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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Good Morning...


Had a blast last night at the Nat's game...got home at 1 am...then....I awoke to Sophia being covered in little red dots....I think chicken pox. :scared:  Today was suppose to be fun day.  Looks like she will be going to the doctor instead.


To do:  

  • take a nap 
  • tidy the house
  • cook something yummy for dinner
  • relax and figure out the rest of the week.


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Good morning all!


I'm moving slow this morning. I went back to sleep after DH left.


On the list for today:

Get school started

Lunch with my dad

Finish school

Go outside because it's a beautiful cool sunshiney day

Find something for supper?

Make up some soap for the farmers market in town Saturday


Have a good day everyone.

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I was up all night last night, NOT working, so that was pretty dumb.  I will not be able to take a nap today.  It's going to be a long one.


My list:

  • Get the kids up at 6am to do make-up work.  [done]
  • Pack the kids' lunches and school bags.  [done]
  • Kids off to the school bus.  [done - on time today, yay]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, and some clutter.  [done]
  • Touch base about house remodel.  [done]
  • Send email to kids' teacher about make-up work due date.  [done]
  • Work until ?? - depends on what needs to get done this evening.  [done - worked until about 4:15 and then some more later.]
  • Take work breaks for:
    • a little exercise [done]
    • a little reading  [done]
    • a little housework  [done]
    • summer camp registrations
    • get kids going on homework  [done]
  • Kids to swim team?  Not sure if we'll have time today.  [yep - done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Kids' work.  [done, whew]
  • Prepare kids' clothes and bags for Thursday.  [bags done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work until midnight.  [done]
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Oh dear, Tammy! I hope she feels better soon. I had an extremely productive day yesterday, nothing like worry to get things done. Today, I have more of the same. dd1 just got home, I will talk to her about emails, phone calls, etc while she eats breakfast. 


To do:

school for all

planning for next year

a few more things in the kitchen

clean out pantry

school administration

sports administration with dd1

read a little

PM practice/aikido

grocery story during practice


Have a great day!

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Glad it is not chicken pox, Tammy! Hopefully she will be bouncing around soon...

I have gotten a few things done. Dd1 did her correspondence :thumbup:  The boys are playing cribbage and I will have to intervene soon. Ds2 and ds3 still have work to do.


I should get something done as well  :leaving:

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Feeling overwhelmed today! Somehow I'm always playing catch up when it comes to the organization and cleanliness of this house. It's hard to feel like it's been a productive day when there is still so much chaos.


-more laundry washed, folded, away

- kitchen cleaned

- my bedroom clean (didn't get the this the other day)

- computer room cleaned

-get dinner made

- upstairs hallway cleaned

-kids in bed by 7:30

- play board game with dh

- read for an hour

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All dry laundry has been folded and put away.

Dh was sent to work, fed and with a sandwich for dinner.

Afternoon school is  done

Talked to cardiology a couple of times.  They keep calling with instructions for tomorrow's stress echo.  I don't think I needed quite so much reminding but oh well, I guess it doesn't hurt.  

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It's 10 pm, the 2 year old is still awake, 4 year old fell asleep at 9, and I got no me time or dh time today. I'm too tired to think let alone read. Maybe dh and I will just cuddle watching a show until we both fall asleep. But first to get the 2 year old to bed.

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Very long day.  My kids' make-up work for school.  My kid was so tired on this third day in a row of late nights and early mornings.  I am so lucky that she is compliant about school work.  My other kid was on the edge of a fit despite having a lot less to do.


Now I really need to get some sleep and hope I get up in the morning.  I can stay up all night (one night, not two) but waking up in the morning is a whole nother thing.

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