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SAT question

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Does it matter how many times a student takes the SAT? This past SAT date was the 2nd test for my dd. While her math and writing scores went up, her reading went down which doesn't make a whole lot of sense to us. Will it look bad to take it a 3rd time? Will colleges know how many times a student takes the test?

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She took the June 6th test? I doubt any school will look askance at a student's retaking it after that debacle. With such a significant chunk of the test's being thrown out, I doubt that those scores are terribly reliable anyway. So regardless of how it would normally be perceived to take the test again, I think you get a pass for this one.

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I doubt any school will look askance at a student's retaking it after that debacle. With such a significant chunk of the test's being thrown out, I doubt that those scores are terribly reliable anyway.


What happened with the SAT?  Ds will take PSAT in the fall, but won't take the SAT until the next year.  Just wondering.

Hot Lava Mama

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We had one boy in our coop take it three times.  He took it the third time because if he could gain five more total points it meant an extra couple of thousand a year in scholarship money.  It was totally worth it to him to do it and the college didn't have a problem with it. He did get the extra five points third time around. Extra $8,000 in scholarship money over four years.

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What happened with the SAT? Ds will take PSAT in the fall, but won't take the SAT until the next year. Just wondering.

Hot Lava Mama

They had timing issues due to mistakes in the instructions. Some sections were thrown out of the grading. The June 6 exam was done result wise with fewer questions.

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One of the colleges we are applying to want to see all their scores and they will combine the highest score for each section of the test.


If on test one Reading = 600   Math = 650  Writing = 550


Test two = Reading 640 Math = 620  Writing = 600


Combined score Reading = 640  Math = 650  Writing 600


It is at the descrection of each college.

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