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PMS Migrane question?!?!

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I have been getting headaches on the first day of my period and today I realized that these might be low-grade migranes. My head throbs and I feel sick to my stomach. Aspirin doesn't seem to make them go away. I never used to experience this kind of PMS symtom, so I'm a little slow on cluing in that this is probably hormonal. What do you do to make them go away?

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I have been getting headaches on the first day of my period and today I realized that these might be low-grade migranes. My head throbs and I feel sick to my stomach. Aspirin doesn't seem to make them go away. I never used to experience this kind of PMS symtom, so I'm a little slow on cluing in that this is probably hormonal. What do you do to make them go away?


My mom (used to) and my sister does get cycle-related migraines. Before they get worse, I would see your doctor. If nothing else, you have the headaches documented should they get worse. One thing that might helpf for now, when you feel the headache coming on, try something like Execdrin Migraine - it's a combination of caffeine and pain killers that can sometimes ward off these headaches.

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I get mine during ovulation. For me, 800mg of ibuprofin is the only thing that works. Mine are actually worse at night, even though I'm light sensitive, so I make sure I time it so I can take some before bed. Another big thing is NOT TO WAIT--take something as soon as you feel it coming on. It's way more difficult to "break" when you're in the middle of it.



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Have you read the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause? by Dr. John Lee ?


He recommends natural progesterone cream, a bio identical hormone, to help will symptoms related to PMS, including migraine headaches.


My doctor also recommends a magnesium supplement; I take a fairly strong dose which requires a prescription, but there is a product called Natural Calm made by Peter Gillingham that you can obtain from a health food store or a store like Whole Foods which may help as well.

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Pure cocoa powder (not a mix) and ginger root help reduce mine, although some get migraines from chocolate. Not much I've tried helps the pain if it's bad. Once in a while I'll take something, but it's always better to catch it at the start. Since I get the classic migraine most of the time, I can take something when my eyes go wacko if it's going to be a humdinger (the more severe the eye thing, the stronger the pain--I don't really think of it as a aura.)

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Pure cocoa powder (not a mix) and ginger root help reduce mine, although some get migraines from chocolate. Not much I've tried helps the pain if it's bad. Once in a while I'll take something, but it's always better to catch it at the start. Since I get the classic migraine most of the time, I can take something when my eyes go wacko if it's going to be a humdinger (the more severe the eye thing, the stronger the pain--I don't really think of it as a aura.)


I've had it with aura ONCE. I'll never forget it. Weirdest thing ever. You'd know.

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I've had it with aura ONCE. I'll never forget it. Weirdest thing ever. You'd know.


I've been calling it my "eye thing" since I was 10 even though medically it is called an aura; but I didn't hear the term aura until years later. It's changed over the years, but for years it was just blank spots in my vision similar to when you stare at a bright light and look away, but different and many of them. I didn't get squiggly colours, etc, until I was well over 30. But when I think of auras I think of psychics who read auras, which I heard of before the term for that premigraine thing--some of them draw auras with colours and they are totally different than what you get before a migraine. For some reason I haven't shaken that connection.

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I've been calling it my "eye thing" since I was 10 even though medically it is called an aura; but I didn't hear the term aura until years later. It's changed over the years, but for years it was just blank spots in my vision similar to when you stare at a bright light and look away, but different and many of them. I didn't get squiggly colours, etc, until I was well over 30. But when I think of auras I think of psychics who read auras, which I heard of before the term for that premigraine thing--some of them draw auras with colours and they are totally different than what you get before a migraine. For some reason I haven't shaken that connection.


Ahhh. Got it. I usually just get the floaters and some kind of weird eye stuff. I thought that was your "eye thing". One time I got the aura and, wow, so weird. I was also over 30 before I had it.

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Ahhh. Got it. I usually just get the floaters and some kind of weird eye stuff. I thought that was your "eye thing". One time I got the aura and, wow, so weird. I was also over 30 before I had it.


Interesting. I do think that weird eye stuff is supposed to be an aura, too, if it precedes a migraine. I was only 11 when I was diagnosed by my MD with a classic migraine, so that shiny clear patchy stuff counted. I am very happy to say that I no longer "lose my lunch" with migraines, and except for one of my pregnancies, haven't since I was a teen.

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I'm so sorry Mindy! I was getting hormonal migraines at one point. The doctor recommended cutting back on carbohydrates. They did go away. Dd14b used to get them right before her period too. Magnesium suppliments helped her some. Now, when she feels it coming on she drinks a Coke and takes lots of advil before heading to bed. Getting to sleep before it hits is the only thing that really helps her.

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