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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Happy Father's Day!


I am supposed to be working my tail off, but I am not getting much done.  I think I will take a short nap and get back on it.


Tomorrow I plan to drive to my parents' house in between working.  I am under a lot of deadline pressure, but my dad has been kind of depressed so I think it's important that I get out there.  My daughter is also very particular that we leave by midday.  I suspect she is thinking about the ice cream sandwiches my dad always gives them.  ;)


There is a nature hike type thing we could try to do if we get out the door soon enough.  I don't know, though.  It depends on how the work goes.

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Whoa Jen, you were up early today!


Kind of in a funk this morning. Last night we enjoyed the anniversary for our priest friend, saw oodles of people. I dreamed about my parents all night as they should have been there as well. And birthdays are generally hard for me.




Today's plan is to do whatever I feel like. I will ceremoniously pick the first ripe tomato and post the picture on facebook. I've been trying to grow tomatoes to be ripe by July 4 and have never succeeded----to have one ready by my birthday is amazing :D


I need to run to the Farmers' Market for some things. Bit too humid and wet to walk, plus dh and I walked/hiked (different surfsces) 7 miles yesterday :eek:


If ds can babysit the ribs dh will be smoking (he chose dinner--Father's Day lol), we may go see the 3:30 local showing of "Inside Out".


I'm going to do some Alaska trip planning. I will read a book (or two).


Have a great day :)

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I need to go to work.


I need to make soup.


I need to make bakes and soup for the sandwich shop tomorrow.


I need to give dh his father's day gifts and cards and make his day pleasant.


I need to remember that dh is a great dad and I love what he does for our family.



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Ugh, I need to get the sleeping thing under control.  I hit the snooze for hours again.  Got up at 7:30 and my overnight workers still had not sent me my stuff, but I got that going and went back and forth several times.  I am not going to finish everything I wanted by noon today, but we'll figure it out.


Just got an email from the overnight crew as they were leaving.  It says guess what, the government just changed what they want and now you have a whole long list of changes you need to make on the stuff you thought you already finished.  Now I'm going to get more pressure about taking time to visit my father today.  No matter what I do, I suck.  :/

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Morning all! It's been a busy morning so far but the afternoon will be filled with relaxing and family visits.


Done so far:

- grocery store

- kids and I made dh breakfast

- dishes

- cleaned up kitchen and dining room after breakfast

- kids cleaned toys up in my room

- cloth diapers washed


To do:

- Mass

- lunch with my parents

- dinner with mil and celebrate sil's bday

- spend 15 minutes straightening up upstairs

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Good afternoon :)

So I have done:

- tidy house round 1

- cleaned out fridge

- cleaned off table and big clutter hot spot

- folded and put away a load of laundry

- helped dh set up girls pool

To do:

- laundry- in washer

- dishes

- school work- done

- tidy house (before bed)

- dinner- done

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- got the bug guts off my car, I have yet to give it a good wash but figured getting the bug guts off an improvement.

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Both kids woke up sick

church for dh and me

lunch for dh and me and a friend

did a bit of shopping


my body is trying to get sick and I'm trying to not get sick.

garbage and recycling are out at the curb

emptied, filled and am running the dishwasher


now I need to heed the advice on my handwashing laundry thread and wash dh and ds' barong tagalog (men's Filipino fancy dress shirts)

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