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What to do with gifts they will share?


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My girls made wish lists.  One girl's list had a lot of things I was willing to buy, which they will share.  (The main items are Everafter High dolls, books, and a Harry Potter broomstick.)  The other girl's list was shorter and mostly stuff I won't buy (puppy, kitten).


I did buy a couple things for the shorter-list kid that she didn't request, but she might not like them.  And, these will also be shared in practice.


So, I am leaning toward making most of the gifts shared gifts, i.e., put both of their names on them.  I've done this before for "big gifts," but not stuff like dolls.  Have any of you done this with smaller gifts?  How did it go over?

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I usually do this with gifts like games or puzzles . . . put all the kids names on it.  When I have smaller gifts that I assume will be shared, I generally just buy one for each kid, put each kid's names on them and then they end up sharing.   For instance, I decided that everyone was getting books this year but I have three  boys that are basically reading the same things so I ordered three different sets of books and each has one kid's name on them but I bought them assuming that the books will get passed around to all the kids.  I guess by putting a specific name on a specific gift, I'm just giving that kid first dibs on the item.

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I understand the need to have things earmarked for each girl, even though everything will end up shared eventually, like a PP said.  Would your girls just naturally share it all anyway?  


Do you wrap everything?  (I know, I know, opening *that* can of worms!)  We do Santa, and here he doesn't necessarily wrap everything. Sometimes Santa will leave a "shared" pile of gifts, with two piles of gifts that are clearly for one or the other.  Not sure that would work for you.  And if you don't do Santa, then it's a different ballgame altogether.  (Oooooh, look at that, not only did I open the wrapped/unwrapped can of worms, I dragged the Santa debate into your thread too! Oops!)



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Mine will usually naturally share.  I mean, 2 girls, close in age, it all pretty much goes into a communal pile, right?  I have assigned shared gifts to one girl or the other to open them, depending on how many gifts they each had.  Last year, we got a Kindle Fire.  It was a family gift, but we allowed Rebecca to open it because she'd just had a successful state meet.  Santa enclosed a special note for her.

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Do you wrap everything?  (I know, I know, opening *that* can of worms!)  We do Santa, and here he doesn't necessarily wrap everything. Sometimes Santa will leave a "shared" pile of gifts, with two piles of gifts that are clearly for one or the other.  Not sure that would work for you.  And if you don't do Santa, then it's a different ballgame altogether.  (Oooooh, look at that, not only did I open the wrapped/unwrapped can of worms, I dragged the Santa debate into your thread too! Oops!)


This year I am seriously considering not wrapping much.  I am very pressed for time.


My kids know the truth about Santa.


I don't know how much they will care if I don't put names on things.  I may just tell them in advance that they're going to share most of the gifts because I really don't like the "it's mine" crap anyway.  Most of the things they own are shared.


They will still have some things to open - pajamas, stocking stuffers, a couple of other things.


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This year I am seriously considering not wrapping much.  I am very pressed for time.


My kids know the truth about Santa.


I don't know how much they will care if I don't put names on things.  I may just tell them in advance that they're going to share most of the gifts because I really don't like the "it's mine" crap anyway.  Most of the things they own are shared.


They will still have some things to open - pajamas, stocking stuffers, a couple of other things.



I'm all for not wrapping everything.  :)  The extra time is your gift to yourself.  

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