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So how do you choose between your students(your kids)?


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I've just found out that we have 2 very busy weekends this summer.


The one in July - Middle goes to college orientation; oldest gets on a plane for 2 week summer job in Massachusetts, youngest comes home from mission trip.

We could divide and conquer, but both parents went to oldest child's orientation.  And oldest just came home from Germany.


The one in August - Friday - Youngest goes to boy scout national youth leadership training, has to be dropped off at noon.  (an hour away)  Oldest moves into dorm room (also Friday).  Saturday - Middle moves onto campus.  An hour away, in a slightly different direction.  Sunday - youngest "graduates", middle has a medallion ceremony.  Not sure what a medallion ceremony is but it's a big deal on that campus.



I think I need to clone me and dh!



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That does sound busy! If it were me, I would divide and conquer for the orientation, even though you did it differently with oldest child. Circumstances change. I remember thinking this when my youngest was a nursing baby and my olders both had big soccer tournaments. I permitted non-family members to do some of the shuttling and missed some games, because it simply was not practical to do them all.


For august, I would also divide and conquer for dorm move-in with oldest and scout leadership. Oldest is not a baby, KWIM, so it's not a horrible thing if both parents can't do move in. Or have the scout-leadership parent drop by at X a.m., then go do scout thing, then check back in when DS is mostly done moving in? That's how I would do it.

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I've just found out that we have 2 very busy weekends this summer.


The one in July - Middle goes to college orientation; oldest gets on a plane for 2 week summer job in Massachusetts, youngest comes home from mission trip.

We could divide and conquer, but both parents went to oldest child's orientation.  And oldest just came home from Germany.


The one in August - Friday - Youngest goes to boy scout national youth leadership training, has to be dropped off at noon.  (an hour away)  Oldest moves into dorm room (also Friday).  Saturday - Middle moves onto campus.  An hour away, in a slightly different direction.  Sunday - youngest "graduates", middle has a medallion ceremony.  Not sure what a medallion ceremony is but it's a big deal on that campus.



I think I need to clone me and dh!


In July, the oldest is leaving for a trip and the youngest is coming home from one, correct? You go to the middle's orientation and they find a ride or take a cab. 


August, oldest is a senior in college? I wouldn't feel the need to help him move into a dorm room. I would try to find youngest a ride on Friday just for convenience, but I'd schlep him there as needed. 


Saturday, I can't quite figure out if middle has already lived on campus or not? If not, I'd try to help him move in. If he's just returning to campus, I wouldn't feel bad about finding him a ride if possible. 


Sunday, what does "graduates" mean? From high school, with your local homeschool group? If it's not with a group, I would change that date. That's really the hardest one, imo, because I would want both parents at an award ceremony, and both parents at a graduation of course. 


Edited to add that I'm confused bc you list middle son as both attending orientation and moving onto campus plus getting an award. He's already in college and just now moving on to campus?  Same college? 

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In July, the oldest is leaving for a trip and the youngest is coming home from one, correct? You go to the middle's orientation and they find a ride or take a cab.


August, oldest is a senior in college? I wouldn't feel the need to help him move into a dorm room. I would try to find youngest a ride on Friday just for convenience, but I'd schlep him there as needed.


Saturday, I can't quite figure out if middle has already lived on campus or not? If not, I'd try to help him move in. If he's just returning to campus, I wouldn't feel bad about finding him a ride if possible.


Sunday, what does "graduates" mean? From high school, with your local homeschool group? If it's not with a group, I would change that date. That's really the hardest one, imo, because I would want both parents at an award ceremony, and both parents at a graduation of course.


Edited to add that I'm confused bc you list middle son as both attending orientation and moving onto campus plus getting an award. He's already in college and just now moving on to campus? Same college?

I agree with the Friday and Saturday advice. I took the Sunday graduation to mean from the 2 or 3 day camp, but I wasn't sure. If that's the case, I see no problem with one parent attending the medallion ceremony and the other going to the graduation if you can't attend both. Since the one getting the medallion is just arriving at college, I wouldn't be as concerned about both parents being there as I would at honor ceremonies later in college.
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Each of our children had different ways we took them to college.   Oldest had Dad take him since we lived in Europe at that time and couldn't afford to fly the whole family over or even just me too.  It was already very expensive to fly Dad over (the USAF paid for son).  Middle had my husband, our youngest, and myself help move her in.   We moved her in and left.  I think I drove her down for orientation myself or maybe she flew down.  I don't remember.  WE were moving that summer and it is all a blur.  


   With the youngest, we both went to her orientation and we  both will help move her in and stay for convocation the next day.   We are partly doing this because we do not want to drive four hours, drop her off, and drive four hours back. She is going to school at Rhodes in Memphis and we will enjoy being in Memphis while she is doing pre-college activities before the Convocation.  We haven't decided whether we will drive back after the orientation or continue on a short vacation.    The others are not envious.   They are smart enough to understand that each of them got different opportunities and advantages.  They all got something the others didn't.



Earlier years, we divided responsibilities.  We don't have to do that now since we only have adult children and our middle is already married.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just found out that we have 2 very busy weekends this summer.


The one in July - Middle goes to college orientation; oldest gets on a plane for 2 week summer job in Massachusetts, youngest comes home from mission trip.

We could divide and conquer, but both parents went to oldest child's orientation.  And oldest just came home from Germany.


The one in August - Friday - Youngest goes to boy scout national youth leadership training, has to be dropped off at noon.  (an hour away)  Oldest moves into dorm room (also Friday).  Saturday - Middle moves onto campus.  An hour away, in a slightly different direction.  Sunday - youngest "graduates", middle has a medallion ceremony.  Not sure what a medallion ceremony is but it's a big deal on that campus.



I think I need to clone me and dh!


For July: As far as I know, you can';t go into the airport anymore, so it would just be dropping off at the curb, correct?  So have a nice breakfast or whatever meal with Oldest, and have a friend/driver take them to the airport. You'll be available for pick-up after two weeks, correct?


August: Graduation and medallion ceremony seem to be the biggest deals, so do your best to get to those.Can the Friday trips be combined?  Sounds like Sunday is the only day with two events going on at once.


Sounds stressful but do-able to me.

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We would divide and conquer.


We just had to do that when dd was competing at Acro Nationals in NC and while she was there ds had college orientation. We asked the college if it was ok if he went alone, he was fine with that, but they said a parent needed to be there. I went to NC w/dd, dh went to orientation with ds. It turned out ds was glad to have dh there, there was a LOT going on and dh got info we needed that ds missed. From listening to other people talk about orientation, I thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it really was.

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