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What to do if we finish early?

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This is our first year home schooling. I started our year in July because the baby was due in September and I wasn't sure how much school we might miss.


We are doing school 4 days a week most weeks. We've been pretty consistent, missed a few weeks for the baby and missed a few weeks for Christmas plus a few other days here and there.


However, it looks like our math books will be finished up by the end of March. I don't like taking too much time off of math because they "forget" everything. We are doing Saxon and I like it so far.


I planned on more of a year-round model for school. Do we just forge ahead to the next books? Take some time off of learning new math but still review using worksheets or flash cards in April? Slow down to maybe doing math 3x per week so it takes a little longer to finish? What do you guys do?

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I think you can pretty much do whatever you want. :)


If you feel like taking a break, go right ahead. You earned it. :)


If you want to move on to the next 'grade level', go right ahead... Homeschooler's privilege. ;)


Or do a mix. 


We're schooling through the year (with the exception of June & December)... We're ahead in most 'subjects' so far... We did move on to the next math book, but now we slowed math down to spend more time on fact memorization. I was going to move to the next English book, but we've decided to just do fun stuff with creative writing instead. Since I log hours, I know we're going to easily meet the 180 hr requirement (NYS) - so I don't feel guilty giving the kids extra snow play this week. :)


I do think it's wise to keep some flex in your schedule/plan... I want to allow for sick days, 'field trips', outside play, having friends over, etc. :)


All that to say... Step back & think about what your goals are for this & future years... What subjects are most important to you? What do you really want to accomplish in math this year? Kids think that math is a blast? Kids are ahead of the curve in math? A mix of the two? Whatever feels best to you, run with it! :)

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We sometimes take a short break so they feel a reward of sorts for finishing well. Then we move on to the next thing.


With some subjects we use the leftover time to do some extras that we have a hard time fitting in. Such as more art or music appreciation, more science, or more museum trips instead of heading into the next thing. Sometimes I will have them do 'review' of sorts with the subject in a different curriculum to make sure they are understanding it from a different angle.


I always plan more then one year's worth of work in a year though.

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