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Unit Studies

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I am trying to figure out what exactly would be "age appropriate" for 7 & 9 yr old boys?? I feel like this is kind of a vague question, though. Lol This past week we started our first ever unit study ("A New World of Adventures") and it's targeted for grades 4-8 so I have to adapt it for younger ages, or at least I've made the attempt. :/  The main focus is early American history (because that's what we all love, lol) but all of the "notes" (which are supposed to be read to the students) seem to be over everyone's head. I want this to be a fun experience that involves a lot of learning...the kind of "fun" where kids don't realize they are learning. ;) Anyway, if anyone has ANY advice to offer, I'd really appreciate it. 

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You might also look at the Christian Cottage unit studies.  Lower target age that would fit your kids better.  I agree I wouldn't sit there reading younger kids notes meant for older kids.  There's too much GREAT STUFF for those ages for american history.  You are just in the PRIME of it!  TruthQuest, Veritas Press, Abeka's grade 4 text, you have tons of great options.  Find a more age-appropriate spine, use that instead of the notes, then just use the activities from the NWOA if they seem to fit your kids.

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I'd ditch the notes and just use the rest of the activities, provided that they are age appropriate for your dc. Find some great books designed for that age group. I'm assuming that you're using a pre-packaged unit study for it's ideas on activities and projects to tie together information across several fields of study. I have always created my own unit studies.

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You might also look at the Christian Cottage unit studies.  Lower target age that would fit your kids better.  I agree I wouldn't sit there reading younger kids notes meant for older kids.  There's too much GREAT STUFF for those ages for american history.  You are just in the PRIME of it!  TruthQuest, Veritas Press, Abeka's grade 4 text, you have tons of great options.  Find a more age-appropriate spine, use that instead of the notes, then just use the activities from the NWOA if they seem to fit your kids.


I already had A Beka's grade 4 text and I'm thinking about using that as a spine and going from there. Thank you!! :)

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I'd ditch the notes and just use the rest of the activities, provided that they are age appropriate for your dc. Find some great books designed for that age group. I'm assuming that you're using a pre-packaged unit study for it's ideas on activities and projects to tie together information across several fields of study. I have always created my own unit studies.


Yes, this is a pre-packaged unit study. And I'm ditching the notes. I asked my older son what he liked about the whole study and he said he loved reading the library books and my younger son likes the pictures in those books. But we all hate the notes for various reasons. So that's the first to go. :) I just liked the way this particular unit study moved slower through history so we could cover everything more thoroughly. My biggest issue is NOT piling material on them that they are too  young to grasp! :/ 

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I used ANWOA with my son starting in 4th grade. I wouldn't ditch the notes totally. Some of it gets too nitty gritty and is hard for them but other stuff is great. I loved the questions and such for literature. Do. Not. Skip. Those. My son absolutely loved ANWOA. We did Bible (which was awesome), literature, history and only the projects that interested him.


We didn't do science because it was way too easy for him, or grammar because we did the Classical Conversations program.


I also added lap books to coordinate with the different units.


But I'm not sure I would do it with a 7yo. You could easily use this in a couple of years when they are both old enough.

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