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DE price changes

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This will only affect a small portion of boardies who live very near my location, but all of us can rejoice when life becomes easier for some of us!


Last night, while at a local homeschooling presentation on high school & college, our local CC rep was one of the speakers.  She said this CC (HACC) has recently LOWERED their rates for DE students since it was brought to their attention that high schoolers can't get financial aid.  It's now down to $100 per credit hour ($300 for a 3 hour course).


That doesn't match areas where it's free or really cheap, but those of us who paid almost $250 per credit hour ($750 per 3 hour course) are a wee bit jealous - and very happy - for the rest of you.


If you thought DE was outside of affordability, it might have just gotten a little bit better.


It's always better when educational options become more affordable.

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Wow, that's great.  


In my state, tuition is set by a central office that is over all of the community colleges.  It varies from college-to-college, but it has to be approved by the chancellor, and a lot of policy is set at that level.  The former president of the local one told me several years ago that he lobbied for a reduction in dual enrollment tuition because he didn't think that it was fair, but that the chancellor and his advisors studied it and said no.  If it had gone through, it would have been state-wide. It's something that probably should be brought up again though.


We pay just about $460 for a 3-credit class, at the neighboring one, it is $520.    

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That's nice to hear.  Sorry it was too late for  you to take advantage of!


Our CC doesn't reduce costs for DE but kids in public high school can go free if the course is not offered at their school and it's approved by... counselor?  Someone in authority in the school/district.


My daughter started DE taking art.  I thought about registering her at the high school and trying to jump through their hoops to get the DE paid for while continuing to homeschool her other subjects, but realized that they offered a drawing class at the high school, so they wouldn't have approved it anyway.   At that point it was easier just to get her started at the CC.  We're at about $150/credit. 


ETA:  I did a little searching and don't see anything about lower cost for dual enrollment.

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It's the same cost here for ps and hs students except if the ps kids take "College in the High School."  Those are taught in the high school with an approved high school teacher and they cost less.  I believe the rep said  $50 per credit hour, but if so, that's either a price increase or my school pays part of it for kids as I don't recall paying that much for my youngest to take his classes two/three years ago.


It sounds like PA cc's are on their own for pricing.   I've always thought that, but never actually knew.

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Our local high school also does DE under the authority of the community college, but the first slots of course go to their full-time students.  When I inquired about it, they had no open slots and had a long waiting list among their own students. If we had been able to go that way, it would have been $50/course.


The downside of course is that mine aren't driving yet, and I would have to get them there every day.  No transportation for part-time students, and the high school is 20 minutes each way.


So we've done DE at the actual community college, mostly hybrid and online courses.  But I also personally know a good number professors there, so that's a plus too.  

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Yes, I was really glad to learn that last night as well. I also appreciated hearing that the local CC credits are likely to transfer too, and that both colleges represented last night recognize the parent issued diploma. I learned a lot!


This depends upon which college the student goes to.  Oldest's college accepted his CC credit in English.  Middle's didn't accept any DE credits - period.  Youngest's accepted his Bio credits, but not English.  These were both College in the High School classes.


Our state colleges accept any DE credits as long as one gets a C or better, but not necessarily other schools.


I probably should have mentioned that last night.


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This depends upon which college the student goes to. Oldest's college accepted his CC credit in English. Middle's didn't accept any DE credits - period. Youngest's accepted his Bio credits, but not English. These were both College in the High School classes.


Our state colleges accept any DE credits as long as one gets a C or better, but not necessarily other schools.


I probably should have mentioned that last night.


You did fine and had lots of good stuff to say! We loved having you as one of our speakers! DH and I were able to decide that we don't feel we are going with a diploma program, which has been my biggest question.


Yes, they did tell me that as well, and I'm sure it does vary a lot, but it was at least reassuring to hear that they do routinely have basic gen ed courses transfer. They really upped my opinion of CCs, or at least HACC, so I feel like more options for our kids just opened up.

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DH and I were able to decide that we don't feel we are going with a diploma program, which has been my biggest question.


Now that PA has passed the law requiring home issued diplomas to be accepted (YEAH!) there really is no reason at all to pay someone else for oversight IMO.  There wasn't much of one before, but for those who didn't want the BS from our state schools, it would have stopped that.  My guy got accepted to Pitt without one though.  He received a merit aid offer from them too.


Great job getting the speakers all together - nice variety.  I felt sorry for the PSU rep having to mention that their classes were $900 after hearing that HACC's are now $300, but on the other hand, there could very well be some schools that would transfer credit for theirs and not HACC's.  Middle son's is not one of them though - no DE credits when he checked.  AP worked for some credit.  To be 100% honest, the level of the class at middle son's school is NOT equivalent to HACC's.  With middle son taking Bio 101 at UR and youngest taking HACC's... there's not even a remote comparison.  Youngest sat in with his brother once and afterward called his own class "Bio-Lite."  I can honestly see why they don't allow the credit.


In general, schools tend to allow the credits to transfer if they consider the courses equivalent (or sometimes when it isn't used toward one's major) and they don't allow it if they feel it isn't up to their standard.


I enjoyed seeing you and Garga again - and all the new folks - last night.   We really ought to contemplate getting together again sometime.

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