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Siblings and age span ....


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I was just thinking yesterday about how it doesn't seem like my sister is that much older than I am now.  She is five years older than me.  That seemed like a lot when we were growing up though.  I am the youngest of four.  My sister is the oldest, my two brothers are next, and then me.  My parents had four children in five years.  The thing is though... when I started Kindergarten I was 5... at that point they were 8, 9, and 10.  When I got to 4th grade, they were all in junior high (there was no middle school here then).  When I got to 7th grade, they were all in high school.  When I got to high school, they had all already graduated.  Our house was always full of children/teenagers until they all graduated and left home.  Then I was alone for my last three years of school.  It was weird.


Anyone else relate to something like this?

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I am 7 years older then my sister and 9 years older then my twin brothers. I still feel like their big sister. It's less noticeable with my sister then it used to be and perhaps it will be less so as we continue to get older, but I still feel like her big sister, not just her sister. My older brother is only 3 years older then me and he still acts like my protective, loving big brother, although we have some awesome conversations now. My best friend growing up was my next oldest brother though. I loved him a lot. I see that same thing between my oldest two.



I'm predicting that another 5-7 years down the road my little sister and I will probably feel like we are on the same footing. Once she has kids in the house, we'll feel more like we are in the same stage of life.

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I'm 8 years older than my sister. It felt like a huge difference for years. Even when she was in her early 20s, there was a big gap. I was married and had a baby; she was single. Now the years don't make any difference, but it sort of seems like that by the time we reached that point, we already had lives that didn't really include each other.

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I have a sister who is six years younger than I am. It does not seem like a big deal now. She is child free by choice (but married) and our lives are very different. So it may seem that we would not have much in common, but I do feel very close to her and feel very tied (in a good way) as sisters.

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My sister is six years younger than me. The gap doesn't feel as big as it did when we were kids, but I still play the "big sister" role -- giving her advice, etc. However, now that we are both in our 30's that seems to be shifting, and I sometimes go to her for advice (still not as often as she comes to me). I'm married with kids and she's not, so I think in some respects just being in different stages (as opposed to ages) influences our relationship more.


I had another sister who was nine years my junior, and that gap always felt huge -- but we got along better with each other growing up than either of us did with our middle sister. She was like my kid in a lot of ways. I took her shopping for her prom dress, etc. She was only 12 when I got married, and I was working and had money when she was in middle/high school so I could take her fun places. Unfortunately, she was killed in an accident when she was 19, so I didn't get to see how that relationship developed. It's weird, I often have dreams about my dd9, only when I wake up, I realize that dd was really my sister, or vice versa.

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Recently I was somewhere with my sister who is 6 years younger than me (not the sister who posts here). Someone asked if we were twins. She said, "no, I am her MUCH younger sister!" LOL It doesn't seem like much to me, but I have been married for 20 years, have a kid in college, etc and she has never had kids. So, I'm sure she does feel much younger. :)

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My oldest sister got married when I was in 3rd grade. We're very close now, though as kids we obviously didn't know each other very well. 


My oldest and youngest kids are 11 years apart. As kids our oldest two and youngest two were buddies with each other but now that age difference has vanished and they're just adult friends who happen to have the same parents.   

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My bro and sis are both older. We were basically in the same place when we had kids the same age, but now, not so much. I got quite the lecture the other day about my life. Um, you're sitting on two large inheritances and you're both retired. Big difference than where I am, with an unemployed dh, five of us in college and one still at home. She's shut me out the last few years. 



Ugh. I can relate.  Although my oldest sister is one of my closest friends, my other two siblings sound like yours. Plenty of money they either inherited or married into. So we're no longer in the same place and they think that entitles them to lecture me.   They're going to Ireland together next summer, and don't understand who I don't go with them since of course I want to see Ireland. Oh, gee, maybe it's the two kids still in college...


So...sorry that you got a lecture, but it is kind of comforting to know I'm not the only one who deals with this. We used to be so close...money can sure change people...seems they forget how normal people live. 

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My sister was really like another mother to me growing up.  Sometimes she still tries to take that role... usually when I didn't ask for advice or anything... which usually creates conflict between us.  Most of the time we get along all right though.  She has no children (just three dogs) and is married.  I'm single and have a daughter.  My sister sometimes tries to be a mother to my daughter as well which rarely goes over well.  It was probably just as well that she didn't have any children of her own.  She seems to have patience with her dogs, but not my daughter.

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I totally relate. I have 5 siblings from 7-14 years older than me. They started graduating one a year from the time I was 4. Now? Most of us are raising kids the same age. All of us homeschooling. 4 of our kids are the same grade. I never thought it would be like this, but I am so glad. It's great. Age gap is completely insignificant at this point.

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