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What is your 14 year old daughter reading these days?

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I am still trying to put together a good book list for my daughter to read for school.  I like to put things on the list from a variety of genres.  She like realistic fiction and historical fiction.   She also like mysteries.   We don't like her to read about vampires or similar things.  So PLEASE if you would help me delveop a good list I would greatly appreciate it.  Oh, she reads at her age level or a little above.



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I have 8th and 9th grade dd's.  My 8th grader is reading Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Yearling, Lord of the Flies, A Tale of 2 Cities, Romeo and Juliet, and The Diary of Ann Frank.  She is doing 8th grade k12.  My 9th grade dd is in public school Pre-Ap English.  She is reading To Kill a Mockingbird, Romeo and Juliet, and Of Mice and Men this term.  Those are the assigned reading for the class and they have intense projects to go with the reading as well as Socratic discussion in class.  She also reads other books for English but they are not assigned and they choose them.  Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, and those type of novels are her free reads.  Enders Game is also a good one.  My dd13 still reads the Warriors Cat series and Seekers.  

My 8th graders choices for novels this year were To Kill a Mockingbird, A Separate Peace, Jane Eyre, The Yearling, Anne Frank, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas, Animal Farm, and Lord of the Flies.  


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Yours might like The Hiding Place (about Corrie Ten Boom and the Holocaust).


Mine had to read several books for school this summer (entering high school), including


A History of The World in 6 Glasses

Funny in Farsi

A Long Way Gone: Memoir of a Boy Soldier


She's also just about to read the sequel to Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

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For fun, some of the girls' favorites are:


The Fault in Our Stars

Life as We Knew It

The Divergent Series

Harry Potter

The Maze Runner

Maximum Ride


For school this year they are reading a lot of Shakespeare, The Lord of the Flies, Frankenstein, Jane Eyre, and whatever else I can throw in there if they get through that list.


*I don't know what you are comfortable with your 14 year old reading, so some of those books may be more mature than you'd like.  For free reading I don't really censor much.

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