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I need DE advice (Latin and Chemistry related)


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My question for Latin ...


DD wants to take Spanish but they aren't offering it (long story).  They are only offering Latin and Greek.  She is considering the Latin.

This means she will start with Latin 101 (professor required).  This is actually good for dd because languages aren't her strongest subject so starting over with an actual prof. who knows what they are doing could be great.  She's had two years of HS Latin.  If she takes 101 and 102 this year and two intermediate Latin semesters next year, would that be sufficient for four years of Latin on her transcript?  The registrar did say that sometimes the prof will move students up to the next level if they are simply too advanced but that is at his discretion.  He wants to make sure everyone has a solid foundation.  I know that she wouldn't reach advanced work but she has no desire to major in Latin or Classics, etc.  On her transcript, could I simply list it like this and let them interpret it how they wish...

9th - Latin 1

10th - Latin 2

11th -College Latin 101 & 102 (Dual enrollment)

12th - College Intermediate Latin 1, Intermediate Latin 2 (Dual Enrollment, can't remember the course numbers)


I will have college transcripts sent as well.


My question for Chemistry...


They have Chemistry 105 the first semester and Chemistry 106 the second.  She should take both semesters, correct?  They are four credits each.  I read that 3-4 college credits equals a HS credit so this would give her two credits in HS Chemistry.  Is that okay or should she take a different course the second semester? She is considering the SAT sub test in Chem next spring so I'm sure that two semesters will help with that. She is only allowed to take two classes per semester Dual enrollment. 




Just in case anyone is questioning beginning at the 100 level courses, this is a private four year college that requires first year DE students to take 100 level courses.  If she does ok with that then she can move to 200 level courses her second year.





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If you end up with four semesters of college Latin, I wouldn't list the two you did before that because that gives you six years of Latin, some of it overlapping.  Listing the same course twice on a transcript should be avoided if at all possible.


I'm also a little concerned about counting on four semesters of college Latin when you say that she's not strong on languages.  Our experience with college languages is that they go pretty fast and hard.  My kid that did AP Latin then did college Spanish, and it kept him very busy.  His comment afterwards was that he was glad that he did Latin first, and that we didn't do Latin on that accelerated pace.


A lot of course depends on the professor, and it could be that it will go just fine.


Having two years of chemistry on the transcript is great.

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If you end up with four semesters of college Latin, I wouldn't list the two you did before that because that gives you six years of Latin, some of it overlapping.  Listing the same course twice on a transcript should be avoided if at all possible.


I'm also a little concerned about counting on four semesters of college Latin when you say that she's not strong on languages.  Our experience with college languages is that they go pretty fast and hard.  My kid that did AP Latin then did college Spanish, and it kept him very busy.  His comment afterwards was that he was glad that he did Latin first, and that we didn't do Latin on that accelerated pace.


A lot of course depends on the professor, and it could be that it will go just fine.


Having two years of chemistry on the transcript is great.



If she was to have high school Latin 1 and 2 and then only complete College 101 and 102 and not go to intermediate, would that look bad?  Can it count as four credits of HS Latin?

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I would have no problem listing all of the Latin. I would label it exactly as you listed. Fwiw, my kids have had lots of overlap due to DE. High school chem, college chemistry, etc. My freshman took 3 yrs of high school Latin and took Latin 101 last semester. He said he was glad he did. The vocab of the program was different. It was a ton of written busy work. He was glad he didn't have to put a ton of effort into learning it on top of everything else he was taking. It was low priority for him. Since college kids do it, I'm not sure why high school kids shouldn't. (He would have detested doing the same thing with math or physics. What does you dd think? I'd let her decide.)

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My dd took those four DE Latin classes. We were advised not to list the high school Latin classes even though she took Latin 1 through an online provider. Latin 1 DE covered the same material as high school Latin 1, only at a faster pace. For us, Latin 1 and 2 DE used Wheelock's Latin. However, our state does provide the high school credit amount we can award and each of the college Latin classes was worth a full high school credit. So she still has 4 credits of Latin on her transcript.


Here, the Chemistry would get 1 high school credit each semester if the lab was also taken. Both high school Chemistry and DE Chemistry can be listed on the transcript for credit. It is assumed that the level of Chemistry taught in an entry level DE class is above and beyond the level of Chemistry taught at the high school level.

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If she was to have high school Latin 1 and 2 and then only complete College 101 and 102 and not go to intermediate, would that look bad?  Can it count as four credits of HS Latin?


Most would say no, but the wonderful world of college admissions has been likened to real estate.  There are so many opinions and variables. 


The recruiters from very competitive schools I've talked said they wanted three or four years of a single language in progression.  No repeats, and one language to at least the third year.  But they also said that for certain majors, language is not considered critical to their admission decisions.

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 They are only offering Latin and Greek.  She is considering the Latin.

This means she will start with Latin 101 (professor required).  This is actually good for dd because languages aren't her strongest subject so starting over with an actual prof. who knows what they are doing could be great.  She's had two years of HS Latin.  If she takes 101 and 102 this year and two intermediate Latin semesters next year, would that be sufficient for four years of Latin on her transcript?  The registrar did say that sometimes the prof will move students up to the next level if they are simply too advanced but that is at his discretion.  


Do you have any idea how rigorous the High school Latin classes were?  Did they take the NLE?  Does she know her paradigms cold?  What text did they use, and how far did they get?  My feeling is that unless the HS Latin was pretty rigorous, 101 is a good place to be, especially if this is a rigorous private LAC.  College classes move fast, and there's a lot less hand holding.


While the professor may move students up, does this school offer Latin 101 and 102 in the fall semester?  If not, her only other option may be 3rd semester Latin, which may be too much.


As an aside:  DE into a private LAC?  I didn't even know that was possible.

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My question for Latin ...


DD wants to take Spanish but they aren't offering it (long story).  They are only offering Latin and Greek.  She is considering the Latin.

This means she will start with Latin 101 (professor required).  This is actually good for dd because languages aren't her strongest subject so starting over with an actual prof. who knows what they are doing could be great.  She's had two years of HS Latin.  If she takes 101 and 102 this year and two intermediate Latin semesters next year, would that be sufficient for four years of Latin on her transcript?  The registrar did say that sometimes the prof will move students up to the next level if they are simply too advanced but that is at his discretion.  He wants to make sure everyone has a solid foundation.  I know that she wouldn't reach advanced work but she has no desire to major in Latin or Classics, etc.  On her transcript, could I simply list it like this and let them interpret it how they wish...

9th - Latin 1

10th - Latin 2

11th -College Latin 101 & 102 (Dual enrollment)

12th - College Intermediate Latin 1, Intermediate Latin 2 (Dual Enrollment, can't remember the course numbers)


I will have college transcripts sent as well.


My question for Chemistry...


They have Chemistry 105 the first semester and Chemistry 106 the second.  She should take both semesters, correct?  They are four credits each.  I read that 3-4 college credits equals a HS credit so this would give her two credits in HS Chemistry.  Is that okay or should she take a different course the second semester? She is considering the SAT sub test in Chem next spring so I'm sure that two semesters will help with that. She is only allowed to take two classes per semester Dual enrollment. 




Just in case anyone is questioning beginning at the 100 level courses, this is a private four year college that requires first year DE students to take 100 level courses.  If she does ok with that then she can move to 200 level courses her second year.


For the Latin, I would give 1 high school credit for each semester of college Latin.  So for 11th, I would list Latin 101 - 1 cr and Latin 102 - 1 cr with an explanation in course descriptions that it was taken at the local 4 year college.  Same if she takes senior year.  (Yes, that would have her graduating with 6 credits of Latin.)


For the chem.  If the college has this as a two semester sequence, I would have her take both (and any companion lab courses, if those are separate.  Some of the CC's I'm looking at combine labs and lecture for one course and some have separate sections so you pick the lecture section and then also pick the lab section .)  I would give one credit for each semester.


FWIW, I was at a college fair last night.  The topic of lab sciences came up with the Arizona State University admissions counselor, who was very specific about saying that a homeschool high schooler could/should count each semester of dual enrollment as a full year credit of lab science.


Sometimes I find it helps to look at what colleges will give for AP credit.  AP language exams are typically taken as a 4th or 5th year of study.  They are often considered validation for 3-4 semesters of college language work.  Given that, I feel comfortable marking one high school credit per semester.  

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Yes, you should take both semesters of chem. If you hope to transfer credits, receiving institutions like to see the full sequence of a two-part class. Also, if she did get credit for semester 1 later, and had to take semester 2 after time off, the class will be much harder.


For the Latin, DD was in a similar situation: She took high school French 1 at home in 9th, nothing in 10th (had to drop a class due to overwhelm and health issue), then started over with French I in DE. I gave her grades for both French I classes, but only gave her a credit for the second one, and explained the circumstances in the course description for the 9th grade class.

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Do you have any idea how rigorous the High school Latin classes were?  Did they take the NLE?  Does she know her paradigms cold?  What text did they use, and how far did they get?  My feeling is that unless the HS Latin was pretty rigorous, 101 is a good place to be, especially if this is a rigorous private LAC.  College classes move fast, and there's a lot less hand holding.


While the professor may move students up, does this school offer Latin 101 and 102 in the fall semester?  If not, her only other option may be 3rd semester Latin, which may be too much.


As an aside:  DE into a private LAC?  I didn't even know that was possible.




DD was taking it at home and it wasn't intense.  No NLE.  She used Wheelock's and I know nothing about Latin so I think her foundation needs to be strengthened.  She has had a difficult time with the memory work and feels shaky on it.  She can think through it all, but she has to reference a good bit.  She's hated it and it is her weakest academic subject.  It is a private LAC so I would guess it to be more difficult than a CC.  It isn't necessarily a rigorous school, but at least average in rigor (not a slacker schooler by any means ;) 


Yes, DE at a private LAC.  Pretty great, right?  :)

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I wouldn't recommend college Latin DE for a student who is weak in Latin and hates it. Is the CC nearby where she can take Spanish? That would be horrible to be limited to only two college classes and one of them you hate! Just my opinion.

I wish the CC here was a good option. It is so close to my house. The private LAC is not as close. The CC is quirky, especially about following their plan and you can't jump around or pick and choose. Their plan doesn't include foreign language at all :/. The only other option we have is for her to take high school Spanish 1 and 2 but then she lacks 4 credits of the same language. I am hopeful that the first semester or two of Latin being review with a professional will make it click and work for her?

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