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Yay! I'm over halfway finished with my book about the seasons!


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I just wanted to share that I've got over half my book about the seasons finished. I hope to finish the illustrations this month or sometime in February and then I will start working on the curriculum to go with it. I hope to have it all finished in March or April at the latest but I might put the book up for sale on Amazon before the curriculum is done.


Here's a screenshot of some of the pages/page spreads (not all of my work is shown below):


**screenshot removed** ;-)


The book explains the science behind the seasons and also goes over different things about each season including holidays and so on. I actually learned a bit while writing it, lol... I made sure to include info about other cultures and locations/geography too (so the book isn't U.S. centric, even though that's where the main characters live). I want kids to understand that the typical four seasons don't happen everywhere and why!! :-) The characters are homeschooled and there is a little adopted (Asian) sister and their Fox Terrier (Beowulf). The book does have a few Christian references, but nothing overwhelming for secular families.


The target age is 2nd through 6th grade although my teen (and some adults I've read the text to) learned quite a bit too, lol...soooo even older kids can benefit from a quick read-through ;-). I think it will appeal to a decent age spread. The mix of comics and page text should encourage reluctant readers to keep reading. I took care to illustrate the harder science concepts so that they are easier to understand and retain.


Of course I had to put some other interesting tidbits into the text too...like Latin roots, a mention of ancient Greek history, some math, seasonal recipe ideas and more! The curriculum will take those little threads and expand on them with plenty of printables, hands-on stuff and more.


Anyway, I just wanted to share my excitement! It will be published as a paperback and also in ebook format (specifically for the Kindle Fire or the Kindle app). I hope to wrap the illustrations for the pages up soon (in a couple of months at most) so I can send out a PDF copy to my beta-testers.


I can't wait to finish everything up! I'm hoping to expand this into a series. I'd be happy to take some votes on what the next book topic should be!


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I was just wishing for something like this for my two younger children.


You really are a gift to homeschoolers.  Thank you for all you do, and for all you give! (though I am happy this book will be sold, as opposed to given)



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