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What would be a good course to DE as a 9th grader?

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Depends on what she needs and has the prerequisites for, and what her area of strength is. For the first course, you don't want anything too terribly difficult.

My DD's first college courses were Physics in 9th grade and French 2 in 10th.

Beginning foreign language is good because they all start without assumption of prior knowledge.

Or a random elective; those tend to be light.


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A  conceptual science class (less likely to be crowded in some CCs, these don't need lab skills)

A foreign language

An elective like art or music

A class in student's strength area if not the same as above 3

A prerequisite class

A communications/ debate class or a more basic programming class if student is interested in something like that

Some people I know use online CC classes to ease in a little into the workload.


Good luck!


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Sometimes (emphasis on sometimes), you can walk in on first day of class if you really want that class (emphasis on really) and get an add code from the instructor. One of kiddo's classes was like that. He was midway on the waitlist or something like that and a number of registered students didn't turn up so kiddo managed to get in that way.

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I will make one suggestion- if you do a music class, avoid a non-major music appreciation class. These tend to be heavy on stuff that will keep young adults awake, and the association of music with sex and drugs didn't start with rock and roll! Music reading classes or music history/literature classes that are designed for music majors are likely to be a better fit for a younger student. Also, be aware-music history classes are often writing intensive and can involve a lot of time spent in the listening lab, especially if a student doesn't have a strong foundation in the area of music or time period covered by the class.


Music reading or introductory music theory for a kid with a strong background in theory are very good first DE classes, and will likely be what I encourage my DD to start with.

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avoid a non-major music appreciation class. 


Interesting! Topics must vary widely between schools.  DD took music appreciation as one of her first dual enrollment courses and she didn't run into any of these issues.  She did have to listen to a lot of music pieces from different time periods and had to attend at least 3 community music events and write a short summary paper for each.  


DD's very first dual enrollment course was called "College Success" and covered how to study, career choices, how to use the tutoring center and the testing center, etc.  I think a similar course would be a great start for many students.

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Ditto on areas of strength - you want it to be a good experience.


Also, think about your (or your co-op's) weaknesses: What have you been struggling to teach her at her level?


Also, think about timeliness: If she needs X to get into important class Y, make sure you figure out the course offering timing: I let DD do Drawing I instead of French I her first quarter at DE. Both of these classes were available second quarter, so it seemed OK to wait on French. Well, French III is only offered 3rd (spring) quarter, so she has French I and French II in winter and spring quarters of 11th, and then 2 quarters with no foreign language in 12th before she can take French III this spring. We really needed to be looking further down the road in our planning.

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DD's very first dual enrollment course was called "College Success" and covered how to study, career choices, how to use the tutoring center and the testing center, etc.  I think a similar course would be a great start for many students.

:iagree: We are advised by more experienced hs moms to start dc in either The College Experience or a class that is a strength.


The College Experience:

This course is designed to strengthen skills essential to success in college, with further applications to post-college plans. Included are study and test-taking strategies; effective interpersonal skills; time management techniques; creative and critical thinking skills; college services and resources; educational policies, procedures, regulations and terminology; and library resources, research strategies, and information skills for online, blended, and traditional learning environments.
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My DD is starting with English Comp 1.  We were planning on a foreign language, but the classes that were still open didn't fit into our schedule.  In the end, I think it was a better choice to start with English anyways as DD has no oral note taking practice and now she can at least understand the teacher as she learns how.

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