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Graphic Novel suggestions for ds's

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Ds's Christmas wish lists are super-short this year, which means I can choose a few things myself! They both enjoy reading, both graphic novels & traditional novels. I was thinking of a bundle of graphic novels that are difficult to find in store. For some reason our B&N has a weak supply of GN's. 


They are middle grade boys & can handle some teen material. 


For guidance, if GN's were rated the same way video games were, I'd be okay with most (but not all) T for teens, but would not be okay with M for mature, if that helps you.


Mature-ish content is okay, if it is germane to a well-told story. Gratuitous mature content is not what I'm looking for.


I remember spotting a thread recently that mentioned several gn's that I intended to look up later, but I didn't mark the thread & I've lost it :(. I remember Maus being mentioned.




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Here's the original thread.


The Runaways is a good YA GN - my son loved it in middle school.  Nothing too mature, the main characters are teens/kids themselves. 

Marvel: 1602 was also liked here.


Bone is such a favorite here that two children have their own copies (the youngest saved up her own money to buy hers when the eldest refused to lend his lest it end up with accidentally ripped pages from being left open on the floor, etc.)  It's a great story for all ages.  There are monsters, but nothing too violent or mature.  Plus, it's a HUGE book - it will keep readers busy for a while!


The Amulet series is good; my DD12 is anxiously awaiting the next installment. It's in our library in the kid's section, but it's really more for middle-school kids.


Ghostopolis is a nice, self-contained GN.  The author had several others as well, but we haven't read any of them.  They look pretty cool, though.  I may have to look for them on inter-library loan...


Maus is good, depending on the ages your your DC.  I think it's better for a true YA, though.  It's really a retelling of the author's father's experiences during the holocaust.  While the characters are changed into animals (mice and cats, most noticeably), the plot itself is very much biographical. It's an excellent GN, but better if they have at least a basic understanding of the terror that went on in Europe at that time.


Looking forward to reading what others have to say - I love finding new GN's to read!

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Clemota's list is a good start, but tell me age and what they've already read... I'm guessing kids who like graphic novels already know Amulet, Bone, etc and sounds like he's too old for Lunch Lady, Squish, etc? I can suggest a bunch more. I will say Doug Tenapel is often a GN author kids have missed. Anything by Gene Luen Yang rocks... Secret Science Alliance and Giants Beware are two cute ones some people don't know, but are on the younger side. Battling Boy is an up and coming series that's more YA... I could go on...

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If you want to sneak in something educational my dc have read "Treaties, Trenches, Mud, and Blood" by Nathan Hale multiple times. It is a retelling of WWI. The author is part of the team that wrote/drew Rapunzel's Revenge. (Not educational)

This one is part of a cool series. I think there's two others and more planned...

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