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Who's going to tackle Thursday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's only 8:10am, but so far I feel like Supermom today!  I got up on time and got the kids out on time without forgetting anything or losing my mind.  :p  I realize most parents manage this every morning, but I haven't been having such a good run lately.  :p


And now I am alone in the house, which means I can take a nap, yay!  After a little nap I should be rarin' to go on my work.


Today's list:

  • Get kids up & out, including breakfast & lunches.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Sneak a peek at the forums, followed by a nap.  [done]
  • Work until 5:45.  [done]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise  [done]
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • summer camp signups
    • go thru personal to-do pile so I don't miss any deadlines
    • check in with kids re homework  [done]
  • Kids to soccer practice.  [done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Laundry.  [not needed - soccer wasn't muddy, yay!]
  • Kids' work, including online practice math test etc.  [done]
  • Prepare kids' clothes and bags for Friday.  [bags ready]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.
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I'm in!


Today I need to get a boatload of reading done. I also want to catch up on laundry and dishes.


On the plus side I got up this morning first thing and showered and got dressed (really dressed, a dress and leggings instead of back into clean PJs or yoga pants and tee). I know that's not a notable accomplishment for many people but for me I've been struggling with chronic health issues and being upright is hard, being dressed just usually doesn't feel like something I can use my energy on. Today I made an effort though and my husband's reaction made me want to try more often :)


Kids are done math. Oldest kiddo (age 8) is reading an anthology of fantasy stories, and youngest kiddo (age 4) is building lego into superheroes from his head and its really awesome. Middle kiddo (age 6) and I are going to go read together while I wait for the laundry to be ready to switch.

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Today will be better than yesterday. Schooling at my parent's house today and then have a few household chores to do and lots of pet sitting.


- pack lunch

- do dishes from breakfast

- head to parents

- school

- clear entryway

- load van with more goodwill stuff

- pack overnight bag for pet sitting overnight

- quick clean downstairs

- pet sit in the afternoon

- get soup made for dinner

- kung fu for kids

- spend a little time with dh before having to leave for the night

- enjoy the evening with baby at pet sitting house

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Good morning, dh is on his way to the airport and will be back sometime around midnight tomorrow night so just the girls and I

- laundry- load of sheets washer and clothes in dryer

- fold laundry- later tonight or tomorrow

- tidy house- round 2 done

- dishes- done

- declutter/organize living room- it's decluttered for the most part, reorganize tomorrow?

- get dd1 off bus- done

- help dd1 start girls' room reorganization/declutter- tomorrow or Saturday

- dinner- done

- baths- not needed

- bedtime routine- in progress

- anything else I get done- checked with my financial aid, scheduled my varicella titer and TB tests, checked on getting my nursing program application. Changed bedding on all 3 beds

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Good morning! Dd1 is at class and dh and ds3 left to try to sneak "one last" day of skiing. Traffic is terrible, who knows when they will get there. But that is their problem, not mine! I will be at home all day, yay!


To do: 

oversee school

oversee chores


school administration
sports administration-driving schedule for meet this weekend

start sewing project

figure out dinner plans


Have a great day!


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hmmm.. I think we are done school for the day but I don't want to tell the kids.  They think they are just taking a break so they are all quietly playing with army men.  If I tell them school is done they will start running wildly around inside or head down to the creek outside and get muddy.  Since I spent the last 2 days doing muddy laundry because of letting them play in the rain I don't feel like dealing with that again especially since we are at my parent's house.


I'll just wait until they ask to tell them. can't do much until my sister picks my nephew up so I think I'll read on the couch until then.

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Very sneaky, hj ;)


Done so far:

--daily things

--AP Human Geo w dd

--walked to/from gym for training session


Still to do:

--amath, chem w dd

--Thursday-specific things

--continue cleaning up the fruit garden

--stretch shoulder twice once

--continue working on bio plans for next year

--drive dd to rehearsal 5-9

--meet friends w dh for drinks and dinner :)

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Are you sure today isn't Monday?


Dh was up multiple times during the night with bloodsugar problems, which of course is worrisome in and of itself.  But also terribly disruptive for both of our sleeps.  (is it sleeps, plural?)  


So while I did get back to sleep each time, I'm a bit grumpy from lack of sleep.  


Then dd went to unload the dishwasher and found it half full of dirty dishes.  But. . . it is now full and is running.


I'm not supposed to have caffeine this morning and despite almost never having chocolate or tea in the a.m., I am now of course craving some!  


On the plus side, I have pants and everything that goes with them.   :laugh:


Now dd actually expects me to teach her math.  Can you believe it?   :glare:

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Wow, I took a pretty long nap.  The problem with that is, I might be up all night again.  Well, this time I vow to work rather than fool around on the internet during that time.  ;)


And, correction, I did forget something this morning.  I was supposed to send my kids with water bottles and a snack for their state reading assessment.  Oh well.  I never had water bottles and snacks when I took standardized tests.  :P

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Well it worked! They didn't go to the creek because they had no idea school was over! I got the entry way cleaned and quickly cleaned up the rest of the downstairs. Time to throw the soup ingredients into the chicken broth that I made yesterday and wait for my brother and his family to stop by to hang out for a bit. I love impromptu family visits.

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Good Evening Everyone...


Crazy 48 hours...Sophia had a rash yesterday morning and we thought it was scarlet fever...started new antibiotics yesterday afternoon.  Her rash blew up and fever...we were sent to the ER...they said allergic reaction and to stop all meds.  Home at 2 am --she slept from 4-7:30am.  Still covered in a rotten rash and we took her back to her doctor today.  No strep is now present and all meds are stopped except Benadryl every 4 to 6 hours for rash.  She has a slight fever and they don't want to put her on steroids until the fever is gone.  It's now a virus causing the rash.   Could you guys please say a prayer for her...she's just miserable and it's breaking this Nana's heart.


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