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Thank You SWB and WTM Staff

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I just wanted to say thank you to SWB and the WTM staff for their Online Conference Series.


I signed up for several classes and I have completed two of them so far. I've learned so much and have really enjoyed the opportunity to have some educator training. I really hope that this series has been popular enough so that this might be hosted again next year. All of my classes were professionally maintained by the speakers/presenters and the staff who managed them.


Thank you so much!!!



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Thanks to the Well Trained Mind Academy for sponsoring the conference. Homeschool teacher training for middle school--maybe for any level, but I really feel it as the girls get older, and I need to get better-- is not easy to find. The sessions I have attended so far have been excellent - both inspirational and very nuts-and-bolts practical. I feel empowered to put aside the scripted language arts and to tailor-make history, literature and writing programs for my students based on their actual interests. (Ironically both are interested in following the history cycle: my 8th grader wants modern history and literature and my 6th grader wants medieval :001_smile: ).  I found SWB's Beyond Elementary especially helpful. For the first time, when I think of the possibility of homeschooling high school, I feel a burst of enthusiasm rather than creeping dread. Thank you!

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Agreed! I continue to think about some of the points Richard Rusczyk made, and I feel like I finally see the big picture of writing after SWB's writing course. Looking forward to more next year. 


(And, as a presenter, I have to say that the behind-the-scenes support was excellent. Thank you, John and Diane!)  



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Yes, it was/is fantastic!  Bocky has covered most of my thoughts already.  Because I am in Australia, I have used the recordings of each session.  Susan's series on homeschooling real children was wonderful - exactly what I needed, and given with honesty and humility.  I'm in the middle of listening to Andrew Kern's writing series ATM.  Again, really useful, and great to be able to relisten, print out slides, etc. i am pleasantly surprised by how generous each speaker has been with information.  Australia has no homeschool conventions, so this has been a great opportunity for me, just at the time when I needed support.  Thank you Susan, et al!


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Yes, it was/is fantastic!  Bocky has covered most of my thoughts already.  Because I am in Australia, I have used the recordings of each session.  Susan's series on homeschooling real children was wonderful - exactly what I needed, and given with honesty and humility.  I'm in the middle of listening to Andrew Kern's writing series ATM.  Again, really useful, and great to be able to relisten, print out slides, etc. i am pleasantly surprised by how generous each speaker has been with information.  Australia has no homeschool conventions, so this has been a great opportunity for me, just at the time when I needed support.  Thank you Susan, et al!



One of my chosen sessions was the Classical Writing session given by A. Kern. I would love to know how you can print the slides. He moved very quickly but I love how he gave me a great big picture of how the Lost Tools of Writing and Classical Writing works. :)

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I hope it runs again next year, I'm counting on it! We are in the middle of moving this year with sketchy internet so I had to pass...


I'm so jealous. That Kern lecture sounds like exactly what I need. *sigh*

Can I buy a transcript?!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes! A huge thank you to all of the presenters, SWB and the WTM staff. Every session I attended was amazing. I am a firm believer in teacher training and refining my craft. This series allowed me to really hone in on areas I wanted to focus on this summer, at my leisure. I have been able to fan the flames of continued education throughout the summer, rather than getting a weekend jolt that dissipates as the realities of life creep back in. I love how there was wide range of offerings both free and for the bargain price of $20/series. Seriously, of all my educational purchases this year, the WTM Conference was probably the best. 


Kate, your talk on conceptual math was great. :001_smile:   

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Ahhh! I'm so late to the party! 


Can anyone recommend specific sessions that just really should not be missed? I'm sure they're all really wonderful ... 

I think a lot depends on the areas you are needing inspiration or hoping to expand your knowledge in. 


Kate's "Conceptual Math" was a great break down of what conceptual math is and some how to examples. (and free!)


SWB's "This Isn't As Easy As I Thought" was so authentic, real and honest. She hit on some areas I really think homeschool parents need to dialogue about and be aware of. 


Both of Julie Bogart's series were amazing. I have never really been into the whole Bravewriter concept, but wow, Julie is passionate about creating a homeschool lifestyle and model that is real and attainable. I came away with some real gems to carry me into the next year from her presentations. 


"Homeschooling the Ramona Quimby" (I can see your board photo in my head, but can't remember your name) was filled with practical advice and a nice place to exhale about your more child. (free!) I thought this talk tied in very nicely to SWB's last talk in the above named series. 


I only caught part of Richard Ryczek's talk, but plan on finishing it. The part I caught was great. I am looking forward to the rest. 


Elizabeth's talk on phonics is also one I need to finish listening to. Filled with practical, usable info to teach phonics=great.


I think those are all of the ones I have heard. I may have a few more waiting for me to get to them, and I will! Some of them were perfect for listening to and digesting while I walked and some really benefitted from seeing the slides and taking notes. 


I would love to hear other sessions people found inspiring!

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The highlights for me were SWB's sessions and Julie Bogart's sessions.  Two homeschool gurus I really respect, and who consistently "bring it" when they speak. It's funny, because their products are so different, but they are really coming from a similar place philosophically, I think, if you drill down through the materials and method. They are both interested in producing kids who are literate, articulate, engaged, and prepared to be a part of the Great Conversation.  The fact that they articulate different paths about how to get there is actually encouraging, and freeing.  And they are both really good about telling it like it is! So many times they'll say "You know when you think X" or "when your kid does X" and I'll think, Yes!  I do know! That exact thing has happened here!  It makes you feel sane, and that you aren't going through this thing alone!

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