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Galore Park So You Really.... Science, French, Latin...


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We did Junior English 3 and Junior Science 3 two years ago. We really liked both, although Dc knew most of the content in the science, it was a good transition into textbook science.


Dd wanted to do a single science this year, so we did CPO Earth. We switched to CAP for English.


Next year, I'm looking at SYRWL Science, maybe a GP Latin and maybe SYRWL French.



Science- At a glance, Dc knows 80 - 90% of what's listed in the TOC for SYRWL Science 1. Would it make sense to move on to 2, maybe buying 1 as reference or just to read? Dc does a lot of self directed science, and this would be a two day a week spine, which has worked well for us so far.


We will finish BBLL 2 mid year next year, and possibly move on to Lukieon the following year. I think Dc would benefit from review and translation work. Would Latin Prep be a good choice? We're doing Latin about 30 minutes a day right now, five days per week, with part of that time covering grammar, English Vocab and Roman history.


French- we are doing a combo of First Start French and Breaking the Barrier iBook. I also have Rosetta Stone and various used French books and readers. Dc is motivated to learn French, but we haven't really found our curriculum groove. Would SYRWL be all-in-one? We plan to spend 45 minutes a day four days and a flash card review on the fifth (we're doing about 20 minutes per day 5 days a week right now).



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Found one of my answers- it took a while. Please feel free to chime in.

We did Junior English 3 and Junior Science 3 two years ago. We really liked both, although Dc knew most of the content in the science, it was a good transition into textbook science.


Dd wanted to do a single science this year, so we did CPO Earth. We switched to CAP for English.


Next year, I'm looking at SYRWL Science, maybe a GP Latin and maybe SYRWL French.



Science- At a glance, Dc knows 80 - 90% of what's listed in the TOC for SYRWL Science 1. Would it make sense to move on to 2, maybe buying 1 as reference or just to read? Dc does a lot of self directed science, and this would be a two day a week spine, which has worked well for us so far.




We will finish BBLL 2 mid year next year, and possibly move on to Lukieon the following year. I think Dc would benefit from review and translation work. Would Latin Prep be a good choice? We're doing Latin about 30 minutes a day right now, five days per week, with part of that time covering grammar, English Vocab and Roman history.


French- we are doing a combo of First Start French and Breaking the Barrier iBook. I also have Rosetta Stone and various used French books and readers. Dc is motivated to learn French, but we haven't really found our curriculum groove. Would SYRWL be all-in-one? We plan to spend 45 minutes a day four days and a flash card review on the fifth (we're doing about 20 minutes per day 5 days a week right now).



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I have the SYRWL science 2 book and we will use it next year as a general review of all the science we've studied. It isn't very in depth but surely is broad! I'm pairing it with the 13+ science exam practice book by the same author, just for more practice.


SYRWL french was good but we discontinued it when her teacher left because I don't know french. Latin Prep was fun. The only thing to consider is that the order for memorizing cases is different than US Latin textbooks.

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SY French is a good programme - I would almost always suggest starting at the beginning and just taking things fast if there is a lot of review.  There is a caveat, however: it was designed for use in a classroom by a specialist teacher, so I thing that the CDs are inadequate unless the teacher is fairly fluent and can do a lot of oral work.  My degree is in French and I did a lot of talking around the topics/redoing exercises orally to back up and extend the written component.


I haven't use GP science.


Latin Prep is a very good programme: if you are doing it as review, you will just need the text book and answer book.  Make sure to learn all the grammar as you go through (it won't say, 'Now learn this table' but that is what the programme expects).  It includes translation into Latin as well as out of Latin, so that takes a bit of time to learn if previous programmes didn't do that.



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Gap coverage is exactly it... We've had a great time doing Ellen McHenry's unit studies and crash course science videos, but my daughter wants to go to public high school and I don't want to send her in lacking some basic knowledge that I forgot to teach that everyone else knows about. The book looks comprehensive but not too challenging. I'll probably add in some videos and an experiment or two to flesh it out. It's nothing earth-shatteringly amazing, but I think it'll serve our purpose well.

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Gap coverage is exactly it... We've had a great time doing Ellen McHenry's unit studies and crash course science videos, but my daughter wants to go to public high school and I don't want to send her in lacking some basic knowledge that I forgot to teach that everyone else knows about. The book looks comprehensive but not too challenging. I'll probably add in some videos and an experiment or two to flesh it out. It's nothing earth-shatteringly amazing, but I think it'll serve our purpose well.

Where do you plan to purchase it? I'm looking to buy both SYRWTL Science 1 & 2 and the corresponding answer books (if the Hive deems them necessary?). Book Depository?


ETA: just realized you already own the books. Where did you find best price? Answer book necessary or no?

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Where do you plan to purchase it? I'm looking to buy both SYRWTL Science 1 & 2 and the corresponding answer books (if the Hive seems them necessary?). Book Depisitory?


ETA: just realized you already own the books. Where did you find best price? Answer book necessary or no?


Book Depositary or Horrible Ray:  http://horriblebooks.com/


Dc needs the rest of the Murderous Maths, anyhow. :o).

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In the Galore Park catalogue there is a series to-be-released-this summer science books by the same author that are Biology, Physics and Chemistry. They are not yet on the website. They appear to be eventual replacements for the SYRWTL books? Anyhow, they are of similar style format to these math books. https://www.galorepark.co.uk/Product?Product=9781471829369

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