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Current LC'ers Support Thread?


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I've dug back in more seriously trying to get my blood sugar levels down so I'm being much more strict. Anyone else out there? I've got lots of experience although I haven't done it this hard core in awhile. My goal is sub 94 fasting BG (to reduce the risk of developing diabetes later). It has been going well but I need some commiseration :) I've figured out that excess protein now seems to cause rises for me, which explains some previous higher readings that I didn't quite understand before. I'm looking at 30-40 g net carbs right now, close to Dr. Bernstein's rec's but I'll be happy to add in any carbs that my body tolerates :) I need to document more but not sure where or how to do that without it being a huge pain. Right now I use My Daily Plate for food input and to keep track of carbs but I don't have spaces on there to input bg (not that I've seen).


I'm totally craving snacks at this point but really want to stay away from fake sugars and fake food in general. I've used some stevia before and it seems ok and to not affect me but I need to do more testing.

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I'll join, although I'm more extreme low carb as I do keto. I've never had high blood sugar but I believe in the importance of steady blood sugar. Plus the women in my family have a history of diabetes, but they were "fine" at my age, so I have to be careful.


If you're not trying to lose weight, dark chocolate and macadamia nuts make a great snack. For crunchy, those toasted seaweed snacks are good.

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Can you eat something like a mixed nut Lara bar?

I haven't seen any that are low enough in carbs.


I just grabbed me some cashews, higher in carbs than some nuts but I really like them. Bernstein suggests 6 g carb for snack, these are 8, I'm ok with that I think. Nuts seem to work really well for me.

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I'll join, although I'm more extreme low carb as I do keto. I've never had high blood sugar but I believe in the importance of steady blood sugar. Plus the women in my family have a history of diabetes, but they were "fine" at my age, so I have to be careful.


If you're not trying to lose weight, dark chocolate and macadamia nuts make a great snack. For crunchy, those toasted seaweed snacks are good.




 Dh just volunteered to stop by TJ's while in the city and they have a great selection of nuts and I *love* their wasabi nori. I'll have him pick up some for me. 


I guess I'm trying to lose weight, although it isn't my primary goal. Last I weighed I was about 3 lbs from my usual non-pregnant weight, which with all my thyroid and hormone issues I was beginning to think I might not see again. So, as long as it continues going well I'd like to see if I can make it back there.

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I'll join! My health collapsed this last pregnancy and unfortunatrly I gained 80 of the 130 pounds I'd lost back in just a year. It sucks! But we have figured out and are trying to address the health issues, so now I'm back trying to handle the diet and exercise. It's tough when I'm allergic to several core low carb foods but I just pile weight on otherwise.


Today it's been a breakfast shake, creamed spinach, Tuscan table olives, and a chicken leg. Nice and low carb.

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Hi Artic Mama- I was on your blog this am btw :) I really hope that you are now on the right path and can start healing :( 


I'm 2.5 yrs out from my rough pregnancy, although it doesn't sound like mine was as rough as yours. I just re-did my bloodwork Friday so I'm really hoping to get some great results next week, my vitamin levels have been climbing and I hope they are continuing to do well. Fingers crossed there. I really finally and totally feel 100% myself and it is so nice, the weight really is inconsequential because I'm in pretty great shape right now with all my activity and exercise but it is a bit of a mental thing for me to be fully back where I was.


I don't have any ana allergies but had some definite gut and digestion issue. Right now I'm egg, dairy, gluten and soy free; in addition to LC and I limit my nightshades to spices. I really, really want to try eggs again to see if they are working for me now as that would open some doors, I did eat some cheese on vacation without incident, so I was thrilled to see that but not confident enough to add it in to my regular diet (maybe when I get in a better groove and am more steady with the bg I'll feel up to trying reintroductions, right now it seems like a hassle and I'm afraid that I'll slowly start feeling bad again and not realize it). I went off of all nuts and seeds for about a year for the auto-immune diet but have added them back and they seem to be doing really well for me. I had horrible issues with histamines and those are doing 200% times better, I haven't even been taking Claritin, despite spending plenty of time outside.  

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Low carbing with additional food restrictions is TOUGH, no doubt about it. I not only dropped weight but maintained through two other pregnancies, and this one just did me in on so many levels. I think we expect that once we have a system things won't change, and unfortunately that is rarely the case.


If you could add back in eggs that would be HUGE. I was off them for about three months and it was such a challenge, as they're my default breakfast food/fast protein, especially since I cannot do pork and try to limit nuts. I've found that hard piled and scrambled eggs are easier on my stomach than fried - the lightly cooked albumin (white) of the egg is a lot more irritating it the stomach than yolks, by and large. Maybe experiment with the egg parts and see if you tolerate one better than another?

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I'll join. I'm almost 2 years out from my roughest pregnancy yet. While I didn't gain as much weight, I've only lost about 5 of the 40 pounds. LC works well for me (lost 60 pounds on it after second pregnancy, after being unable to lose baby weight from kid one and kid two with any other method), but I've been struggling so much with hormone levels, B vitamins and severe anxiety since he was born that I never seem to last more than a week before falling off the LC. My anxiety has improved markedly in the last three months (I'm sure therapy is helping, as well as time), and I'm ready to try LC again. While I don't have blood sugar problems yet, I'm sure they are coming if I don't get my weight back down and monitor my carb intake.


I've been successful for 5 days this time. I aim for under 30 net carbs, as that is what worked last time. I maintain my weight eating 50-100 grams of carbs a day, and I gain when I eat over 100g.

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Low carbing with additional food restrictions is TOUGH, no doubt about it. I not only dropped weight but maintained through two other pregnancies, and this one just did me in on so many levels. I think we expect that once we have a system things won't change, and unfortunately that is rarely the case.


If you could add back in eggs that would be HUGE. I was off them for about three months and it was such a challenge, as they're my default breakfast food/fast protein, especially since I cannot do pork and try to limit nuts. I've found that hard piled and scrambled eggs are easier on my stomach than fried - the lightly cooked albumin (white) of the egg is a lot more irritating it the stomach than yolks, by and large. Maybe experiment with the egg parts and see if you tolerate one better than another?

Yes, I think sometimes our bodies just get to a point that they can't do any more. Unfortunately I have too many friends that have went through similar issues, although we all present a bit differently. Sometimes we can have these beliefs too about how things are and then that changes and it is so hard, like going from thinking that grains were great for you WAP fangirl to realizing that it doesn't matter what any person says if it doesn't work for you; same with high carb diets, and everything else. 


I keep thinking I should just try the yolks but haven't got around to a proper trial. I had noticed an issue with raw eggs years ago but cooked seemed fine but after I took them out I felt so much better. I feel so good now I don't want to mess up anything so it is hard for me mentally to trial foods. 

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My allergist recommends a 1 tsp approach.


day 1 - 1 tsp of trial food

day 2 - 2 tsp of trial food

day 3 - 1 tbs of trial food


Then give it three weeks to see if you have any symptoms, before trying another food or adding that one in permanently.


Works pretty well!

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I'll join too. I have been way, way too inconsistent this last year and have put on weight. I am 49 and LC after menopause is slooow going. Plus I cannot exercise much at all do to disc issues. Hoping to see a chiro who can help with that later this year. No money for it now.


I feel so much better when I stick with it. But sometimes time and money conspire against me and one bad day sets me way back. Summer is easier for me because of all the yummy seasonal veggies.

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Well, I've only been doing it for these past two weeks, but I have been happy with results. I can't say I am doing it for anything other than weight loss.


This weekend was challenging but I did just fine. I had not one but TWO brunches, one Sat and one Sun, and then a piano recital reception that was wall to wall carbs. I had to make two pizzas to contribute to the meal, lol. But I stayed on target at the brunches (and zero bloody marys,) and didn't eat a single thing at the reception. I am getting used to sitting at tables while everyone else eats.  I guess it's a skill, lol. Sometimes my stubborn nature comes in handy.


I have been doing smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then a protein around 4pm and dinner of steamed veg and protein.  I am keeping my net carbs around 20, but also keeping my fat very low as well. I know from long experience that having a higher fat intake really slows it down for me. I have no idea why but it really does. So, it is a lot of egg whites and whey protein. Good thing I like both.

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Did my bike ride, stayed on plan with food selections and carbs, calories a little high. All in all a success in terms of getting back on plan. It gets a little easier each day :)

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My allergist recommends a 1 tsp approach.


day 1 - 1 tsp of trial food

day 2 - 2 tsp of trial food

day 3 - 1 tbs of trial food


Then give it three weeks to see if you have any symptoms, before trying another food or adding that one in permanently.


Works pretty well!

I need to have the patience to actually follow through, I've been off of it for a year plus so you would think it wouldn't be a big deal to do the trial but I'm horrible at following through doing it slow.



I'll join too. I have been way, way too inconsistent this last year and have put on weight. I am 49 and LC after menopause is slooow going. Plus I cannot exercise much at all do to disc issues. Hoping to see a chiro who can help with that later this year. No money for it now.


I feel so much better when I stick with it. But sometimes time and money conspire against me and one bad day sets me way back. Summer is easier for me because of all the yummy seasonal veggies.



Well, I've only been doing it for these past two weeks, but I have been happy with results. I can't say I am doing it for anything other than weight loss.


This weekend was challenging but I did just fine. I had not one but TWO brunches, one Sat and one Sun, and then a piano recital reception that was wall to wall carbs. I had to make two pizzas to contribute to the meal, lol. But I stayed on target at the brunches (and zero bloody marys,) and didn't eat a single thing at the reception. I am getting used to sitting at tables while everyone else eats.  I guess it's a skill, lol. Sometimes my stubborn nature comes in handy.


I have been doing smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then a protein around 4pm and dinner of steamed veg and protein.  I am keeping my net carbs around 20, but also keeping my fat very low as well. I know from long experience that having a higher fat intake really slows it down for me. I have no idea why but it really does. So, it is a lot of egg whites and whey protein. Good thing I like both.


Welcome! I'm pretty used to sitting and not eating with food intolerances, so I guess that helps me. What are you putting in your smoothies? I'd like a quick option myself but tbh I really like the taste of bananas in smoothies sand those are right out.

Did my bike ride, stayed on plan with food selections and carbs, calories a little high. All in all a success in terms of getting back on plan. It gets a little easier each day :)


Woot! You can't do everything perfect to start off with!

I am not actually a LCer, but I do eat the low carb tortillas. I just tried cashew milk tonight and I noticed it is low in calories, has 1g of carbs and zero sugar and protein. Really shocked me. I think I prefer it to almond milk.



I've seen that but not tried it. I have some I've been buying that is also 1g C. but it has monk fruit extract in it and I'm not 100% certain it doesn't mess with my bg. I need to test it again on its own, I keep trying to make a LC smoothie that doesn't effect my bg but have yet to be successful.





Well, a good day for me yesterday- 1500 cal- 40 g net Carb- bg readings all right on target and fasting is 92 this am

Technically I ate more protein and carbs than I was supposed to but my readings are good so I'm happy. 


My weight is down some more, which I'll take after this many months of working my butt off often for nothing! I'm at 2.2 lbs away from my goal now. I lost about 2 lbs the first week, which is HUGE for me. Funny to me as it has been since I've had this baby I keep losing weight off of my waist but not my hips, oh well, I'd rather have a smaller waist and I can't control it anyway. 


Today the plan is more the same; about 1500 cal; 35-40 g net carbs

breakfast: coconut ginger chicken soup; w/ chopped celery, chicken, cilantro and zucchini noodles- flavored with some ginger, garlic, chili and coconut cream- LOVE it

lunch: leftover pork steak w/ broccoli

supper: TBD

snack: black trufle marcona almonds  :); wasabi seaweed (dh stocked me up)

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What do I put in my smoothies? Not much, lol.


Today's smoothie:


1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1 cup water

100g peeled cucumber

25g raw kale

1 tsp green tea powder

1 scoop whey powder



1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 cup water

1 scoop whey powder

1 tbsp instant decaffeinated coffee

1 tsp raw cacao powder

dash cinnamon

2 drops liquid stevia


I have tried taking out the almond milk b/c to avoid the fat. I only have an allotment of 18 grams of fat so every one counts. But the almond milk also has a decent amount of calcium per cup and I can't ignore that. So, today I am getting 19 grams of fat...oh well.


My breakfast 'smoothie' isn't really a smoothie. I call it that to make it sound better, lol.  It is just my coffee blended with some cinnamon and a scoop of whey powder. It's more of a two birds with one stone type thing. I just don't feel like cooking eggs etc in the morning. I just want my bloody coffee and to be left alone for 30 mins.

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LOL, sounds yummy or not :)


My diet is the exact opposite in terms of ratios, you are eating high protein/lc/lf. I'm eating high fat/mod protein/lc but whatever works, right?


I'm looking this am on the Wahls Protocol, I dismissed it before because I didn't want to go Keto but reading more closely I think perhaps her version might work well for me, I love me some vegetables and think I do better eating more veggies and lots of fat. As someone with 2 auto-immune diseases (maybe more- who knows) I'm always on the look out for info about that as well as things are just different for some bodies than others and I like reading info that has some of my specific issues in mind. The AIP has definitely worked pretty well for me, although any time I try to have some of their allowed starches it makes my blood sugar go insane.

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Low carb win-of-the-day:


My coconut cream, which was packed in tetra packs so I couldn't see it, has been expired for awhile. I hate dealing with spoiled food but I didn't want to throw it away so yesterday I carefully opened one and ate a bit. It tasted fine and today I'm still not sick so it looks like it's still good!


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Where do you buy coconut cream?


I just made some more as I ran out of what I had. I'm making some coconut oil/butter/blueberry fudge today.


I buy it from Wilderness Family Naturals. Here's a link to the page with all their coconut products and here's a link to the coconut cream. It says "new product" but that's because they are certified organic now. Back when I bought my last batch they were organic but not certified. I buy by the case but they sell singles as well if you want to try it first.


I also buy centrifuged coconut oil from them but it's very coconut-y so not very neutral. I might switch after my case is done.

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I've heard it's quite good from my fellow keto-ers. It's on my Amazon wish list but I haven't read it yet.

It is good, though I admit I skim some of it to get to the conclusions. I got it from the library. I read Wheat Belly last year and this book refers to that one and builds upon it in some ways.


Thinking about trying to go wheat/gluten free as a family later in the summer to see if Dd's keratosis pilaris or Ds' focus issues improve.

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LOL, sounds yummy or not :)


My diet is the exact opposite in terms of ratios, you are eating high protein/lc/lf. I'm eating high fat/mod protein/lc but whatever works, right?


I'm looking this am on the Wahls Protocol, I dismissed it before because I didn't want to go Keto but reading more closely I think perhaps her version might work well for me, I love me some vegetables and think I do better eating more veggies and lots of fat. As someone with 2 auto-immune diseases (maybe more- who knows) I'm always on the look out for info about that as well as things are just different for some bodies than others and I like reading info that has some of my specific issues in mind. The AIP has definitely worked pretty well for me, although any time I try to have some of their allowed starches it makes my blood sugar go insane.


You can always increase the fat content of a smoothie with coconut oil etc. For about a year I was...not HF, LC, MP...but more moderate all the way around. Although I kept my carb limit under 50 so many would consider that LC. I gained on that. I've done bullet-proof with coconut oil, MCT oil, grass fed butter and combinations of all of those and saw zero benefits, other than weight gain.  I think if I want to lose weight I need to keep it low fat and low carb.  If I want to maintain I suspect I can increase my fat intake but I still have to keep my calorie count low.  One thing about such a high protein diet is that I am really not hungry. It doesn't take much to fill me up and my calorie count is quite low.


I think what most people don't like about my smoothies is there isn't any fruit. But, even when I am not being very strict about my carb intake, I find most people put in way to much fruit for my tastes. It might have some veggies, but it is really just a sugar bomb.  At the very most, I might put in half a pear into a smoothie, or maybe 1/4 cup of berries, but that is the most.


What I am missing these days is veggies. I eat a LOT of vegetables. I can't believe it when people tell me that on low carb they eat more veggies than ever before. They must not have been eating very many, because I miss mine. But a regular lunch for me was at least 5 or 6 oz of broccoli with a protein. Now, I keep my broccoli down to 3 or maybe 4 oz. I am seeing a loss of veggies in my diet and I miss them.

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Me,me! I'd love to join. I need to lose about 50 lbs. Plus I really like how I feel on lc. Funny since I love my carbs. I just might love bacon more, though... :-) I don't cut out cheese, though like some do on keto.



You can always increase the fat content of a smoothie with coconut oil etc. For about a year I was...not HF, LC, MP...but more moderate all the way around. Although I kept my carb limit under 50 so many would consider that LC. I gained on that. I've done bullet-proof with coconut oil, MCT oil, grass fed butter and combinations of all of those and saw zero benefits, other than weight gain.  I think if I want to lose weight I need to keep it low fat and low carb.  If I want to maintain I suspect I can increase my fat intake but I still have to keep my calorie count low.  One thing about such a high protein diet is that I am really not hungry. It doesn't take much to fill me up and my calorie count is quite low.


I think what most people don't like about my smoothies is there isn't any fruit. But, even when I am not being very strict about my carb intake, I find most people put in way to much fruit for my tastes. It might have some veggies, but it is really just a sugar bomb.  At the very most, I might put in half a pear into a smoothie, or maybe 1/4 cup of berries, but that is the most.


What I am missing these days is veggies. I eat a LOT of vegetables. I can't believe it when people tell me that on low carb they eat more veggies than ever before. They must not have been eating very many, because I miss mine. But a regular lunch for me was at least 5 or 6 oz of broccoli with a protein. Now, I keep my broccoli down to 3 or maybe 4 oz. I am seeing a loss of veggies in my diet and I miss them.

Hey, whatever works. I have a friend who seems to thrive closer to a raw food diet. I used to do good on higher protein, after #3 I was pretty much keto and with a much higher protein intake and it worked so well and I felt fabulous. Now, I've tried going lower in carbs since then and have not had good luck but increasing my carbs has been really bad, not that I've been super high but not as low. My body seems to not want excess protein; I kept getting rogue higher bg numbers following high protein intake. I do love meat and most protein but I'm trying to follow what works for me as just eating what I want to eat doesn't get me far :)  I feel I'm getting plenty of veggies now, figuring out which ones work well. Today so far I'm at about 5 cups of veggies/1/4 c berries today and 26 g Net Carbs. My fat ratios have been running about 60-65% but today I'm at 72%. I had some weight gain with higher fat before but I think that was (1) I was just eating too much, it doesn't take very much of fat heavy items to be just too many calories and (2) I wasn't at good levels with my hormones and thyroid- and without those things nothing else works!


I buy it from Wilderness Family Naturals. Here's a link to the page with all their coconut products and here's a link to the coconut cream. It says "new product" but that's because they are certified organic now. Back when I bought my last batch they were organic but not certified. I buy by the case but they sell singles as well if you want to try it first.


I also buy centrifuged coconut oil from them but it's very coconut-y so not very neutral. I might switch after my case is done.

D'oh I said I made coconut cream, I meant I made coconut butter. I use TJ's coconut cream, I just did a comparison and it seems WFN compared to TJ's is about equal in fat, WFN is a bit less in calories, TJ's has more protein and carbs. For the price TJ's works for me. I have bought coconut oil from WFN before, in 5 gallon buckets and I liked it ok. Right now I'm using organic coconut oil from Aldi's because I was too cheap to buy another 5 gallons when I ran out last time, but considering my increased consumption I need to price it out again. I've used Mountain Rose Herbs, Nutiva, Tropical Traditions and WFN before- usually just buying whatever is the best deal at the time.


I made the Basic BErry Fudge  and it is super scrumptious a huge pain to calculate the nutrition facts but I think I got it and it is about right on carbs for a snack for me but high in calories (obviously!) it will a good quick snack when I don't have time though and all of the kids loved it so that is a plus to me :) I don't think it will be sweet enough for dh, I need to make him some more fat bombs that he likes.

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Doings well today! One marginal food choice (a chewy protein bar) that has been accounted for, and overall I'm making my checklist items nicely and comfortably on plan. Yesterday I did everything on my list, too, including a really hard bike ride. We won't have times or it tonight as my husbands is bringing my older daughters back from horse camp, then heading to a friend's shop to cut some wood for a cabinet for me, and then he just told me this morning he got a new ACROW bridge assignment (this is great news because it is easy money for him and we really need it).


I've been working out in the evenings but things are too stacked tonight. It just won't work. What I'll do instead, I think, is a quick Ttap workout when the remaining kids go nap. That way I can check that box off, too. I still have my green leafies left best I'm planning on frying up some collard greens to check that box for dinner.


I've found I do better when I set small positive goals, like exercising or eating a veggie serving, than just focusing on low carb perfection. It gives me little habits I can form throughout the day and rely upon to help me be healthy, and takes the emphasis off of a single solitary point of success or failure :)

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Doings well today! One marginal food choice (a chewy protein bar) that has been accounted for, and overall I'm making my checklist items nicely and comfortably on plan. Yesterday I did everything on my list, too, including a really hard bike ride. We won't have times or it tonight as my husbands is bringing my older daughters back from horse camp, then heading to a friend's shop to cut some wood for a cabinet for me, and then he just told me this morning he got a new ACROW bridge assignment (this is great news because it is easy money for him and we really need it).


I've been working out in the evenings but things are too stacked tonight. It just won't work. What I'll do instead, I think, is a quick Ttap workout when the remaining kids go nap. That way I can check that box off, too. I still have my green leafies left best I'm planning on frying up some collard greens to check that box for dinner.


I've found I do better when I set small positive goals, like exercising or eating a veggie serving, than just focusing on low carb perfection. It gives me little habits I can form throughout the day and rely upon to help me be healthy, and takes the emphasis off of a single solitary point of success or failure :)

Yep it is the little things that add up to make it all work!


Yesterday was a good one for me- I ended up high on calories at lunch time due to the new delicious fat fudge,,mmmmm. So, I kept it light at supper to compensate. Lo and behold my bg readings are 82 this morning, the lowest I've seen yet. I noticed before eating lighter at supper helped but I thought it was just carbs, nope protein too. I evidently need to get my carbs and calories in the middle of the day, that seems to be when I can handle them best.


Yesterdays macros:

1603cal- 121 g f, 33 g Net carbs, 91 g protein; 65% fat, 13% carbs, 22% protein


Still high on my protein, sigh, I'm trying here, the keto calculator I tried said I'm in range but I know from what I've read other places that I need to get it lower; however I'm lower than where I was. I only ate 4 oz of meat at every meal but of course veggies and such have protein too.

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I have been back on the low carb eating since mid-March.  It works for me as far as feeling better and keeping my weight down some. Now, my body does not respond as well as it used to, but I seem to not be alone in that.


I am down about ten pounds and my my body does not want to give up any more, which I am working on accepting. My weight is right on the upper limit of normal and lower range on overweight.


Frustration from not losing more led to me eating some off plan things in the last couple of weeks.  At this point, I am experimenting with being low carb most of the time and perhaps allowing myself two days a week where I can eat higher carb things. Since I am not losing any more, I am hoping I can just maintain with this more moderate approach.


This morning I had a fried egg and sausage for breakfast with some coffee. I added a little coconut oil to the coffee.


Lunch will probably be chicken salad.


Dinner-I don't know yet.

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Wow, this thread came at the right time! I'm about a week in with keto and it's really hard! I've eaten mostly whole foods for years and DD was gluten free/casein free for about a decade. Still, the counting carbs has been a real education.


Keto was suggested for my daughter to help with her psyc issues. After reading about it, I thought I'd try it first to get the hang of it. I'm doing it for weight loss. 3 pregnancies in the last 5 years has taken its toll. I gained about 15 pounds each pregnancy and another 10-15 immediately after each baby was born. I have yet to explain that one! And then I couldn't get rid of it. So that's roughly 90 pounds that I'd love to never see again.


I'm not exactly sure how it helps with psyc issues, but DDs psychiatrist swears it will help her.


I'm struggling most with sweet things. I got some stevia but it has an aftertaste I don't like. I'm not sure if it's because I bought an off brand or if it's stevia.

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Wow, this thread came at the right time! I'm about a week in with keto and it's really hard! I've eaten mostly whole foods for years and DD was gluten free/casein free for about a decade. Still, the counting carbs has been a real education.


Keto was suggested for my daughter to help with her psyc issues. After reading about it, I thought I'd try it first to get the hang of it. I'm doing it for weight loss. 3 pregnancies in the last 5 years has taken its toll. I gained about 15 pounds each pregnancy and another 10-15 immediately after each baby was born. I have yet to explain that one! And then I couldn't get rid of it. So that's roughly 90 pounds that I'd love to never see again.


I'm not exactly sure how it helps with psyc issues, but DDs psychiatrist swears it will help her.


I'm struggling most with sweet things. I got some stevia but it has an aftertaste I don't like. I'm not sure if it's because I bought an off brand or if it's stevia.

Welcome! I've seen a lot of info on keto for therapeutic means, it really seems to work well for some diseases and conditions. 


on the sweets what are your carb levels? Do you do artificials? It seems a lot of people like the DaVinci syrups. Personally I'm a fan of fat bombs, dh loved these when he was HFLC too. These were a hit with both of us. I've not really tried any other treats most of them use dairy and other foods I don't eat but if you do eat dairy there are lots of recipes out there.


Almonds are my downfall, lol. I think when this batch is gone I am going to have to stop buying them for a little while.  Unfortunately, this jar is pretty big. Maybe I need to put it in the basement where I keep my extra canned goods, lol.


Nuts are so easy to overeat! I'm making myself measure, according to serving sizes I have enough for an entire month right now!

I have been back on the low carb eating since mid-March.  It works for me as far as feeling better and keeping my weight down some. Now, my body does not respond as well as it used to, but I seem to not be alone in that.


I am down about ten pounds and my my body does not want to give up any more, which I am working on accepting. My weight is right on the upper limit of normal and lower range on overweight.


Frustration from not losing more led to me eating some off plan things in the last couple of weeks.  At this point, I am experimenting with being low carb most of the time and perhaps allowing myself two days a week where I can eat higher carb things. Since I am not losing any more, I am hoping I can just maintain with this more moderate approach.


This morning I had a fried egg and sausage for breakfast with some coffee. I added a little coconut oil to the coffee.


Lunch will probably be chicken salad.


Dinner-I don't know yet.

Welcome! Good luck on figuring out how to maintain, as long as you keep tracking you shouldn't end up gaining anyway.

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Nuts are so easy to overeat! I'm making myself measure, according to serving sizes I have enough for an entire month right now!

Welcome! Good luck on figuring out how to maintain, as long as you keep tracking you shouldn't end up gaining anyway.


Oh I measure them. I have a million little plastic snack bags that I use and reuse. I buy the big jar and then measure them out. I just get snacky in the evening, I like to have a nibble at the end of the day when when I read or dh and I watch something on Netflix. Those little bags of nuts make it so easy, lol.


I didn't go over my calorie allotment or anything like that, but I sure blew past my grams of fat limit. It was just an ounce, but I am annoyed with myself.


I am going shopping today. I think I will buy some turkey slices or something like that for when I am feeling a bit hungry but I need to keep it low carb, low fat, but high protein. But that is so high in sodium..?

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Oh I measure them. I have a million little plastic snack bags that I use and reuse. I buy the big jar and then measure them out. I just get snacky in the evening, I like to have a nibble at the end of the day when when I read or dh and I watch something on Netflix. Those little bags of nuts make it so easy, lol.


I didn't go over my calorie allotment or anything like that, but I sure blew past my grams of fat limit. It was just an ounce, but I am annoyed with myself.


I am going shopping today. I think I will buy some turkey slices or something like that for when I am feeling a bit hungry but I need to keep it low carb, low fat, but high protein. But that is so high in sodium..?

Homemade jerky? You could control the sodium then or how about homemade turkey or chicken meatballs? Those are pretty easy to whip up and would be high protein/low fat and carb and you can add whatever you want. We eat super later and I go to bed early so I don't snack in the evening. I keep going over my protein fwiw, sigh, progress not perfection.

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Out of likes awfully early in the morning.  :glare:



Frustration from not losing more led to me eating some off plan things in the last couple of weeks.  At this point, I am experimenting with being low carb most of the time and perhaps allowing myself two days a week where I can eat higher carb things. Since I am not losing any more, I am hoping I can just maintain with this more moderate approach.


What kinds of off-plan things have you been eating? Sometimes LCers eat carbs for a few days, go back to low carb, and find they start losing again.



Almonds are my downfall, lol. I think when this batch is gone I am going to have to stop buying them for a little while.  Unfortunately, this jar is pretty big. Maybe I need to put it in the basement where I keep my extra canned goods, lol.


Well, you are a squirrel. Store the nuts for the winter?  :D


I'm struggling most with sweet things. I got some stevia but it has an aftertaste I don't like. I'm not sure if it's because I bought an off brand or if it's stevia.


You'll start to lose your cravings soon. Eating sweet things like stevia can prolong the cravings. Ask me how I know.

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On the other hand, I do great with stevia, sucralose, saccharine, erythritol, xylitol, and aspartame, so long as I keep it to small doses. Mixing sweeteners allows me to have the benefits of each without the downsides of too high of a concentration of any one type. I usually have some in my iced coffee, along with flavored drink mixes when I get tired of water.


It actually helps my adherence, because I don't feel mentally deprived when sipping on a diet coke or drinking a rich, creamy iced coffee. So your mileage may vary. When I try to cut absolutely everything out I find I have a harder time staying cheerfully on plan than when I make a few substitutions and bake the occasional LC or keto treat.



As for me - I made most of my checklist yesterday! I ended up eating extra tuna salad and olives and forgot to cook my collard greens, so I didn't check off my green leafies. I did still have plenty of other vegetable matter, though :)


Because my husband had a last minute project he had one night to complete I was on kid duty with no help until midnight. Instead of just skipping my exercise because I couldn't take a bike ride I did my Ttap and got in a short workout, which was a nice little recovery from the grueling hill climb the day before. I went higher on calories than I was aiming (my fault, I was up until midnight and got munchy before bed) but stayed strictly on plan with my food choices. Woohoo!

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You'll start to lose your cravings soon. Eating sweet things like stevia can prolong the cravings. Ask me how I know.

Well, I guess it's good I don't like the stevia then! I need something to make my bulletproof coffee palatable though. Suggestions?


To get DD to buy into this though, I can't take away everything sweet all at once. I need a few good recipes.

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Well, I guess it's good I don't like the stevia then! I need something to make my bulletproof coffee palatable though. Suggestions?


To get DD to buy into this though, I can't take away everything sweet all at once. I need a few good recipes.


I don't have any tried and true suggestions for the BPC. I drink it without sweetener. Maybe a sugar-free Torani syrup?


As far as sweets, I've heard this works with really dark chocolate (87%):


Heston's Two-Ingredient Chocolate Mousse | Waitrose


Just be careful not to make more than you can eat in a few days.



Here are some fun fat bombs.

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Yesterday wrap-up: fasting levels 78

1503 calories- 119 g F/ 33g N. Carb/77 g Protein

68% Fat/20% Protein/12% Carbs


7 1/2 c veggies; kale; baby salad greens; broccoli; mushrooms; cilantro; celery; zucchini and a bit of onions and carrot (I was so happy to have some leftover carbs for onions last night !)

1/4 c fruit- blueberries


Crazy to me the weight is melting off, not just weight but inches; I've lost in my belly and thighs. Perhaps finally getting my bg levels under control? I can't ever remember weight melting off like this except the first month after I had my first, any other time it was working my butt off and lose it at a snail's pace.


I kept my protein the lowest yet and didn't miss it! I think I'll be happy at that level, it was about 9 oz of meat for the day. Now my veggie intake was high but also high in fiber so low in carbs but my bg levels were phenomenal all day and no chromium either. I'm wondering if my issue was more meat instead of veggies? I'm going to keep experimenting with higher veggies and lower meat and see what happens. I do love veggies so if it has been more an issue with excess protein than carbs I'll be thrilled. 

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Today's plan for me:


I have a challenging 1.5 hr Ashtanga (Power) Yoga class this am, nervous about that because it is right when I usually eat and my bg is already low enough, so I took my pills a bit earlier and am going to try and eat some before I go (not too much though as I don't want to get sick). I'm already sipping my electrolytes. My food might be a bit wonky with my activity level and schedule changing, I'll just have to roll with it.



On the other hand, I do great with stevia, sucralose, saccharine, erythritol, xylitol, and aspartame, so long as I keep it to small doses. Mixing sweeteners allows me to have the benefits of each without the downsides of too high of a concentration of any one type. I usually have some in my iced coffee, along with flavored drink mixes when I get tired of water.

It actually helps my adherence, because I don't feel mentally deprived when sipping on a diet coke or drinking a rich, creamy iced coffee. So your mileage may vary. When I try to cut absolutely everything out I find I have a harder time staying cheerfully on plan than when I make a few substitutions and bake the occasional LC or keto treat.

As for me - I made most of my checklist yesterday! I ended up eating extra tuna salad and olives and forgot to cook my collard greens, so I didn't check off my green leafies. I did still have plenty of other vegetable matter, though :)

Because my husband had a last minute project he had one night to complete I was on kid duty with no help until midnight. Instead of just skipping my exercise because I couldn't take a bike ride I did my Ttap and got in a short workout, which was a nice little recovery from the grueling hill climb the day before. I went higher on calories than I was aiming (my fault, I was up until midnight and got munchy before bed) but stayed strictly on plan with my food choices. Woohoo!


Ya for a good day, it is hard not to snack when you are up late but sometimes you have to roll with it. I'm so excited for you, you can do this, you can get better!


What kinds of off-plan things have you been eating? Sometimes LCers eat carbs for a few days, go back to low carb, and find they start losing again.


I was just reading about that and have definitely fond it true for myself.

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Do you have a go-to/default meal? I know it's a stereotypical thing, but I could totally eat bacon and eggs all the time. Of course I change it up for variety, but if I'm tired and don't want to think or be creative, it's bacon and eggs for me.

I agree about the treats, too. I found a brownie recipe that is pretty good (almond and coconut flours) and it does quite a bit for morale. :-)

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Yesterday wrap-up: fasting levels 78

1503 calories- 119 g F/ 33g N. Carb/77 g Protein

68% Fat/20% Protein/12% Carbs


7 1/2 c veggies; kale; baby salad greens; broccoli; mushrooms; cilantro; celery; zucchini and a bit of onions and carrot (I was so happy to have some leftover carbs for onions last night !)

1/4 c fruit- blueberries


Crazy to me the weight is melting off, not just weight but inches; I've lost in my belly and thighs. Perhaps finally getting my bg levels under control? I can't ever remember weight melting off like this except the first month after I had my first, any other time it was working my butt off and lose it at a snail's pace.


I kept my protein the lowest yet and didn't miss it! I think I'll be happy at that level, it was about 9 oz of meat for the day. Now my veggie intake was high but also high in fiber so low in carbs but my bg levels were phenomenal all day and no chromium either. I'm wondering if my issue was more meat instead of veggies? I'm going to keep experimenting with higher veggies and lower meat and see what happens. I do love veggies so if it has been more an issue with excess protein than carbs I'll be thrilled.

This is motivating!!

I went over on carbs yesterday. We had my family over for dinner and my dad asked me to make fish and mango salsa. I also made bacon jalapeños with cream cheese. Even with all that it was 1568 calories, 112F/45C/102P. I'm trying to keep carbs 20-30 so I guess a 45 isn't that bad.


I think I solved my bulletproof coffee sweetener problem. Instead of coffee yesterday I used green tea. I didn't hate it like the coffee. So that will help me drop the sweetener completely.

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I need to get back to lc. I've been spinning my wheels for months and months, stuck right at the overweight/obese border. My totally shallow motivation: my 20 yr. reunion is in a month. Gulp. I'd like to be down a size by then. I've been doing Ttapp, which has taken an inch off my waist and given me muscle definition, but I need to step it up. It is so much harder to lose weight after three pregnancies than it was when I was younger. I'm going to pout about that for a few minutes, then plan meals for the next few days. :)

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Feeling hungry last night and today. Just checked and my period is due in a week, but I am thinking it is going to be earlier. I always get really hungry right before it starts and have a very low appetite in the days after it stops, so it all evens out, lol.


So, yesterday I went over a small amount in calories and def in fat but not in carbs. I was so hungry that I ate a whole can of tuna with some mayo on top of romaine lettuce leaves for dinner. I felt so good when I was done, lol. No regrets because I clearly needed that meal. I guess next time I will use plain yogurt instead of mayo though. I didn't really need those calories...I just like mayonnaise.


Today I am feeling hungrier than expected, like breakfast didn't even happen. I had a snack of one deviled egg (one egg, but half the yolk with a spoonful of plain yogurt and dash of mustard) and I am feeling better.


My weight is  holding steady for 3 days. And while I am disappointed not to see a loss this week, it is worth pointing out that my weight holding for 3 days has NEVER happened. I have been weighing myself every morning for years and years and it is usually all over the place. I can go up or down by 3 pounds from day to day. Or it goes down for three or four days and then goes higher than it was before in one day. Since I started this I have either lost or held steady, none of this roller coaster stuff. I feel like that is a good thing.  With my period coming, I would expect to see it increase by a couple pounds in the next day or so.

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Feeling totally wonky today, having such an intense workout at a time before I usually eat breakfast and my bg is running lower totally threw me off. I ate a bit of dark chocolate and cashews  before class and then I ate some of my soup afterwords and then I went to my PT appt but I had to leave a few minutes early as I was feeling shaky, so then I finished my soup and drove home. Needless to say my carbs are a bit higher today as my meals have been wonky and I'm still not feeling 100%. I'm going to have to work on this eating with early morning workouts. 

This is motivating!!
I went over on carbs yesterday. We had my family over for dinner and my dad asked me to make fish and mango salsa. I also made bacon jalapeños with cream cheese. Even with all that it was 1568 calories, 112F/45C/102P. I'm trying to keep carbs 20-30 so I guess a 45 isn't that bad.

I think I solved my bulletproof coffee sweetener problem. Instead of coffee yesterday I used green tea. I didn't hate it like the coffee. So that will help me drop the sweetener completely.

I don't do coffee but sometimes we do a chai tea with coconut cream and it is pretty good.


I need to get back to lc. I've been spinning my wheels for months and months, stuck right at the overweight/obese border. My totally shallow motivation: my 20 yr. reunion is in a month. Gulp. I'd like to be down a size by then. I've been doing Ttapp, which has taken an inch off my waist and given me muscle definition, but I need to step it up. It is so much harder to lose weight after three pregnancies than it was when I was younger. I'm going to pout about that for a few minutes, then plan meals for the next few days. :)

Welcome! I hear you on it being harder, your in good company though :) 


Feeling hungry last night and today. Just checked and my period is due in a week, but I am thinking it is going to be earlier. I always get really hungry right before it starts and have a very low appetite in the days after it stops, so it all evens out, lol.


So, yesterday I went over a small amount in calories and def in fat but not in carbs. I was so hungry that I ate a whole can of tuna with some mayo on top of romaine lettuce leaves for dinner. I felt so good when I was done, lol. No regrets because I clearly needed that meal. I guess next time I will use plain yogurt instead of mayo though. I didn't really need those calories...I just like mayonnaise.


Today I am feeling hungrier than expected, like breakfast didn't even happen. I had a snack of one deviled egg (one egg, but half the yolk with a spoonful of plain yogurt and dash of mustard) and I am feeling better.


My weight is  holding steady for 3 days. And while I am disappointed not to see a loss this week, it is worth pointing out that my weight holding for 3 days has NEVER happened. I have been weighing myself every morning for years and years and it is usually all over the place. I can go up or down by 3 pounds from day to day. Or it goes down for three or four days and then goes higher than it was before in one day. Since I started this I have either lost or held steady, none of this roller coaster stuff. I feel like that is a good thing.  With my period coming, I would expect to see it increase by a couple pounds in the next day or so.

Hormones, gotta love them! I have more cravings after my period myself and around ovulation. It sounds like great progress with the weight, I totally understand you as I was having the same experience myself. I completely stopped weighing for awhile. Hopefully it continues for both of us!

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Do you have a go-to/default meal? I know it's a stereotypical thing, but I could totally eat bacon and eggs all the time. Of course I change it up for variety, but if I'm tired and don't want to think or be creative, it's bacon and eggs for me.

I agree about the treats, too. I found a brownie recipe that is pretty good (almond and coconut flours) and it does quite a bit for morale. :-)


My default meal is a can of salmon mixed with mayo and eaten right out of the bowl if I'm tired or hungry. If I have more energy, I mix the salmon with an egg, wait 10 minutes for them to come together, and then fry patties in butter.


I think I solved my bulletproof coffee sweetener problem. Instead of coffee yesterday I used green tea. I didn't hate it like the coffee. So that will help me drop the sweetener completely.


Great idea!


I need to get back to lc. I've been spinning my wheels for months and months, stuck right at the overweight/obese border. My totally shallow motivation: my 20 yr. reunion is in a month. Gulp. I'd like to be down a size by then. I've been doing Ttapp, which has taken an inch off my waist and given me muscle definition, but I need to step it up. It is so much harder to lose weight after three pregnancies than it was when I was younger. I'm going to pout about that for a few minutes, then plan meals for the next few days. :)


Ah, yes, reunions. I didn't go to my 20-year reunion because of how I felt. Not just because of chronic illness, but how I felt about how I looked. Hoping to hit the 30-year next time!


I've gotta look into this ttapp thing.

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I saw an interesting article come up on fb yesterday--it was a description of a meal plan by someone who eats the same thing every day. No breakfast, smoked salmon with cheese and avocado for lunch, eggs, bacon, and vegetables for dinner. This seems yummy and doable to me. Does anyone here eat the same thing day in and day out? 

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My default meal is a can of salmon mixed with mayo and eaten right out of the bowl if I'm tired or hungry. If I have more energy, I mix the salmon with an egg, wait 10 minutes for them to come together, and then fry patties in butter.



Great idea!



Ah, yes, reunions. I didn't go to my 20-year reunion because of how I felt. Not just because of chronic illness, but how I felt about how I looked. Hoping to hit the 30-year next time!


I've gotta look into this ttapp thing.


There is a bunch of it up on Youtube right now.  I have tried it and tried it and it just does not click with me. I feel like I did a nice yoga class when I am done, stretched and warmed up, but not 'worked out'. T Tapp falls into my "better than nothing' category of exercise, but some people really like it. The longer workout can get my heart beating and I plan to return to it in the winter when that is about all I am up to.


If you go to youtube and search on T Tapp and then filter for longer than 20 min videos you should get a bunch of hits. Her stuff is VERY low production quality if that bothers you. It doesn't bother me. And if you go to her website she is trying to see you all kinds of supplements etc, which I don't like. She also makes some pretty suspect claims about what her exercise can deliver. There is a touch of the huckster to her for sure, but that isn't uncommon in the fitness business.


So, first you do instructional video 1 until you sort of feel like you have that down. It is about 20 mins long. Then you can move to instructional video 2, which is the second half of the signature 't tapp workout' and is a bit longer.  I guess some people do the first half on a 'light' day and the whole thing on a heavier exercise day? Or the first half in the morning etc.  Once it gets fluid for you (and it sort of like a yoga flow) then people do it at 'tempo' which means without stopping.  I think on youtube there is a 'beginner' video which might be the whole workout?


And just be forewarned, Teresa is a character. She sort of chants the. whole. time. she teaches. I know some people find it sort of zen, but I find it mortifying. It makes me not want to do the workouts when there is anyone else home. There are a couple yoga instructors who do the same thing and I don't like it when they do it either.


If you do want her videos, be warned that they are expensive compared to other workout videos. I was surprised at the price especially considering the low production value. She films them in her living room. I have a friend who is an ex- t tapper and she has loaned me a bunch of her stuff whenever I like.


I don't think there is anything magical about T Tapp. I think a really consistent yoga or Pilates practice could get you the same results.

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Momofabunch, you mentioned your dd's psychiatrist encouraging her to try a Ketogenic diet. You need to find out if he meant the real, medical Ketogenic diet or the high fat low carb diet that is popularly called Ketogenic.


We had friends whose daughter was on the medical Ketogenic diet. It involved very detailed, brand specific recipes that they received from Johns Hopkins. It was a very high level of calories from fat (90%?). It stopped her seizures when nothing else would

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fast meat: frozen burger patty; throw them in and fry them up! 


lunch meat/ pepperoni/jerky

chicken breast tenderloins cook quickly


lower carb veggies- side dishes:

Aldi's Baby Spring Mix- Organic and cheap!

kale salad (pre-chopped and washed)

broccoli slaw(pre-chopped and washed)

roasted broccoli- takes 8 min to cook and only about 5 to prep- wash, chop, spray with coco oil, sprinkle with salt


As of late I've been pre-cooking big batches of meat so I can chop it and quickly add it to salads or sautee some veggies with it.




various nuts and seeds


kale chips store bought or homemade is quick and easy to do

dark chocolate



I'm shopping on Azure Co-Op right now, any suggestions as to staples? They've got a good deal on 5 gal coco oil so I'm getting that, chicken livers, unsweetened coconut chips(to eat plainly or season up for yummy snacks), ????


any suggestions- whole foods, dairy free?



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Momofabunch, you mentioned your dd's psychiatrist encouraging her to try a Ketogenic diet. You need to find out if he meant the real, medical Ketogenic diet or the high fat low carb diet that is popularly called Ketogenic.


We had friends whose daughter was on the medical Ketogenic diet. It involved very detailed, brand specific recipes that they received from Johns Hopkins. It was a very high level of calories from fat (90%?). It stopped her seizures when nothing else would

No, he didn't mean the strict diet that starts with hospitalization. I did ask. His actual wording was low carb, high fat, like the keto diet, but not so strict. Like Atkins with high fat. Thanks for your concern! A lot of her behavior issues actually stem from over activity throughout her brain. Something about the ketones calms that down. I need to do more research to understand that better.

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