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AP Spanish - anything you can sign up for mid-year?

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Dd's been taking AP Spanish through PA Hsers.  But unfortunately she really, really can't stand the teacher.  She says she can't take it even one more week.  It's started to affect her willingness to get the work done, her motivation, etc.


So, before I resort to a $$$ private tutor to finish out the year, any other online AP Spanish classes (esp ones with a good recommendation)?  If there are I'm hoping I could beg to let her in mid-year...



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I was going to recommend Ray Levin ... and realized how stupid that would be.    Yeah, whoops. ;)


I know nothing about it, but ... Middlebury Interactive Languages? (but it is $$)


I'll at least call Middlebury tomorrow.  Yes, $$, but it appears you can buy by the semester and at this point I'm comparing to a tutor, which is $$$.  I'd just need to see how the course is structured - don't need another expensive fail.  :glare: 



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:grouphug:  I know how it is to have a class be ruined because you can't stand the teacher, no matter what other people think of him/her. 


I've heard Middlebury varies greatly depending on the teacher, but that's it. Good luck!

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Dd's been taking AP Spanish through PA Hsers. But unfortunately she really, really can't stand the teacher. She says she can't take it even one more week. It's started to affect her willingness to get the work done, her motivation, etc.


So, before I resort to a $$$ private tutor to finish out the year, any other online AP Spanish classes (esp ones with a good recommendation)? If there are I'm hoping I could beg to let her in mid-year...

Johns Hopkins CTY has a 30 week AP Spanish. I don't know more about it.


Would it work to enroll in a cc class at her current level and take the AP exam at the end of the year?

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Cc foreign language classes are actually usually below AP level...

My perception has been that AP languages cover material from about two years of college language instruction. So if there were a spring 200 or maybe 300 level class that might keep her going.


From another perspective a tutor may be all you need. I'm not sure how much of the exam is content she hasn't encountered and how much is more readings and prepping for the exam.

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I would suggest you contact a local B&M school now to get an exam location locked in.  Others have had lots of issues with that.


Yes, I had MAJOR issues last year finding a school that would give us a Latin AP.  I called dozens, literally.  Waiting until January was a near disaster.  


The state regulation is that public schools must provide slots for homeschoolers to take the ones they plan to give, but they aren't obligated to order and provide the ones that they don't have their own students taking.


My county and the surrounding counties don't offer the Latin AP and won't order it for a homeschooler.


The public schools further away that offered the Latin AP had already sent in their packets before the break.  


One private school said they'd do it for a $100+ proctor fee, a criminal background check, and references.  I had to get all of this in within three days and would also have to schedule an interview with the principal.  Really.  The other private schools said no way they'd give it to an outsider.


Thankfully I found a public school even further away through an email acquaintance that was willing to order and give it.  Mine was the only Latin AP they gave, and they were a lovely group of people in that guidance office.  Truly.  Unfortunately the superintendent over that school now doesn't allow out-of-county students to take the AP there.  


My next one needs an English Composition AP, and thankfully zero drama with that.

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My perception has been that AP languages cover material from about two years of college language instruction. So if there were a spring 200 or maybe 300 level class that might keep her going.


From another perspective a tutor may be all you need. I'm not sure how much of the exam is content she hasn't encountered and how much is more readings and prepping for the exam.


Usually the first four semesters of college foreign language cover basic grammar/vocab.  AP is more of a 300 level - reading literature and higher level texts, writing essays - grammar and vocab should be only review.  No 300 level at the CC; there's only two years/four semesters of instruction total.


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Spanish is one of the most popular exams.  It shouldn't be hard to find a place to take it.


I'm not too worried about finding a place to take it - I'm fairly sure our local high school will let her take it.  Both my kids took AP German there last year (they were both enrolled at the school then, but neither took German there), and my other dd is still enrolled there and will be taking the Spanish AP.  In fact, the most likely scenario going forward will probably be to beg ps'ed dd's AP Spanish teacher to tutor homeschooled dd.  Just ouch, the $$$ that will likely be!


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