I never would have guessed. We recently had several doctor visits. She has celiac disease so had a yearly visit to her gastro. She told the gastro that when she had celiac reactions, her stomach cramps were really bad, so the doctor prescribed a new medicine for her to take during reactions. (It wasn't a pain medicine but an anti-spasm medicine with a side effect of making her drowsy). She was also diagnosed with adhd and started taking (daily) medication. One pill is teal blue, the other is turquoise blue. Side by side, you cannot tell a difference. Our medicine cabinet is a regular kitchen cabinet. I keep her medication in a cluster in the middle so she can find it easily. When she would sleepily walk to the cabinet to take her morning meds, she simply grabbed a bottle and took the blue pill. I watched her take her stomach medicine one day and asked if she felt all right and she said she did. Later that day, it occurred to me that she might be mixing them up. I took her adhd meds down and counted them. She should have had ten missing from the bottle but only four were gone. 


Since her stomach medicine is only for reactions (which are rare), I put that bottle on a separate shelf (after showing her how alike the two were). I'm still allowing her off-time in the afternoons for a nap but she hasn't needed it last week. I'm so glad to have figured this out and it's also taught me to take a critical look at medications to make sure that I don't have similar appearance ones clustered together. 

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See, I thought you were headed to 'some nights she gets up and texts for 3 hours'.  Not that I have personal experience with that.  Why do you ask?


To the OP:  SO GLAD you figured it out! Maybe even put a colorful rubber band around the daily meds bottle, just to be extra-sure.


To the poster I quoted:

haha, face-time here. Nothing creepier than waking up at 2am to get a Tums and hearing a young man's voice in your living room. (I have all girls.) :glare:

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