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Science for Boy with Post Concussion Syndrome

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Some of you probably remember what happened with my son over the summer.  Severe concussion, and skull fracture from a Longboarding accident.  Now he's suffering from Post Concussion Syndrome.  He's 14 and in 9th grade... In a non-concussed state he is smart, and ahead of the game in all things but math (not gifted, but smart and highly motivated).  We were going to do Biology this year, but we need to take a step back in a number of things, 1) because of the concussion, obviously, and 2) the person that "gave" us a microscope asked for it back (not that he could deal with a microscope right now anyway, still has blurry vision).  3) The homeschool group that we are a part of will be offering Biology next year, taught by an actual biologist. So, for these reasons, I think waiting until 10th might be a good idea for him. 


So, my question is, once he's able to do school, what could I do with him for science.  Something resembling high school level (remembering that he is not going to be full capacity for a while). I will probably be reading to him, and writing for him a little bit into his school year. He already did Physical Science last year.  Maybe something like Astronomy, without a math component.  Maybe a simpler version of Anatomy? (but, that probably should come after bio, right?).  Anything interesting, that will not make him feel like he's wasting a year, but will be easy on his brain.  We did so much earth and life science before this point, I think it would bore him to tears. 


The Doctor does want us to start some sort of school work with him, and to gradually add to it, with help, of course.


I've figured out how to handle every other subject.  Just not science.


Thanks, Abby

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Since you are easing back into school I'd go with Astronomy or basic Anatomy (or a semester of each to keep things lighter but still progressive).

This will give him an extra year to continue healing before he hits the 3 'college prep' sciences (Bio, Chem, Physics).

When my middle dd had PCS (after car accident) she was able to memorize-- but her reasoning/deep thinking skills took longer to 'get back'.

There are lots of free interactive websites for both Astronomy and Anatomy-- they can help with the load a bit.




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Anatomy can actually greatly help with biology.  It is one of the best things to memorize a lot of terminology and quite a bit of the systems science stuff.  That allows for the year of actual biology to really be thinking about processes and the critical thinking rather than being bogged down with memorizing/language gaps.

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I am so sorry about your son!  I hope that he will heal quickly this year and that things will return to normal for you all soon.


If you decide to do Anatomy, I like the Anatomy Coloring Book, that might give him some visual help in trying to memorize muscles and bones and etc., just as a supplement to whatever you use.  Good luck.

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