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What are your favorite body weight strength training moves for beginners?


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I need to incorporate strength training into my exercise routines. I don't want to use machines, even though I belong to a gym but would prefer more whole body exercises. 


Right now, I'm doing:



Modified push-ups



Do you have favorites that you would recommend for a beginner?

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I like a kettlebell. The standard exercise when you put it on the floor between your legs and the swing it up to slightly over shoulder height. I can feel it in back, abs, arms and legs.


I keep the thing near my stairs so I do a few on my way up or down stairs, just takes a moment or two.


Good for you with the planks, push ups and squats!

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I don't have a kettlebell, but they have them at the gym. I can probably snag a trainer and ask him/her to show me that one move . It sounds like a good one and I've been curious about kettlebells. Usually they will do a quick consult for free. Can't afford the actual rate right now!

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Mountain climbers, burpees, reverse crunches, wall sit (OW!), single leg row (just touch the floor with fingertips) or balance, and those bent leg side raises like you're a dog peeing on a fire hydrant LOL... 


Add as many movements as you can to more traditional stuff like planks (do a sideways walking plank) and squats (do arm raises or push upwards as you come back up OR even a vertical jump) to get the most of the move.

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Lunges, tricep dips on a bench or chair, bridges (works the butt).  Check out Fitness Blender videos.


Do this stair workout. It is intense cardio, but it really works the legs. 


Do push ups or squats to this song: 

We do this in my teen cross fit class. It's a killer! You won't be able to make it through the whole song at first, but it's fun to see progress. I can actually do bodyweight squats through the whole song now. 


Since kettlebells were mentioned, Google kettlebell exercises. You can work many different muscle groups with a kettlebell. There are a lot of vids online that show how to do different exercises if you don't have a trainer.


That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Have fun!

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Search glider exercises. You can use paper plates instead of buying gliders. Tons of moves - mainly diff variations of push-ups and lunges to work more muscle groups.

Get a resistance band or tube. Super inexpensive and incredibly versatile - legs, back, arms, core, etc

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Hikin' Mama, the Bring Sally Up song is so fun! I can make it through doing squats! (Yay! I'm pushing 60) My legs are now officially Jello.

Since I'm still doing modified push-ups, that will be a while. Can't wait to challenge my ds's to the push-up challenge.

I live in a ranch, but might be able to adapt some of the stair workout to the few steps up to the house.Thanks!


Alessandra, I'm looking forward to checking out the kettlebells at the gym. Your post inspired me to try them.


6 pack, I look foward to googling dog on fire hydrant leg lifts! Thanks for your suggestions!


Hornblower, I have done the 7 min workout, but haven't done it in a while. It's a good one.


MS Native, I have seen the glider exercises, but never really tried them. I'll have to look into it.


Thanks, everyone!

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This is a great workout program that uses only bodyweight exercises: http://www.simplefit.org/workout.html


Also, this book has tons of bodyweight exercises, some beginner level, but lots of intermediate and advanced too, for when you get stronger: http://www.amazon.com/You-Are-Your-Own-Gym/dp/0345528581/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1425158506&sr=8-1&keywords=be+your+own+gym

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