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science question. does this exist?

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Man, I can tell you, if someone writes one, they will make a FORTUNE!!!!! I can't tell you how many Christians I know that use YE texts and just redact or use OE texts and add God in...to have both would SOOO be a win win!!! I haven't found one yet. 

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We have been using BJU Science (3rd grade, 6th grade, and just started 7th grade).  Mrs. Vick teaches the 6th-8th grade courses, and I don't remember seeing material that was YE.  If anything I think she may lean more to OE, but I don't think either view is pushed.  Definitely the course is taught from a Christian viewpoint, though.


I'll ask my kids and let you know what they say.

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Behold and see and novare, both of which were mentioned, are the only I'm aware of. Novare looks exciting, and I'm hoping to incorporate some of their things down the road as they release the other middle school texts. BJU is young earth, so even if a particular course leaves out ye specific stuff, it will not have the mainstream oe evidence either. This will leave you trying to figure out what exactly is missing and then fill it back in.

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Novare is the only one I've seen linked before. In general, Catholic materials are Christian and OE. Kolbe offers classes and sells some of their books and syllabuses.


BJU is as young earth as it gets. I've never used any of their videos so I can't comment on Mrs. Vick, but we used their science in 5-7th grade and Chemistry and YE was pushed hard in every. single. book.

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Haven't seen you around in a dog's age!  How are you?

Man, I can tell you, if someone writes one, they will make a FORTUNE!!!!! I can't tell you how many Christians I know that use YE texts and just redact or use OE texts and add God in...to have both would SOOO be a win win!!! I haven't found one yet. 


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Haven't seen you around in a dog's age!  How are you?


I am well, how are you? We bought a house and have been really busy with my IL's as well. Still fully enrolled with Seton and Melissa will be in 7th grade next year. She's a tween now. Nuff said. LOL 


I'm not hanging around here much anymore because I'm really not a classical educator and I use a box...there's not much discussion around for gals like me. 

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