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CT homeschool law proposal?


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First of all, I'm sorry if this has been discussed already... I don't think the search option is working for me, or something.


Second of all, I realize that this source might be completely off the wall, but I'm on my tiny iPod and knee deep in History and Chemistry and IEW- along with a 2 year old running around..... And I just don't have time or the right device to search thoroughly.


So help me out here. Is this source reliable? Are the facts accurate? Can you find me a better source? Is this law really being proposed? Seriously?



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Everything I've read about this has been pretty inflammatory and I think that link is too.


I don't think Connecticut hates homeschoolers or wants "complete control of indoctrinating kids to be their good and willing slaves who will grow up demanding more and more socialism."  I don't think the commission blamed homeschooling for what happened at Sandy Hook. The article itself says this is only a proposed law and that it wouldn't apply to all homeschoolers even if it were passed as it's currently written.  There is plenty of time for reasonable discussion about this, but we're not getting that from the responses I've seen.


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If I'm understanding this right, they are simply wanting IPP's from the homeschoolers?  We do that here already. Doesn't really mean anything. I go through what the projected outcomes for that grade in the schools are and copy some of their wording down to write a VERY vague plan of what our projected outcomes are. My facilitator stops in at the beginning of the year and the kids read to her, she sees a sample of whatever I want to show her and then she leaves with the program plans. If I need help with anything, I'll ask her. She comes back at the end of the year and checks in to see how we did. If we had problems, she'll suggest a few ideas to change things for the next year.


It's not a big deal. I can understand that they want to know that the kids are learning something and moving forward.

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Uh, this doesn't sound credible, does it?


Government schools are extremely dangerous places to be, especially because of all the shootings that take place. And not only that, sexual perverts are often employed as teachers. But no one cares about those things. It’s as if they never happen.

Read more at http://lastresistance.com/7553/sandy-hook-commission-homeschoolers-blame-school-shooting/#xxvxgaqlguYut592.9

Sexual perverts are "often" employed as teachers and "no one" cares about it. Schools are "extremely dangerous". Vitriol and rhetoric.
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First of all, I'm sorry if this has been discussed already... I don't think the search option is working for me, or something.


Second of all, I realize that this source might be completely off the wall, but I'm on my tiny iPod and knee deep in History and Chemistry and IEW- along with a 2 year old running around..... And I just don't have time or the right device to search thoroughly.


So help me out here. Is this source reliable? Are the facts accurate? Can you find me a better source? Is this law really being proposed? Seriously?




You could have simply clicked on the link included in the...um..."article" at the site you linked.



At this time, there is no law under consideration, but a the Commission cited in the link has proposed that all children with certain needs who are being homeschooled would need to have an IEP. 

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The proposal itself seems to be real; the vitriol and rhetoric surrounding it less so.


I'd be surprised if it goes through (and frankly, I agree with the objections), but it's not something that I'd start to panic about other than contacting my congressman or whomever and sending a well-reasoned critique (which this article is not), if I lived in the state.

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I live here and I'm not panicking; this kind of thing comes up almost every year.  Currently CT has no homeschool laws- zero; what we have are merely "suggested guidelines" for homeschoolers and really, I don't see that changing any time in the near future.

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I'm not panicking either. I can't see it passing as blaming homeschooling for Sandy Hook is insane. I am, however, watching it closely. It just makes good sense to be aware of what's going on so that we can respond if needed.


I enjoy the fact that we don't have any laws or regulations here. Other people may be used to it and think it's no big deal but the idea that our only (proposed) regulation will be about the mental or emotional health of our children seems a bit invasive to me. I would be annoyed, but more understanding, if they started requiring a notice of intent or something.


My biggest questions are: Who decides if a child needs to be monitored by the school system? What will the criteria be? There are plenty of people who think that all homeschoolers are socially impaired. I don't want to be forced into being regulated because of that. Also, are they going to go back to the mandatory assessment thing that was proposed last year so that no one gets missed?


I think a better way to improve things would be to actually have services available when parents ask for them and to trust parents to make decisions for their own children. Too many parents are simply brushed aside when they express concern for their children. They should be listened to and helped. Adam Lanza's mother asked for help and was ignored. That was the real problem here IMHO.


Mostly, I see this as a parental rights issue as opposed to a homeschooling one. It basically implies that parents don't know what is best for their children and that we need need government "experts" to tell us what to do.

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You could have simply clicked on the link included in the...um..."article" at the site you linked.



At this time, there is no law under consideration, but a the Commission cited in the link has proposed that all children with certain needs who are being homeschooled would need to have an IEP.

Sorry, I must have passed it over :) I was seriously busy and distracted when reading it- and yeah, I knew the source was over the top- I just honestly didn't have time to seek out truth.


I'm getting kinda lazy when it comes to researching stuff..... It's so much easier to just post something here and see what you guys have to say first ;)


Now I know that I really don't have to- sounds like it won't go through and not a big deal.



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