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Any experience with root canal failure? Hmm....


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I have an 11 year old crown & root canal on an upper molar.  I just had the crown replaced last week due to a bit of decay and still have the temporary on waiting for the permanent crown. 

I also have a LOT of sinus issues- tons of congestion, infections etc this time of year and realize that sinus congestion can make upper molars feel painful, slightly displaced and occasionally even throb just a bit.  I finished a round of antibiotics 3 weeks ago but the sinus infection is already back.  

Today when eating a hot dish at lunch I felt pain in that tooth- really sharp, breathtaking pain.  I'm feeling a lot of pressure, mild throbbing etc which is what a sinus infection usually makes it feel like- but I KNOW I should not have felt pain in that tooth.  Or sensitivity to heat.  

Does this mean the root canal has somehow failed? 

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My husband had a root canal about three years ago, and just last month he woke up in the middle of the night with an extreme tooth ache in that tooth.  (In hind site, he realizes that the pain was coming on gradually over a period of about 3 months, but the pain didn't become severe at all until that night.)  The pain was so terrible, he couldn't bear it for even a day.  We went to a dentist, who then sent us directly to an endodontist.  She could tell something was wonky with the root canal, so she re-did the whole thing.  (for a tune of $1400)  In the process, she could see that the very tip of one of the root canals hadn't been filled with the sealant properly the first time.  It must have just been in the tiniest microscopic area, but apparently it was enough for an infection to begin brewing.  It was infected at the very tip.


The pain left within hours after that second root canal.  Randomly, the pain became very intense again about 5 days later, and we were concerned that it was yet another problem.  On the sheet they sent home, they did say that a flair-up during the following week was a possibility, and within a day, the new pain started to go away again.  It got better and better every day after that, and within about 10 days it was completely gone. 


She did say that if the second root canal didn't work, it might be because of a hairline crack.  Fortunately, it seems the second root canal worked.

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No but ouch.   :grouphug:   I remember reading when I facing a root canal that some people can have an extra root or something.  It's like there's another canal. It's rare, but it happens.  Hope that's not the case and it's an easy, painless, cheap fix.   I'm sorry.  :(

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This is what happened to me but I didn't know what the problem was and my dentist couldn't find anythingnwrong nfinally went to endodontist and over past couple of years the infection has eaten away at bone. I will have tooth removed. Infection healed possible bone graft then implant. I assume if they had discovered it sooner I might not be facing so much dental work and they could have repaired the original root canal butt we will never know. Good luck.

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I just had an attempted root canal fail after I had a crown put in a couple of months ago. Basically I had an infection in the molar with the crown which did not clear after two weeks of treatment so now I need to have that molar out. I still haven't decided if I am going with local or sedation. None of those scenarios look good.

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Thank you so much for replies.....  It hasn't gotten worse today, but I'm still not very happy with it.   Maybe its just supersensitive?  

I think next week when I go back for the permanent crown I'm going to ask for another xray so they can be certain there isn't infection at the tip of the root and go from there.  I have had another molar extracted and bone grafting done....but this is a visible molar and I'd rather keep the tooth if at all possible- even if that means another root canal I guess.

As sad as it sounds, it makes me feel a little better that others suffer with major tooth issues as well.  

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