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Book recommendation on parenting tweens/teens?


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I have a friend (no, really . . :001_smile:), who is struggling mightily with parenting and homeschooling her 12- and 14-yos. Listening to her, I think part of the problem is that she is trying to parent these growing, independence-seeking, control-craving young people with essentially the same tools she used with them as youngsters (which has been largely punitive, e.g., groundings and taking away video games, etc., and a bit inconsistent at that).


My guys are a bit younger so I don't have any BTDT advice for her, but I got the sense that she was open to my thoughts regarding her role changing from one of managing their lives and reactions to being more of an influencer and letting natural consequences fall. She mentioned being open to book suggestions. Or maybe even blog posts that speak to this issue? Anyone have suggestions to offer? A Christian perspective would be most welcome.


I should add that this is a lovely family. The issues aren't crisis-level concerns--more along the lines of typical attitudes and behaviors of stubborn kids, but it's new to her and, of course, hard to endure when you're in the thick of it.Thanks.



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