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Exercise check in 9/13

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Is there REALLY no thread for today??? Please direct me if there is, but I searched and searched and searched!


It has been a hectic week for me on top of a head cold and Aunt Flo visiting. Two of my runs this week didn't happen! :glare:


I did get out and run on Thursday and did 3 miles and then I did 4.8 miles today. My feet are feeling very tired, my bunions are hurting, and it seems like my cold is coming back! Aaah! I hate it when I feel lousy! I wish I could be one of these moms who can go rest and let the house go into chaos, but I'm not very laid back. :tongue_smilie:


How is everyone doing? I'm totally out of it keeping up with you all this week! Sorry!

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Great job on the 4.8 mi. run! I sure hope that icky cold goes away. :grouphug:


I did 45min. of Pilates today! :D I've managed to exercise 4 days this week, after taking a 3 month break from exercising over the summer. I know, I'm bad. :tongue_smilie:


That's great Sleepy! Glad you're getting back into your routine!:)

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Great job on the 4.8 mi. run! I sure hope that icky cold goes away. :grouphug:


I did 45min. of Pilates today! :D I've managed to exercise 4 days this week, after taking a 3 month break from exercising over the summer. I know, I'm bad. :tongue_smilie:


Go, Sleepy! Go, Sleepy! Its your birthday!:tongue_smilie:

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I'm Very Pregnant and my sciatica is killing me because of the bushes I planted yesterday...but I raked some leaves, scrubbed the bathrooms, and trimmed the hedges along our 100'+ drive. That count? :-)


hmmmm, lemme see... think004.gif YES! That counts! :D


Hope you're feeling better tomorrow. :001_smile:

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Will this count for exercise? I spent about 40 minutes doing really heaving duty cleaning and vacuuming that involved moving about 35 chairs up and down on tables, getting on my hands and knees to pick up small rubber bands and lots of broken pieces of plastic. I worked up a pretty big sweat, anyway.


I am our Sunday School Director at our church. We also have a school that meets in our building. I was there today doing things for tomorrow and went to take roll books to the classrooms. One was left in a total disaster, as you can tell from what I had to do above. I tried to contact the person from the school that is responsible for making sure they leave things ready for Sunday, but I didn't get them before it had to be done.


I'm thinking about asking the Pastor if I can turn in an invoice to them as a "cleaning fee". LOL! Get a workout and get paid at the same time. Good combination!

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