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Share Your Recipe for Bacon Wrapped Dates!


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I've heard people talk about this and it always sounded gross.  Then I had them at a restaurant!  Oh my goodness!  I am now craving them!

They were bacon wrapped dates, and the dates had some kind of cream cheesy filling.  Then there was a spicy dipping sauce.


Anyone want to share their favorite recipe?

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We love them!  Here's how we do it:


You will need:


Bacon - not the thick sliced

Dates - pitted

almonds - natural or smokehouse.  we have done both.  the salted almonds are a nice touch


Line a bar pan with foil. Heat your oven to 450.


Open the bacon and slice the pack into 3rds - so that each slice of bacon is cut into 3 short pieces.  

You can sort of squeeze the almond right into the dates - there is a hole in the date where it was pitted.  So, put an almond inside of a date.  Stretch the bacon to wrap around the date, then weave the toothpick through the bacon/date to hold the bacon in place.  


Put each bacon wrapped date on the foil wrapped pan.  Bake for about 5 minutes.  Turn the dates with some tongs.  Bake for about 5 more minutes, until the bacon looks crispy and not too wiggly.  Keep an eye on them - they cook fast.  If the bacon doesn't seem to be browning, you can broil the dates, too. 


Best if served hot.  


We found by sad experience that bacon wrapped dates stick to paper towels, so drain on a piece of parchment unless you want to add a little paper fiber to your dates...


Yum!  Wish I had some for a little midnight snack. They taste like a little bit of bacon and brown sugar.  Mmmm!

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I make these every Christmas eve for a caroling party we go to.  People always contact me a couple of weeks before to make sure I will be bringing them. 


Honey-teriyaki bacon-wrapped dates


  • Medjool Dates
  • 2 packages of natural uncured bacon
  • toothpicks
  • honey teriyaki sauce (I used to use Tastefully Simple's sauce, but they keep discontinuing it, plus I am always looking for something healthier, so I use Trader Joe's Soyaki, add a little honey and thicken it with cornstarch or arrowroot on the stove while the bacon-dates are cooking.) 


Partially pre-cook the bacon in the microwave to help remove some of the excess fat.  I lay the bacon between a few paper towels and cook it for about half the time recommended - maybe 2 minutes for 5 slices.  It should still be soft. 

Wash the dates and remove the pit by cutting a slit into the side and pulling it out.

Wrap each date in 1/2 sheet of bacon and secure with a toothpick.

Bake on a broiling pan or foil-lined cookie sheet in a 400 degree oven until bacon starts to get crispy and browned. 

Remove bacon from pan with tongs and place in a large glass mixing bowl.  Pour honey teriyaki sauce over the top, toss, and serve. 

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Is nothing sacred to you whacko bacon people????  I swear you will wrap anything in bacon!  There's bacon beer, bacon perfume (GROSS!), bacon flavored lip gloss, bacon roses....where does it end?  Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!  You bacon people!


Of course I'm just kidding(ish).  I do not eat bacon though, as the smell makes me ill.  I cook Turkey bacon at our house (very rarely though), and everyone loves it.  Indy won't eat pork bacon now, because he says it tastes weird and greasy, not like the bacon we have at home.  BTW, all those things I listed above are real.  Bacon perfume?  For the love of all that's holy, WHY?

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