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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I hope you wake feeling better, Jean :grouphug:


As for me:

--exercise: walk to/from gym for training session

--garden: pick, weed as needed, plant one more run of green beans

--yard: weed front bed (didn't get to it yesterday)

--school planning: work on one subject

--vacation planning: some details with dh

--errands if possible: post office, local garden supply store

--daily and Thursday things


The Boy will be here for dinner :)

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Good Morning!



  • quick tidy of the house
  • iron up laundry I did yesterday
  • make grocery list and pick up what we need for the next week
  • work on list of courses for fall and planning what we will need
  • cook dinner

Have a great day everyone!


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DH took DS12 on a road trip, and DS9 is in camp part of the day, so here are my plans:

1. clean kitchen

2. fold laundry

3. mop

4. knit

5. exercise

6. do paperwork from office

7. test out new anxiety med on dog--currently trying. He seems no different. Ugh. 

8. go through kid's school paperwork

9. take dogs on a walk

10. pedicure???

11. pay for kids' camp for next week

12. Report attendance for umbrella school

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Good morning

- make sure dd1 has her stuff for GS camp- done

- take dd1 to GS camp- done

- stop at Dh's work to get phone charger and to finalize shopping list- done

- school work

- dishes- about half done, will finish tomorrow

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- did once

- get dd1 from GS camp- done

- go to Home Depot to get new flooring and stuff for that along with a few groceries- done

- dinner- meat pulled to thaw- picked up Arby's

- school work

- baths- done

- bedtime routine- done

- school work- essay and discussion questions done for A&P

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Getting down to the wire here (work deadlines) - government website acting very iffy - one client being crabby and several being spacey.  Living through it.


I got up around 3am after collapsing around 9pm last night.  Got a lot done in the morning while the kids were asleep.

Cleaned the bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.

Kids up & out to camp, me to work at "the office."

One conference call down - need to have a follow-up call though.

Email is on the blink.  Working on fixing that now.

Need to prepare a response to one client's long list of questions.  Need to build up the mental strength to deal with this.

And deal with a pile of data questions for a new client who was supposed to be someone else's responsibility....

Leave at 3:30pm to get the kids.

Get kids to do some work and eat dinner.

Kids to gymnastics.

Kids to bed.

More work.

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Human care done

Pet care done 

Medical care done including adding in the new meds that I need to add to the line-up

Ds is at work

Dd is with friends for the morning.


Now for me to tackle what looks like a Sisyphean task - aka all that has to be done around here.

To mix metaphors, the first bite of elephant will be the kitchen.  

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Getting my poast up super late today. We were out the door before 9 this morning to go to the children's museum and have been having fun ever since. Small list for me today as I'm feeling a bit burnt out


- finish purging kid's books

- read for an hour

- quick clean downstairs

- exercise DVD or walk with dogs, assuming my knee isn't inflamed again tonight.

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OK - lunch is done and the husband has been sent off to work.  Both kids are home.  I've given the neighbor her package.  There is absolutely nothing to keep me from doing paperwork.  So my feet need to be held to the fire so I will do it!  


I'm going to put the timer on for ten minutes and will check back at the end of that time.  

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I was doing some paperwork and all of a sudden came across the reminder for car tabs. I quick had dd check the license plate and sure enough, I was overdue for new tabs. I drove very carefully to the vehicle licensing office. I got there when they were trying not to take any new people but they had a heart when I explained that I was trying to get in compliance and was already overdue. So government workers do have kind hearts! I now have new tabs and have averted a possible $300 fine. 

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