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He read a "real" book!!


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I foolishly started with BOB books before DS was ready (fortunately I asked the Hive their opinion & was lovingly told to chill out :001_smile: ) In the short amount of time that we were doing that, a fair amount of damage was done. There was a lot of frustration & it really effected his confidence (to this day he won't read a BOB book outside of Mat & Sam).


We since started using LoE Foundations & are nearing the end of level B. I never asked him to read anything outside of what was in the lessons, but I finally decided to get a couple early readers just to gauge his interest. We got Biscuit & one called I Like Bugs. DS instantly grabbed Biscuit & started reading it. He LOVED it. He laughed so hard, and his eyes just lit up....it was amazing.


We're still in the very early stages, obviously, but I can't help but feel like yelling WE DID IT!!!! (And whispering I did it!!!!) :laugh:

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I'm so glad you posted this today! My own daughter is in the *very* early stages of reading--we both were SO proud of her today for reading "cat," "fat," "van," and other similar words today, after starting with "at," "an," etc., a few days ago. I was beginning to wonder when I should pull out the BOB books that I have waiting in a closet ... I think I'll wait a while :)


Congratulations to your son--and to you!

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I'm so glad you posted this today! My own daughter is in the *very* early stages of reading--we both were SO proud of her today for reading "cat," "fat," "van," and other similar words today, after starting with "at," "an," etc., a few days ago. I was beginning to wonder when I should pull out the BOB books that I have waiting in a closet ... I think I'll wait a while :)


Congratulations to your son--and to you!


If she's blending consistently, I say go for the BOB books. My DD was able to start them just before she turned 4....far sooner than her big brother was able to. Blending is developmental; you can't really "teach" it, but my DD loved the BOB books. She didn't have any of the issues with them that DS did. And actually, her enthusiasm for them probably made DS hate them even more. :blush:

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If she's blending consistently, I say go for the BOB books. My DD was able to start them just before she turned 4....far sooner than her big brother was able to. Blending is developmental; you can't really "teach" it, but my DD loved the BOB books. She didn't have any of the issues with them that DS did. And actually, her enthusiasm for them probably made DS hate them even more. :blush:


Oh, I wouldn't say "consistently" just yet ... she can read through the words she first saw a couple of days ago pretty easily, but the new ones still took a little effort. A couple of months ago, we had to put OPGTR away because she just wasn't ready for blending. Now I think she is, but after only a couple of days, and with her getting tired and going off the rails halfway through a lesson (she starts guessing wildly when she gets tired--"at" becomes "tip," for example) ... we'll wait until she's able to make it through a whole lesson, at least :)


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I was told yesterday by ds5's teacher he needs to stop reading each word individually and trying to sound out simple words he doesn't know but try and read more fluently using context and picture clues. To be fair though he did tell me last week that ea and ee say the same thing so they are doing phonics which is more than we did in the 70's or my younger siblings in the 80's and 90's.

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Glad for you and also celebrating! I posted 2 months ago about my 6 yo being at the same reading place after a year of I See Sam and CVC words via MFW K. I switched to McGuffey Primer 2 months ago. It helped in her case, I think because the words were bolder and a bit larger (the eye doctor noticed she read a bit faster with eye magnification, but was fine holding off on mild reading glasses, trusting her focusing would improve with time...which it has). 2 months ago she wouldn't touch Dr. Seuss or readers as easy as Little Bear. But now she is reading both in a normal sentence flow if she practices before reading aloud to me.

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