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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good morning! It is a busy day, but I am merely director of all and not an actual participant. Dh took ds2 to his swim meet and then is dropping dd1 off to take the ACT. Hopefully she will add a few points (not strictly necessary, but it would be nice). Ds1 will be the driver for AM practices for dd2 and ds3 as he is is working.

I will be at home all by myself.

Like a gift from the household gods.


I have no idea what I will do. Except pick up dd1 and maybe treat her to lunch.


Mass this afternoon.


That's it!

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--last ballet class of the year :D

--garden: pick, weed, water as necessary (just the potted things on the deck, I think---i have a rain barrel system, thanks to dh)

-- pick up dd downtown (she's treating herself to an almond milk frozen coffee drink at a local coffee house)

--two loads of laundry, hung outside

--Costco run

--make lime squares for tonight (I have lots of limes...) and maybe a gf/df treat for the girls

--go to a BBQ grill-off at dsil's; dh and I are serving as judges :party:

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Good morning

- tidy house- round 1 done and vacuumed

- dishes- done

- laundry- load in dryer

- fold laundry

- wait for satellite repair person- we think a chipmunk chewed on a wire because one TV works that has its own line and receiver but the two that share doesn't-done

- school work- AP done now onto algebra :(

- dinner- done

- baths

- bedtime routine

- anything else I get done

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Hi!  I'm late!  That's because it's been a busy day.


Worked about 9am-12pm (with some breaks).

TKD mini belt camp (4 hours).  This was grueling for me as I am not feeling well at all.  But I got the belt and will recover.  ;)

Ate out.

Got ice cream.

Kids swam, I walked.

Home and back to work.

About to put the kids to bed shortly.

More work.

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