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private genetic testing


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I've seen this mentioned on a couple of different threads. I'd like to know more about it. What can you find out from this? Which companies offer testing and how do they compare? If you did it were you looking for something in particular?

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23andme does health testing as well but they only give you the raw data and then you have to get analysis on that yourself. They are not allowed via the FDA to give you the analyzed health information.

How do you go about getting an analysis then?

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I'm adopted and had this done for me and my three eldest by 23andme.com   I had heard through the grapevine that I might have a blood clotting disorder.  Well, I did...but the more surprising fact was that although we knew DH's family has some people with clotting disorders, we didn't know it was genetic.  One of my kids inherited my clotting disorder and DH's clotting disorder, which is not good...but good to know so we can manage it.  DD should also never use hormonal birth control because of it.

We also found out that I and two of my kids carry the Celiac genes, which actually helped us figure out some issues we were all having.


Now, 23andme can't give the health report, but they can give you the raw data which you can feed into various third party sites.  You do get the ancestry report, too.


It was $99/person when I did it.


If there are specific things you'd like to test for, you can also order some blood work through http://www.accesalabs.com  Basically, they write the orders and you pay them directly and then go to LabCorp.  Not sure what they offer in terms of genetic testing, but it's worth a check.

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We did this to look at our ancestry. We used 23 and me. We were looking to confirm family histories and were extremely amazed at how accurate our families' oral histories were. I had my parents tested instead of myself for more information. It was really gratifying because you know how some people say that there are no Indians left, just Mexicans who say they are Indians? "For benefits"? Well I knew it was crap, but it felt really, really good to see those genetic markers there. I was also gratified to see that though we didn't have any papers, the dark spots on the map of Europe were exactly on top of the cities we were fabled to come from.


It was totally worth it.





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We did this to look at our ancestry. We used 23 and me. We were looking to confirm family histories and were extremely amazed at how accurate our families' oral histories were. I had my parents tested instead of myself for more information. It was really gratifying because you know how some people say that there are no Indians left, just Mexicans who say they are Indians? "For benefits"? Well I knew it was crap, but it felt really, really good to see those genetic markers there. I was also gratified to see that though we didn't have any papers, the dark spots on the map of Europe were exactly on top of the cities we were fabled to come from.


It was totally worth it.


Only idiots say that.

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My daughter used 23andme to try and figure out certain health conditions, and it was somewhat helpful.  However, if there are very specific conditions you are wondering about, I'd recommend doing it through a medical clinic that knows precisely what tests to do.

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Yeah, they're idiots, but sometimes people believe what they say. Because why not? It sounds so innocuous.





A lot of people believe things are innocuous when they are anything but. (I do realize you aren't saying it is innocuous, I am just getting on a soapbox) It isn't as if people can just *say* they are NA and get benefits, there is a big nasty process. MOST people with NA blood in the US get 0 benefits. 10% of NAs are on reservations. My tribe had to go to the Supreme Court to get any benefits and even that wasn't for continuous benefits, it was for monies owed. it took piles and piles of paperwork to prove who I am.


That is probably why I always laugh when people freak out about the census. The government has so much of my information it would give census conspiracy people an apoplexy. 

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