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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Re-do a report, do a different report for the feds, write a one-page write-up, kids are with MIL bless her forever and ever and I think any god would take her to heaven for giving me Thursday afternoons even if she's not religious, because what is religion but that, and also writing an e-mail, doing another load of laundry, my night for dinner and I'm thinking salmon.

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Good morning!  I got up early so I could get some work done, but so far I'm not doing so good with that ....


Today is a deadline for some things, but it should not be difficult to meet it.  However, I have a very big deadline coming up on the 20th, so I need to be in pretty high gear now.


The kids are off school today and tomorrow.  I have plenty of work for them to do, and I hope they cooperate so I can focus on my work.


The list:

  • Work.
  • Stretches and stuff.  [stretched at TKD]
  • Kids' work.  Math, reading, phonics, social studies, piano, band practice, maybe more.  [done, except for the music.]
  • Return damaged furniture via UPS to Amazon.  [done, now here's hoping it gets there in time so they don't reverse my refund]
  • Call dentist about possibly adjusting the kids' bill.
  • Pay some personal bills.  [done]
  • Register for an educational hike on Sunday.
  • Practice TKD form.  [done]
  • Prepare and mail some tax returns for work.  [done]
  • Put away the laundry and some other stuff.
  • Family TKD 5:45-6:30.  [done]
  • Library program 7pm.  [done]
  • More kids' work.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work.
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Good morning
- dishes- going in dishwasher
- call in dh's meds- done
- study for HESI (well look at conversion chart and Roman numerals)- made note cards because I'm sure they will be useful later as well :) Besides writing things down helps me to remember them.
- laundry- in dryer
- tidy house- round 1 done
- put dd2's seat in dh's truck when he gets here- have it out of my car, done
- gather dd1's soccer stuff and put in bag- done and by door, water bottle in fridge
- go take HESI- done got an 87.6% (need an 80% to pass/be considered for the program) I have the record of the shortest time to take the test (80 minutes, you have 5 hours)
- return library books- done
- return dh's pants and get a different size- done and exchanged a sweatshirt I bought for dd2 for a different size
- dd1 soccer practice (if back in time)- practice was canceled
- stop at Walmart for a few things- done
- dinner- done
- help dd1 with any school work- done
- baths
- bedtime routine
- school work
- anything else I get done- cleaned out my car

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Hi Jean!  I have to do Target today as well.  


Today is school(kids still sleeping now), trash/recycle/compost out of my house, Target run for household supplies and DS a darth vader mask(??), Staples for printer ink, Petco for spoiling the hamster with treats.  Oh, the grocery store if I feel up for it.  DH is going out to a movie tonight, so I am not real motivated to go alone or with the kids.  We can eat what is in the pantry....

This is my only day with no activities but alas, the shopping must happen.  

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Well, I was doing pretty good today as far as productivity.  I got a lot done, met my 10/15 deadlines, and made it to the post office, UPS store, TKD, and library program on time.  I was stressed out all day, but I was feeling like I accomplished stuff and looked forward to a lower-stress evening.


Then the boss calls from halfway around the world (while I'm away from my phone), upset that I wasn't still cranking away at my computer all evening and freaking out about what a client's request might mean.  (It turns out the client question is a complete non-issue, which I learned after I got home to look it up.)


As usual, I am getting a guilt trip for doing anything that isn't work, and being told I must stop this.  Ugh.


I am still cranking away at something that ought to have been done yesterday.  I could make excuses, but honestly I should have had it done.  It would have saved me a lot of grief.  :/


I wish I was one of those people who are the same every day, doing a nice steady 8-12 hours of work and always having something to show for a day's work.


Or, failing that, I wish I could retire.  :/  Oh well, dream over, back to reality now.  ;)

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