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After Famous Five, what next?

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For her fun reading, dd has been reading through the Famous Five series and will soon be done with them. She needs something just a bit more challenging to read. She would like another series. At 6, she isn't ready for anything more mature in content (so nothing with teen romance or anything confronting). Any suggestions for books on a similar interest level to Famous Five but with a more complex writing style?

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Thank you so much for suggesting the Eager books: she loved them, and now her brother is reading them. I gather the reading level is pretty cruisy for Ms. 6, so I'm still scouring various lists for the next level up. There seems to be a big gap between this kind of book and the Ann of Green Gables / Little Women / etc level of books - have to discover what is in between...  I'm thinking Eragon might be good, but haven't read it and don't trust website recs as far as age/interest suitability goes (one site recommended the Hunger Games novels, which I have read and don't judge appropriate for little kids!)

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I second 'Secret Seven'. Loved them as a kid. In fact, almost any book by Enid Blyton should be ok for a 6 yr old

The 'Adventure Series' by Enid Blyton? Along the same lines as secret seven and famous five..

or How about Encyclopaedia Brown written by Donald Sobol?

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The St Clare's and Malory Towers books are just a notch up from Famous Five, but still tame, IIRC.


I remember reading a few stories by Nina Bawden when I was emerging from my Blyton phase, around the same age: Carrie's War; The Witch's Daughter; The Peppermint Pig.


Over Sea Under Stone, and the books which follow, by Susan Cooper


Maybe try some Victor Kelleher?


Has Ursula K Le Guin written anything suitable for this age group? I don't remember whether the Earthsea Quartet might be a little advanced. I know I enjoyed it when I was just a tad older.

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