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Exercise Thread ~ October 19th-25th


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What do you do while you hang? Or do you just hang in a strenuous position? Were you raised by bats?




I hang several times a day for short intervals. It's more meditative than vigorous. I focus on what areas feel tight, are calling for some space. And then I spend time breathing there and feeling the stretch as I hang. So the last few days it's been my lower back and today it's my right ribs. I don't spend a long time doing this but I do it several times a day.

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I hang several times a day for short intervals. It's more meditative than vigorous. I focus on what areas feel tight, are calling for some space. And then I spend time breathing there and feeling the stretch as I hang. So the last few days it's been my lower back and today it's my right ribs. I don't spend a long time doing this but I do it several times a day.

Are you concerned about stress on your body? Is this a common practice?


A question for all you ladies, are you doing your workouts to lose weight, to increase strength and stamina, to maintain weight or because it feels good?

The bolded.


I've stopped keeping track of my wight and started keeping track of my health, so I don't know how much I've lost, but I used to weigh almost 300 pounds and now I'm a 2X 5K grad contemplating Hood to Coast (relay race), Mount St Helens grad contemplating Hood, and get hit on regularly. I have absolutely no idea what I weigh.


ETA: But I'm still a little fat. Working on that. :)

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Yoga this morning, then a 4 mile walk this afternoon (I had to walk off the fabulous French meal that I had.  My dh and I went out to lunch and I enjoyed every bite, including dessert. :)  )  , then came home and did 300 kettlebell swings.  

I'd love a fabulous French meal.  Or a fabulous meal... I've been a lousy cook lately!

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About to do 5 Miles of Leslie. 


A question for all you ladies, are you doing your workouts to lose weight, to increase strength and stamina, to maintain weight or because it feels good?

I realize that my weight is not coming off unless if I choose to pretty much starve myself (which I cannot do at present time). My weight just will. not. budge. 


I workout mainly to hopefully age with a tiny bit of ease - to be more healthy and to have as little pain as possible. 

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I got in a short walk and a long walk outside yesterday. Got in over 12,000 steps.


I am actually hoping to lose a bit of weight, but mostly, I just want to be fit and strong and healthy. If I've got to be an old lady, I at least want to be an old lady who can kick butt.  :lol:

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Are you concerned about stress on your body? Is this a common practice?



At this point because I'm doing it for such short periods of time I'm not concerned. Common practice? For me? Hoping it will continue to be regular part of my day. For others? There is a whole school of thought that encourages suspension of various kinds, inversion and the like, so yes, common among certain circles. While I'm sure there is merit in that approach it's not the direction I'm interested in going. I'm quite happy with the gentle, elongating stretch that I feel for the short time I'm using the bar.
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Approaching it systematically. There is so much involved in even thinking about doing this that it's a great full body workout.

What a great way to approach it. I imagine you'll learn a ton about the intricacies of the body as well as getting a great workout. Just looking at the video I could feel my virtual abdominals going to work :lol:

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Ido Portal did a 30 day hanging challenge which you can read about the benefits here.   For beginners  though I think 7 minutes (even broken up in chunks) is way too much to start with if you haven't done any kind of hanging or pulling work.     I think if you are a super beginner try something like 3x20s per day and work up slowly.  

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Ido Portal did a 30 day hanging challenge which you can read about the benefits here. For beginners though I think 7 minutes (even broken up in chunks) is way too much to start with if you haven't done any kind of hanging or pulling work. I think if you are a super beginner try something like 3x20s per day and work up slowly.

Well, I'm on the right track then as I'm doing about 4x20s per day being the super beginner I am :D

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What a great way to approach it. I imagine you'll learn a ton about the intricacies of the body as well as getting a great workout. Just looking at the video I could feel my virtual abdominals going to work :lol:


Way more difficult than the building muscle part is the joint and connective tissue preparation.    Very slow going!   Especially since I started from a "fitness enthusiast" level with no previous formal training.   

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I did a lame workout on Thursday, lol. I did about 15 mins of a 30 tracy anderson cardio workout. It was just so.... bleh. It is the cardio with the Metamorphosis program. I decided to give the cardio a try. I have seen it, but not done it. YAWN. It is 30 mins of high impact jumping around. I turned off the music and instead use a Pandora station called '80s pop aerobics' and it worked perfectly. Anyway, after 15 mins I was just not feeling it so I stopped. Then I did a 25 min workout from her new 'beginner mat workout' and it was waaay to easy. Hey, at least I am not a total weakling. So 15 mins of silly cardio and 25 mins of easy mat workout...I don't think that counts as actual exercise, lol.


Yesterday I went for a 60 min run and it was lovely.  I snuck it in during dress rehearsal. Today is performance day for the boys. 2 ballet performances in 1 day...and Nutcracker begins tomorrow.


My fantasy is that I get in a 30min tracy anderson mat workout today. 30 mins is literally the most time I will be able to spare, if at all.

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A question for all you ladies, are you doing your workouts to lose weight, to increase strength and stamina, to maintain weight or because it feels good?

I kettle bell and work out to increase strength and stamina because I need it for martial arts. I practice martial arts because it's fun and makes me a better mom/person. Not to mention makes me feel better- have more energy, blah, blah, blah.


I run simply because it makes me feel free.


Saturday- awesome 1 1/2 hours of open mat. I practiced some self-defense moves that end in blood chokes, practiced jiujitsu, leaned a new Thai combos, ran through katas... I had a BLAST. Followed by a 2 mile tabata (somewhat anyway) run of 30 sec walking, 20 sec. running, 10 seconds all out sprinting.


I hope everyone's weekend is a beautiful as it is here- and injury free!

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I just bought a bottle of this and I am in love, except that I find it a little on the sweet side.    So today I tried making my own version without sugar.    YUM!    Needs a little tweaking but I'm in love.


Please share your recipe.

I made something like it after reading your post. Lemon + ginger + green tea + powdered red pepper + maple syrup. It is not bad, but not yum either.

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