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Would this upset you or am I being cranky?

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We took our computer in to be serviced back in July. About 8-9 days later they called to tell us that the computer had been fixed, however, it was severely damaged during shipping (they had sent it to another state). The tech told me I could either pick it up as is (severely damaged) or that they could send it back to be fixed. I opted to have the computer sent back and the tech told me it would take about a week.


Well, fast forward to today -- they still have our computer! I've been calling 2 times each week to check on the status and they keep telling me the same thing: they're waiting for a part to arrive from the manufacturer. They never have any updates for me. Today when I was talking to the tech I was a little upset. I told him that I realize this was not their store's fault but I was tired of waiting for my computer. Honestly, I think they lost my computer and they're trying to stall until they can find it. They won't give me the phone # to the place where they sent it so I'm kind of at their mercy.


Any suggestions on how to handle this?

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Wow. I would start going up the chain of command on this one. I would push for a replacement.


:iagree: It was damaged on their watch and they should pay for it to be replaced, especially as they can't get it fixed in a timely manner. I can't believe that giving you the damaged computer was even an option in their minds!

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I can't believe that giving you the damaged computer was even an option in their minds!


The tech seemed mildly surprised that I didn't want to pick it up as is. He actually said, "The computer works just fine, ma'am, it's just banged up on the outside."


We bought this computer in May. There was no way that I was going to accept a damaged computer!

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Thanks, everyone!


I am going to talk to DH and ask him to either give them a call or go in with me.


Remember, be firm, polite, firm, and more firm. Keep repeating, 'this is not acceptable.'


Do as Remudamom recommended to me...dab a little rum behind your ears before you go in. It'll scare 'em a bit to think a pirate lady is after them. ;)


Polite, persistant, FIRM

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Did you buy it with a credit card??


We bought our son a laptop for graduation this past June. It really turned out to be be unacceptable to us for many many reasons, but Gateway didn't want to take it back..just take it back for repairs. So we agreed to that, but they coulnd't duplicate the problem and sent it back to us.

I finally called American Express and they got our full amount refunded..as of today.

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Did you buy it with a credit card??


We bought our son a laptop for graduation this past June. It really turned out to be be unacceptable to us for many many reasons, but Gateway didn't want to take it back..just take it back for repairs. So we agreed to that, but they coulnd't duplicate the problem and sent it back to us.

I finally called American Express and they got our full amount refunded..as of today.


Unfortunately, we paid via debit card. I'm glad to hear that everything worked out well for you!

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