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To HOP or not to HOP? That is the question.


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When I first decided to homeschool I planned to use Hooked on Phonics, which is how I learned to read. Then, after learning about intensive phonics and OG I decided not to. I still intend on using SWR or something similar, but my boy wants to read and he wants to read now. We used 100EZ, which he didn't like, but it worked. He was reading CVC, but has forgotten how to blend. He feels stupid and is frustrated that he can't do it. He finds Phonics Pathways boring and pretends he doesn't get it. Hooked on Phonics would be engaging and effective, right? I've heard it can be completed in a year, which would mean starting SWR in K. Is that true? Would you use HOP before OG? It's on sale at HSBC for $134.



I promise to stop posting phonics questions. Eventually.

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HOP should work just fine. I don't know that I'd spend $134 dollars on it. I posted the scope and sequence of the newer version of the program so that I would be able to find it when I wanted it.


Yes, with a child who is ready to read (ie able to blend and consistently knows all of their letter sounds) you could conceivably get through all of HOP within 12 months. I am not sure that you need the PreK levels though. It might be cheaper to get a set off of Ebay or from Amazon.


Personally I like The Reading Lesson, you can find the first 3 chapters online for free and print them/read them on an eReader.


I learned to read with HOP back in the early 90s so it was the bland/boring version that I used. It was thorough though. I have a newer set of HOP around here somewhere and the new version is much weaker/less thorough phonetically, but it is a better, more engaging product with readers, sticker charts, DVDs (that are actually worth watching from an educational stand point) etc.


I wouldn't hesitate to use HOP with a kid, but I would check out their YouTube channel


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We got the classroom app for ipad, with many levels, when it was free for a day. It was an ok introduction to blending, but nothing spectacular, as a program. I think their readers are great, and go well with Bob books, and a few free online phonics readers we've tried.


We do better with regular reading than with a primer or program, though. So if you're certain you'll be teaching quite formally, take everything I've said with a grain of salt!

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Is any of it consumable?

I think that PreK might have some workbooks, but as far as I know, HOP is really just Read this book, now read the next. I don't think it is meant to be written in.


I mean, some kids will write on/in a book even if it isn't meant to be written in, but I'm constantly seeing sets of HOP on eBay that are still sealed, or most of the boxes are still sealed. I think the newer sets of HOP have reward stickers, so some pages might have stickers on them but just look and see if you can find one in new/unused condition.


Here is a set with 4 unopened levels and level 1 has some stickers on it but no writing. Just keep your eye out and poke around eBay, there is set out there in great condition just waiting for you to buy it.

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I have 2 sets of the older version and used them with my oldest 2 and will use them with my younger 2. I am not interested in the new version to be honest. I even have the original master reader (their 4th-6th grade program) and will keep using it as long as I have a computer that runs it LOL.

I would second (or third) ebay. None of the original is consumable except the stickers/chart.


I tried also WRTR, 100EZ and none of them were as well liked nor as open and go for me. And I have phonics pathway, which I may use along with HOP (actually before HOP).

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I bought HOP used (not the absolute newest edition, but a newer one from maybe 8 years ago?) and don't love it, but sometimes my 4 year-old picks up some of the books to read.


If I had to pick any one system that we have used the most and that I love the best, it is the I See Sam books. You can get all sets for $49.99 if you get the iPad app. (If that's an option)


My second son is currently in set 5, and we love them every bit as much as we did with my first. I own the hard copies and I still have the iPad version because they are that fantastic, and I intend to use them to tutor reading in the future.

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I used WRTR with my oldest because I had ZERO budget at the time and it looked the best out of the options my library had. It wasn't the most user-friendly but it did give me a very solid understanding of systematic phonics instruction.


With my 2nd, I was able to find a clearance deal on the entire HOP K-2 kit for $30. I don't think that I would've been as successful in teaching HOP without the background gained from teaching WRTR. I don't think HOP is as strong a reading program by itself as WRTR. It relies too heavily IMHO on "sight" words.


I'm using HOP K with my little one but she has LD's and it's very slow going. I'm leaning towards getting Wilson training and switching to that program. Wilson is likely overkill for typically developing kids but it's a proven program for dyslexics. My DD is too young for a dyslexia eval right now but is at high risk of it because of her other LD's.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Master Reader-- they just rebranded it as the "Hooked on Phonics Pro" app. I find the app is more varied than the software and therefore more engaging, but I still like the feel of a book in my hand versus the ebooks that come on the app. They are the exact same as the chapter books in the Master Reader kit but the illustrations are in color. It was free for a day, now it's $20 I think. 

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