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Memoria Press Latin - What Order

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We jsut started Prima Latina and can already tell we'll be going through it at a fast pace. So after this it's Latina Christiana I, right? Where do I go from there? LC II or First Form? And how about the other products (Lingua Angelica and Ludere Latin, Roots, Grammar) they sell for Latin, they also look very good. When do I add those in?

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Memoria Press recommends moving from PL to LC1 and then straight to FF. There is a schedule for Lingua Angelica in the Forms Teacher Guides. Ludere is scheduled with Latina Christiana. I'm not sure about roots but grammar is just a handbook with all the grammar contained in one place.

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So what is LC II for? And if we do LC I, we'd skip half of Ludere, right? Sorry, so many questions :)


Luredre is a supplement to LCI, so you would use it with LCI. LCII was what was used before the Forms program was published, now you move straight into the Forms from LCI.

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There are also review worksheets available for LC 1 that have been very useful for my DS.

I also recommend the worksheets.  Ludere is a nice supplement, but these worksheets really add a ton of practice to the program.  

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The Forms series is a lot of writing, but I'd recommend it over LCII when you get there. I used Ludere as extra practice when one wasn't quite ready to move into the Forms series yet. In retrospect, I would have just done First Form at a slower pace instead. 

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I think MP is in the process of ditching LC II (If it hasn't already); they intend for FFL to replace LC II.  At any rate, we did Prima Latina, Latina Christiana I, and FFL with DD.  It was a good, solid progression, and not too overwhelming for the teacher (me).  We found Ludere Latine a waste of time; it was dull and unhelpful.  We have not tried Lingua Angelica.

We jsut started Prima Latina and can already tell we'll be going through it at a fast pace. So after this it's Latina Christiana I, right? Where do I go from there? LC II or First Form? And how about the other products (Lingua Angelica and Ludere Latin, Roots, Grammar) they sell for Latin, they also look very good. When do I add those in?


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The PDF worksheets that Clear Creek shared were great, but we found them more difficult than the work required in the LC1 program. So, if you find them tough, rest assured that others did as well! I would sometimes put one translation sentence on the board and with the answer sheet nearby, we'd work through the sentence together. Then, I'd put up another one and mostly ask questions to help them think through it on their own. The first time through LC1 when I was learning Latin right along with them, I had to have the answer sheet right there. Once I'd done (most of) First Form Latin myself, I didn't have to have the answer key. 


The review worksheets sold on MP's site are easier and provide both more practice and review of the stuff taught in LC1. If you need PDFs, try emailing MP and asking if they will sell you the review worksheets as a PDF. I don't know if they will, but it never hurts to ask. MP's customer service is awesome.

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