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When do you do "suggested reading"?


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Both, SOTW and RSO Life have a list of additional books that go with the main text.


While I don't try to get through all of those books, I certainly get a fair amount.


I am trying to find the best time to read them.  As "story time" before bed time?  During random times through out the day?


I don't really want to add too many of them to our actual "sit down" school time bc I don't want to make that time too long.


So, what is everyone doing/did?


P.S  Our story time before bed already takes an hour bc I have to get though all the books that all 3 of them bring, so if I were to do it then, I would have to reduce the number of fiction read alouds.

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I take advantage of any that DD can read herself and use those for her to read aloud to me. Others get done either when we cover that subject or at random times during the day. Our before bed read aloud time is also filled, though on rare occasions an exceptionally good suggested read goes into that slot.

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Well I have not done sotw in months, so take this with a grain of salt. :)


If I remember correctly I only read about one page (2?) from sotw at a time. After that I'll get something for them to do while I read a book. generally, it was just one book. Any others that I've checked out would be for later. I never had a whole lot checked out. Generally just 1 or 2 more.


With science, I just read it during lunch or when the 2 year old naps or when the 2 year old is busy. Fortunately, all 3 like the let's read and find out series. I may end up reading the fast version though if my 2 year gets restless. :)


For bedtime, we read books that they enjoy or classsic books or read poems or listen to classical music/hymns. Fortunately for me, they like the mathstart books and sir cumference books and I can read them anytime.


We are more science and math type of people than history, so I don't know if that has any influence in my decisions.

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I bring home a lot of the SOTW books and strew them around. Ds compulsively reads everything, dd usually skims. I try to pick our read-alouds from those lists. Occasionally I will highlight a book and we read it or I strongly suggest they read it.


Fundamentally, though, I view them as extra books, over and above the lesson materials, so if we never did any of them it would (theoretically) not be a big deal.

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