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Nine Months and Counting...


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No, I'm not counting down to a baby (I think that might be more exciting, actually).  That's our timeline for heading back stateside.


In the next month, my oldest two children should get their braces off, we are going to Caserta Palace on 9/6 (that's the Theed Palace on the Planet Naboo for all of you Star Wars Fans), I have four fundraising events, and one major catering event, and one homeschooling mom's retreat (plus homeschooling, swimming and scouts).


Projects I need to complete in September:  My cooking magazines/recipes entered, and all of the school supplies and craft supplies organized/cleaned out.  For my husband?  He needs to clean out all of his tools.


I can't believe it's nearly time to leave.  Nine months ago, we thought we'd been given a 2 1/2 year reprieve before we had to go.  Turns out, if DH wants to remain employed, we need to get our family back to DC...so that we can then move to Norfolk.


Wish me luck!

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I'm confused and I think I may have missed parts of the saga.

We moved here Oct 2013. We lived in a hotel for 7 months (two house rentals fell through), late September 2014, we were told to plan on returning stateside in January/February 2015 due to reorganization issues. They changed their minds, and put someone else in the position. Told us we wouldn't need to move until 2018. June 2015, they update timetable again to January 2017. July, dh has conversation that went something like this... jobs will be available for you during the move. But if you aren't stateside to take the opening, we can't guarantee you will have one later (we came here with return rights, but they have already begun eliminating dh's entire job series, changing the job series numbers, essentially eliminating dh's job he was guaranteed to return to). Due to schooling issues, and housing, and not wanting to live apart for up to 9 months during all of this mess, we are going home early (hopefully 17 May to 10 June). We will be living with my parents during our transition (selling our home in N. VA and buying/moving into a different place in Norfolk). We are hoping dh gets a promotion, to make up for the 20% pay cut from the move to Norfolk.



That's the short version. :)

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