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Do 7yo kids ever stop moving!?


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My 26 year old daughter hasn't stopped moving since the day she was born.  She is even in motion while she sleeps.  She couldn't sleep in a bed without a guardrail on it until she was almost 10.


Edited to add: She does still fall out of bed on occasion, but just gets back in.  She can't have anything dangerous (sharp or hard) next to her bed when she sleeps.  :lol:

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LOL - my 10 year old was on fire today.   I just sent her to 3 hours of dance.  I hope that puts a dent in that energy!  There is a reason that kid dances 10-12 hours a week!

Ah.  I will go look into a physical activity option.  Thanks!


Thanks, ya'll.  It is sort of nice to know it isn't just my kid jiggling, scooting, hopping and kicking all over the place!

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