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So, When Are You Going to Let Them Go?

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One of my son's DOCTORS said to me, in front of him, "Well you ARE putting him into a proper high school, or at least joining an umbrella to tell you what to do, aren't you? There is no way you are qualified to teach high school, and then he'll never accomplish anything."


Needless to say, I answered him all right. Then I fired him. We're looking elsewhere to cover that medical issue. He was clearly not qualified to interact appropriately with us.

Our doctor is the opposite. He has young kids in school, but knows other homeschoolers. I happened to schedule the kids' well check ups during Spring Break week. The weather was terrible. He greeted us with, "you are doing school this week and waiting for nicer weather take off for Spring Break, aren't you?"

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One of my son's DOCTORS said to me, in front of him, "Well you ARE putting him into a proper high school, or at least joining an umbrella to tell you what to do, aren't you? There is no way you are qualified to teach high school, and then he'll never accomplish anything."


Needless to say, I answered him all right. Then I fired him. We're looking elsewhere to cover that medical issue. He was clearly not qualified to interact appropriately with us.

Our doctor's family homeschools! It makes such a difference - he gets it. He is such a valuable resource for me. I'm so thankful... in your situation, I'd be looking for a new one too.


Not to mention that a family doctor is apparently one of the best resources if you are accused of something parenting related/have a Children's Aid custody issue and for that you need your doctor on your side. I hope you find a good one soon!

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Sadly I have met one too many who can't wait for school to start, who tell me they don't know how I do it...there's no way they could be with their kids for so long...it truly breaks my heart.


As far as the op...yeah, already getting some of that. Always respond I'll hs as long as God wants me to :)

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I think if someone asked me the question in the title, I'd deadpan, "Thursday." ;)


I have had people - not those closest to me, more like acquaintance level - ask me about whether I plan to homeschool high school.  I just say, "Well, right now the plan is to homeschool all the way through.  I don't actually have to decide today, but if I did, that would be the choice.  I do recognize that plans can change."  If pressed, I generally just fall back on the fact that I've taught AP courses in two subject areas at a traditional school, so high school actually feels much more like my comfort zone than early elementary.  I don't think my credentials are required for a parent to homeschool high school, but I know that they'll quiet the people who are asking these questions.


Generally, homeschooling is very accepted in my area, so I don't encounter a lot of this sort of thing.  Our pediatrician has been not just accepting, but clearly supportive of our decision to homeschool.  Family members and close friends can see that we're making the choices we believe are best for our kids, and that we are regularly reviewing what works, what doesn't, how can we do this better, etc.  I think if we slacked off on that front (keeping the kids' best interests in mind), there are family members who would call us on it, but barring that, they respect that we're parenting our kids.

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our dentist is pretty vocal about how important middle school is to kids and how I am ruining mine by homeschooling.  And I am a horrible mom for not putting fluoride on their teeth either.  But the homeschooling is worse than skipping fluoride.  I dread seeing him every time.  I remember middle school.  It wasn't good on any side you look at it.  Even all these years later. 

PM me and I'll tell you what dentists we use.  We've never had any flack from them.  

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I do the "year  by year" thing but since ds is now 18, I think they've figured out that it has worked out for us to homeschool high school.  I am also very good at the vague smile and a "mm-hmm" when someone I don't know well is trying to overstep boundaries.  It doesn't answer them, of course, but most people are not willing to push the issue.  

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Our doctor's family homeschools! It makes such a difference - he gets it. He is such a valuable resource for me. I'm so thankful... in your situation, I'd be looking for a new one too.


Not to mention that a family doctor is apparently one of the best resources if you are accused of something parenting related/have a Children's Aid custody issue and for that you need your doctor on your side. I hope you find a good one soon!


Thankfully our family doc is fabulous!  This was one of his specialists :P

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I have a kiddo who got a full ride to the state flagship and another starting community college this fall at 16.... it doesn't do a lot to alleviate homeschool comments oddly. Truthfully, most people are not genuinely interested in hearing your response, they are more interested in giving you theirs. Try to weigh which person you're talking to so you don't frustrate yourself.


At this point I would say, "We will make that decision when we get there certainly." Then honestly? I'd ask them a question about them and deflect. ;) Now if a person has a GENUINE interest in discussing homeschooling through high school I'd LOVE to have that conversation but that is incredibly rare.

This was certainly my experience all the way through.... 


Anyway - we always said we were taking it year by year, and that starting in 8th grade the kids could decide if they wanted to go back.  I got constant 'shocked' looks about my younger DS staying homeschooled all the way through high school...

Now, though, they can't say much, lol.  The DS homeschooled through high school is starting college a year early and is actually a semester ahead of his brother already in college credits, lol....

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