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Facebook friend request ?


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No, and I blocked the ex that requested. However, that was also a really toxic relationship, woth someone who may not be clinically narcissistic, but had many of the traits. I don't need him in my life, even on FB.

There were a couple of people, though not old flames, that I blocked right off the bat in the same process of setting up my fb account.

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Yes, I do. I'm FB friends with former boyfriends, crushes, and platonic opposite-sex friends - 1/3 of my friends list is male. Same goes for DH and his exes. It has never been an issue in any way.


But I'd feel no obligation to friend someone if I didn't feel comfortable with it for any reason. There's one boyfriend that I'm not sure I'd friend. He wasn't a bad guy in any way - we just dated for such a short time that I can't see any reason to get back in touch. 

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I would if anyone sent me a request but I'm "unsearchable" so it has never come up.  Dh had a few exes that friended him and I was good with it until they started making noises about how great of a boyfriend he was, how good he looked, when was he going to be in their area :huh: ...... He reminded each of them he was happily married but obviously didn't use the right words :glare: .  He finally had to unfriend a couple of them that didn't get the hint (seriously, it got bad.... some girls have no sense or boundaries).  So, yeah I'd accept but make sure if he starts getting nostalgic he knows that you've moved on, and be willing to unfriend if he gets inappropriate. 



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I am FB friends with some and I slept with them, but I have no desire to start anything with any of them. I did some brief catch-up messaging with them when we friended and have had no contact since. I am only active on FB in closed groups with my close friends, so I knew it wouldn't get weird. There is only one I wouldn't want to friend, and the rest are a pleasant memory that have no bearing on my life now. It's good to hear from them and see where they are in life, but that's it.


Edited to say that I didn't discuss it with my dh because he'd probably be baffled that I asked. He doesn't care about my past.

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I'm FB friends with a couple ex-boyfriends.  My husband knows.  They are happily married as well.  In both cases, however, he and I were friends long before we dated so I am happy to see they are doing well in life and raising kids and all.  There are other exes I don't even care to know what happened to.

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