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Playing chicken with the A/C


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I'm just looking for a little commiseration. Today was supposed to be close to 90 with high humidity, so I was going to turn the air on earlier before a storm came through bringing some nice cool air with it. I was so excited that the cold front was coming through early! But now the sun is back out and it's back in the 80s with a heat index of 90. It's supposed to storm again in a couple hours and really cool down, so it seems wasteful to turn the air on for that little bit. But I'm almost 20 weeks along and feeling hot and puffy from the humidity.


Thanks for letting me whine. I'm going to get all the salad fixings ready for dinner and go lay under a fan until DH and kids get home from the playground.

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I hear ya. I am 29 weeks and didn't realize how hot and stuffy it had become until I had to move away from the fan to get dressed for a meeting. Oy, I was pretty grumpy by the time I walked out the door and grateful my van has a/c.


Unfortunately DH has friends coming by and staying the night -- we do not have a/c downstairs where they will be sleeping and these storms are just increasing the humidity without dropping the temp. I worry they're going to have a miserable night and warned that could happen when the idea was suggested.

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We've had an unusually cool summer so far. If the heat was going to last I wouldn't hesitate to put the AC on, but after the cool front comes through tonight, we're only supposed to get up to the low 70s the rest of the week. It's raining again, so I think the heat is breaking.

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Pregnancy deserves Air Conditioning!!!!  When pregnant, the A/C wins this game of chicken.  When you aren't pregnant, then you can win the game of chicken.  


You are only pregnant  for a short time in life, and better use the excuses while you have it!




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I would sell plasma before I would skip a/c in July while pregnant. But then, I live in Atlanta, where we consider not turning on the a/c in July to be crazy talk.

.Haha, we don't have the a/c on here in the same area. We just let it cycle once before bed on the really humid nights and use windows and fans mostly. Even when I gave birth at the end of June one year. But then again, we aren't considered fully sane.
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Oh, honey. I had two winter babies and then a fall one, and then I had a July baby. We don't have central AC, so I was blasting the window units. Our bedroom one is directly blowing on me, and it was such a lifesaver during that summer pregnancy. My poor DH would smother himself in blankets, while I'd complain that it was still hot, LOL! I swore I wouldn't do another summer pregnancy, yeah, right. Baby number five is an August baby. You have my sympathies. Turn on the AC!

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