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Who's going to tackle Saturday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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  • Get kids up & out to horse riding.  [done]

Look into kid's glasses repair.  [will do next weel]

Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]

Work a full day.

Some exercise.

Some reading.

Go choose and buy 2 kitchen light fixtures.

Attend birthday party.

Kid baths and bed.

Work until midnight.

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Good morning everyone!


3 new inches of snow on the ground.  Spring my fanny!


Outlaws are here for the weekend!


Hanging out mostly with family today.


making a beef stew for supper


Funny story to share.

Our chickens don't like snow. They've been in the coop since the first blizzard. Last week, we had some bare ground and started letting them out again and they stuck to the bare patches, wouldn't step foot on the snow. They were out yesterday and by the time it started snowing, one was in the front yard and one was in the back. They usually put themselves to bed but I kept checking so I could close their door and they weren't in the coop yet. So I looked for them. One was on the front step, cowering as the snow got closer and closer so I opened the door, picked her up and took her to the coop. Rowan and Arwen found the other cowering under a tiny bare patch under a white pine and did the same. Chickens are ridiculous.

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I'm excited for tonight! My best friend is getting marries in May and since I can't go to her bachelorette party because of the baby I'm taking her out for margaritas tonight! It's been so long since I've seen her. The kids are excited because she's spending the night so they'll get to spend some real time with her in the morning. But before then I've got a bunch on my list.


- do workout

- enjoy dh's homemade donuts ( he spoils us so much!)

- clean sheets and cover for friend

- clean bathrooms

- fold and put away laundry

- pull cloth diapers out of storage

- put kid's clothes in storage

- kids clean their room

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Good morning

- dishes

- tidy house- round 1 done

- get a few things out of our closet and put our stuff in the truck- done

- stop at a thrift store and drop dd1 off at a friend's house for sleep over- done

- Stop at outlet store on way to burnout family (it's where we are getting the 15 yrs old stuff and we gotta get some things for our family too)- done

- go to where family is staying and drop off stuff (we got a truck load of clothes, toys and bedding for them)- done, had a nice visit and the 15 yr old wants to come to our house for spring break (she's the one we are close to).

- stop somewhere for dinner on the way home

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to do

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Forgot that we had another fixit guy coming today.  Got through that.  Then we sat around and worked on plans for remodeling and summer travel.  The remodeling may cut into our original plans.  Looking forward to getting it all planned out.  Trying to figure out the plan feels like most of the work.  I'm just now getting down to "work" work.

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Went through my in-box:

           all junk is now in recycling.

           all bills are either in the regular bill folder or the medical bill folder

           all dh's stuff is in a pile for him to mostly ignore until the next time I hand him the pile.

           all stuff to file is in my "to file" box (you didn't really think I was going to file it now, did you?)


Ate lunch and made sure that there is food for dh's dinner before work.


Next:  actually pay the regular bills.  

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I did a load of laundry, turned on the dishwasher, folded said load of laundry, lounged on the couch with my kindle, stretched out twice, read an entire book, drank a pot of decaf by myself, and ate dinner that dh planned and cooked.


I hope to feel better tomorrow. If I don't, I'll just repeat today :)

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Bills got paid.

Lunch got eaten

Dh got out the door for work

Dd and I went and got her race packet and figured out the logistics of getting there etc.  Plus there were about 20 booths there with everything from chiropractors to a big giant colon to walk through (fun!   :scared: )  

Came home and my 90 year old mom called me (though somehow she thought I had called her).  She's so excited because she's going on a road trip.  She has a much more vibrant life than I have.



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All the sheetrock is finally hung up! I am so very happy. Tomorrow, I will call my cousin to set up him doing the taping. Have I mentioned how excited I am!


We also took down the lovely 1970's floor to ceiling divider between the dining room and stairs. Now, to decide between a half wall and mission railing and put up a temporary something there

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