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Ohio Graduation Process - law question

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For those of you who have graduated a student in Ohio (homeschool), what is the procedure?  I've looked on HSLDA and don't see instructions.  If my daughter, who turns 18 in a few weeks, graduates before next fall (2016), when we'd report again, how do I notify the Superintendent's office of her graduation? Do I just send a letter stating she has graduated or do I wait until time to submit my assessment for the year?


I'm curious.  I'm preparing to send her assessment for last year and my NOI.  If she graduates in a month or two (depending if she finishes what she is currently studying), will I have to have another assessment done just on those two months?  If I was certain she would complete the remainder of her work I'd graduate her now, but I don't want her to feel rushed.  She may decide to just work on some other courses throughout the year anyway.  Just trying to cover all my bases.


Thanks for any input.  Btw, I'm new to Ohio.  My others graduated in Florida.

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Well, truth be told, I didn't do anything. Once they were done, I just stopped sending anything in. In fact, since the purpose of the NOI is to be excused from compulsory attendance, once my youngest turned 16 I quit doing anything. They have all gone on to college and graduated so it worked out fine for us.

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For those of you who have graduated a student in Ohio (homeschool), what is the procedure?  I've looked on HSLDA and don't see instructions.  If my daughter, who turns 18 in a few weeks, graduates before next fall (2016), when we'd report again, how do I notify the Superintendent's office of her graduation? Do I just send a letter stating she has graduated or do I wait until time to submit my assessment for the year?


I'm curious.  I'm preparing to send her assessment for last year and my NOI.  If she graduates in a month or two (depending if she finishes what she is currently studying), will I have to have another assessment done just on those two months?  If I was certain she would complete the remainder of her work I'd graduate her now, but I don't want her to feel rushed.  She may decide to just work on some other courses throughout the year anyway.  Just trying to cover all my bases.


Thanks for any input.  Btw, I'm new to Ohio.  My others graduated in Florida.


What kind of instructions were you looking for? Once your dd turns 18, she is no longer compulsory school age, and you aren't required to contact the superintendent's office every again. Even if she doesn't finish her schoolwork at home, she is still not compulsory school age and you don't have to submit an assessment.


Personally, I would graduate an 18yo.

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I think the issue here is that I am sending in the NOI now.  I suppose that I am trying to decide whether to even include her in the NOI.  She doesn't turn 18 until Sept 7.  School starts here on August 25, which is about twelve months from last year's NOI.  There's not too much of an overlap.  I could send a notice now that she is graduated.  They are required to be registered until 18 or until graduated.  The instructions that I am seeking, I believe, are about the process if graduating before 18.  Makes sense that I don't need to notify them of her graduation after 18.


I know that I'm confusing.  I blame the weather-induced migraine today.


Thanks for helping.


Edited to add: I could add her to the NOI and just let that be that, right?  Then no worries.  I've never been concerned with the laws elsewhere. I think what is throwing me is that there's been so much - a lot - of issues in Ohio lately.  So many people are having problems with superintendents asking for more than what is required and hassling folks.  I went through that 28 years ago when our county in Florida required psych evaluations above the law.  Just not in the mood to deal with ignorant school officials at the moment.

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I don’t have a high school graduate, but you’d have less paperwork if you graduated her before August 25th.  If you did so, you would include a sentence in your NOI stating that the 2014-15 school year is the last year you are submitting an assessment for her because she graduated on x date.   


Otherwise, since she will not be 18 until September, you should include her in your NOI.  You could indicate in the letter and on her plan of study that graduation is anticipated in the fall.  When she does graduate, I would send a letter to the superintendent giving notification of graduation and an assessment.  I would do this partially as protection.  While legally an assessment is not required for an 18 year old, she will not have been 18 for the entire school year.  The school district could request an assessment for the few weeks she was 17.  Sending the graduation notice would also give a sense of closure.


You do have the option of having the superintendent sign a parent-issued diploma.  If you take that option, there will be no questions from the school district regarding her status.

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Compulsory school age in Ohio is 6 to 18. If she turns 18 before September 30th, you will *not* have to put her on your NOI.  The date school starts in your district does not affect date for compulsory age.  If your dd is going to be 18, you won't have to do anything.  You can give her a parent issued diploma when she's done.


Please do NOT send a NOI or an assessment or a notice of graduation!  As you said, Ohio homeschoolers have been having a very hard time this year with school districts asking for more than required by law. When you send them stuff that isn't required, they start demanding it of everyone because "those other homeschoolers sent it to us".

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Compulsory school age in Ohio is 6 to 18. If she turns 18 before September 30th, you will *not* have to put her on your NOI.  The date school starts in your district does not affect date for compulsory age.  If your dd is going to be 18, you won't have to do anything.  You can give her a parent issued diploma when she's done.


Please do NOT send a NOI or an assessment or a notice of graduation!  As you said, Ohio homeschoolers have been having a very hard time this year with school districts asking for more than required by law. When you send them stuff that isn't required, they start demanding it of everyone because "those other homeschoolers sent it to us".

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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Compulsory school age in Ohio is 6 to 18. If she turns 18 before September 30th, you will *not* have to put her on your NOI.  The date school starts in your district does not affect date for compulsory age.  If your dd is going to be 18, you won't have to do anything.  You can give her a parent issued diploma when she's done.


Please do NOT send a NOI or an assessment or a notice of graduation!  As you said, Ohio homeschoolers have been having a very hard time this year with school districts asking for more than required by law. When you send them stuff that isn't required, they start demanding it of everyone because "those other homeschoolers sent it to us".


Thank you.  I'll leave her off the NOI and leave it at that. I appreciate your input. 

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