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use snap circuts or buy wires etc?


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I am about to start a little unit on circuits with ds2. This isn't hugely new information, he has messed around with snap circuits and made things the light up etc. But, it has been a couple years and it has never been in an organized fashion, more like taking a science workshop with a friend type situation.  So, it's in the science unit and I am thinking we might as well do it. He loves hands on!



So, this lesson plan is telling me I need some wires, a couple 1.5 volt bulbs, a D cell battery, a switch etc. Honestly, nothing that is going to break the bank. But, I have this big box of snap circuits....


So, if spending the 10$ isn't an issue, is it just as 'good' to use snap circuits to have him build a circuit and a parallel circuit as with actual wires? I think it is. I think the value comes from seeing how the energy is moved around the circuit, not necessarily in building it himself with the wires, turning the screws etc. 


So any reason to think that snap circuits are too 'snappy' or toylike? As you can see, this is SO not my area and I want to make sure I am not skipping something important to the educational process.


I think if I pulled out the snap circuits and said 'make a simple circuit' he would, with no trouble. He would just be thrilled I was 'letting' him use snap circuits as part of school.

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Can't see how old your DS2 is on my phone.


For my boys we got a roll/coil of wire, wire cutter, bulb holders, some bulbs, battery holders, a few switches, resistors and breadboards. We went to RadioShack and check out their clearance electronics parts. We do live near many RadioShack.


They "outgrew" snap circuits at 8.



I do think snap circuits are okay for the lesson. For us, the cost of buying more snap circuits make us just channel that budget to getting electronic parts instead. Especially since my younger boy broke the snap circuit wires and he wants to have a collection of resistors.

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My boys love Snap Circuit, but we have the super big set with the radio and all the extra stuff.  I do think snap circuit would work fine if that is still holding his interest.  Maybe even give him the guide and an time to work through as many set-ups as he can.

At the same time, I think by 14, it would be great for all boys to be able to use wire-cutters and do little bits of electricity, more for the value of knowing how to fix things than know about circuits.  KWIM?

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This is for my 10 year old. He has done some snap circuits but not as much as some. However, I am absolutely certain if I told him to make a circuit or a parallel circuit he can to it in no time.


I will just save my money and make it work with what I have.  I think that should be fine for this. And he will be super excited if snap circuits are official school, lol. Later we get to make an electromagnet!

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