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One of the most awful moments of my life...

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My friend came to our apartment last night to help me clean for our Baptism today. She brought her 5 children ages 12, 11, 9, 7, and 5.


I had repeatedly told the 5yo and my daughter not to play in my bedroom, so finally I locked the door and told them to play in her room. Later, I heard the 5 yo ask her mother if she could go out to the car to get something for her baby doll. Her mother said "No, we're leaving as soon as I finish this up."


So the first moment mom turns around, the 5yo takes my 2yo out the door. I live in an apartment complex community with 11 buildings and over 400 units. They mistakenly went out the back door and got all the way down the road that wraps around the back of my building to another building. We looked everywhere, I called and called for them. DH spotted them and went bounding through the field, to find them, with their purses and no shoes, on their merry little way, to get the baby doll things from the wrong parking lot.


Anyone could have run them over, it was dark and raining. If DH had not seen them, we may not have found them in time. Who knows what else could have happened.


My dd has never ever wandered out alone, not she would not normally do something like this, but I guess that she thought it was ok because the 5yo was doing it. I think I was shaking for about an hour afterwards. I wanted to hug her and at the same time spank her, it was just truly awful.

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I think I was shaking for about an hour afterwards. I wanted to hug her and at the same time spank her, it was just truly awful.





How incredibly awful for you and glad dh saw them. This happened to me once and it is utterly terrifying. glad are all safely back in your care.


(enjoy the baptism!)

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How horrifying. I'm glad they were safely recovered.


I had my 3yo and 2 visiting 4 yos wander down our city street when one of the dad's was supposed to be watching them. I was so grateful that our neighbour spotted them and brought them back before dad even knew they were gone. I used to be a bit cranky about her nosiness but that cured me.

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I wanted to hug her and at the same time spank her, it was just truly awful.

I don't have anything against spanking, but I really think that a 2 year old just doesn't know better in a situation like that...especially when it's just your family, and you're diligent about not letting her go out by herself, she probably just didn't know better.


But, because kids that age are learning how to open doors, I keep doors locked or at least child-proofed (like those plastic knobs that go over the door knob that have to be gripped just-so). My almost-5-yo dd doesn't know how to open those yet.

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For different reasons, I have felt the same sickening feeling more than once. Our children grew up on a farm which was surrounded on three sides by water and which housed an in ground, unfenced, swimming pool. Our oldest was "responsible" (poor kid has been saddled with that being the oldest) and rarely wandered, but our youngest was a renegade. There were more times than I care to remember that she decided to toddle away from me on that 10 acres leaving me terrified that I'd find her in the water somewhere. I have invoked angels many times! :)


I'm so glad they were both okay, and I hope you are able to get some much needed rest tonight.

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